select irstream symbol, volume, price from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec)
select irstream symbol, volume, price from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) output every 1 seconds
select irstream symbol, volume, price from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) output last every 1 seconds
select irstream symbol, volume, price from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) output first every 1 seconds
select irstream symbol, volume, price from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) output snapshot every 1 seconds A3
select irstream sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec)
select irstream sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) output every 1 seconds
select irstream sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) output last every 1 seconds
select irstream sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) output first every 1 seconds
select irstream sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) output snapshot every 1 seconds A4
select irstream symbol, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec)
select irstream symbol, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) output every 1 seconds
select irstream symbol, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) output last every 1 seconds
select irstream symbol, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) output first every 1 seconds
select irstream symbol, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) output snapshot every 1 seconds A5
select irstream symbol, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) group by symbol order by symbol
select irstream symbol, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) group by symbol output every 1 seconds
select irstream symbol, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) group by symbol output all every 1 seconds order by symbol
select irstream symbol, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) group by symbol output last every 1 seconds order by symbol
select irstream symbol, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) group by symbol output first every 1 seconds
select irstream symbol, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) group by symbol output snapshot every 1 seconds order by symbol A6
select irstream symbol, volume, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) group by symbol
select irstream symbol, volume, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) group by symbol output every 1 seconds
select irstream symbol, volume, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) group by symbol output all every 1 seconds order by symbol
select irstream symbol, volume, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) group by symbol output last every 1 seconds order by symbol
select irstream symbol, volume, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) group by symbol output first every 1 seconds
select irstream symbol, volume, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) group by symbol output snapshot every 1 seconds A7
select irstream symbol, volume, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) group by rollup(symbol)
select irstream symbol, volume, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) group by rollup(symbol) output every 1 seconds
select irstream symbol, volume, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) group by rollup(symbol) output all every 1 seconds
select irstream symbol, volume, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) group by rollup(symbol) output last every 1 seconds
select irstream symbol, volume, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) group by rollup(symbol) output first every 1 seconds
select irstream symbol, volume, sum(price) from MarketDate.win.time(5.5 sec) group by rollup(symbol) output snapshot every 1 seconds

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