1. <style type="text/css">
  2. .rightdirection
  3. {
  4. width:0;height:0;
  5. line-height:0;
  6. border-width:20px;
  7. border-style:solid;
  8. border-color:transparent transparent transparent #A9DBF6;
  9. }
  10. .bottomdirection
  11. {
  12. width:0;height:0;
  13. line-height:0;
  14. border-width:20px;
  15. border-style:solid;
  16. border-color: #A9DBF6 transparent transparent transparent;
  17. }
  18. .leftdirection
  19. {
  20. width:0;height:0;
  21. line-height:0;
  22. border-width:20px;
  23. border-style:solid;
  24. border-color: transparent #A9DBF6 transparent transparent;
  25. }
  26. .topdirection
  27. {
  28. width:0;height:0;
  29. line-height:0;
  30. border-width:20px;
  31. border-style:solid;
  32. border-color: transparent transparent #A9DBF6 transparent;
  33. }
  34. .topdirection1
  35. {
  36. width:0;height:0;
  37. line-height:0;
  38. border-width:20px;
  39. border-style:solid;
  40. border-color: #A9DBF6 transparent transparent #A9DBF6 ;
  41. }
  42. </style>
  43. <div class="rightdirection"></div>
  44. <p>
  45. <div class="bottomdirection"></div>
  46. <p>
  47. <div class="leftdirection"></div>
  48. <p>
  49. <div class="topdirection"></div>
  51. <br/><br/><br/><br/>
  52. <div class="topdirection1"></div>


.telta span{ color: #fff; font-weight: bold; position: absolute; margin-top: -5px; margin-left: -9px; -webkit-transform:rotate(-45deg); }

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