*459. Repeated Substring Pattern (O(n^2)) two pointers could be better?
Given a non-empty string check if it can be constructed by taking a substring of it and appending multiple copies of the substring together. You may assume the given string consists of lowercase English letters only and its length will not exceed 10000.
Example 1:
Input: "abab" Output: True Explanation: It's the substring "ab" twice.
Example 2:
Input: "aba" Output: False
Example 3:
Input: "abcabcabcabc" Output: True Explanation: It's the substring "abc" four times. (And the substring "abcabc" twice.)
Solution: O(n^2)
create different gaps. Hard part is to check if they are repeated substring with fixed number (boundary cased needed to be care)
class Solution {
boolean check(String s, int i){//check each gap
int j = 0;
String temp1 = s.substring(j,j+i); // define temp1
j = j+i;//move the gap distance
if(j+i>s.length()) break;
String temp2 = s.substring(j, j+i);//compare the String
if(!temp1.equals(temp2)) return false;
temp1 = temp2;
//if(j+i==s.length()) break;
if(j+i==s.length()) return true;
return false;
public boolean repeatedSubstringPattern(String s) {
if(s==null || s.length() == 1) return false;
for(int i = 1; i<=s.length()/2; i++){
if(s.length()%i!=0) continue;
//int j = 0;
if(check(s, i)) return true;
return false;
In a String, check if "ababab" 's substring has repested pattern
compare each character.
class Solution {
boolean check(String s, int i){//check each gap
int j = 0;
while(j+i < s.length()){
if(s.charAt(j) != s.charAt(j+i)) return false;//copare each characters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
return true;
public boolean repeatedSubstringPattern(String s) {
if(s==null || s.length() == 1) return false;
for(int i = 1; i<=s.length()/2; i++){
if(s.length()%i!=0) continue;
//int j = 0;
if(check(s, i)) return true;
return false;
Solution 3 (O(n)) using build in function and simple tricks
public boolean repeatedSubstringPattern(String s) {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(s + s); //concatenate the given string with itself
str.deleteCharAt(0); //remove first char
str.deleteCharAt(str.length() - 1); //remove last char return str.indexOf(s) !=-1? true: false; //check if the given string is substring of the new string
Given a non-empty string check if it can be constructed by taking a substring of it and appending multiple copies of the substring together. You may assume the given string consists of lowercase English letters only and its length will not exceed 10000.
Example 1:
Input: "abab" Output: True Explanation: It's the substring "ab" twice.
Example 2:
Input: "aba" Output: False
Example 3:
Input: "abcabcabcabc" Output: True Explanation: It's the substring "abc" four times. (And the substring "abcabc" twice.)
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