
Hint: 題目原文是英文的, 寫得很難看, 因此翻譯為中文.

Input Format

First Line is the size of the array i.e. \(N\)

Next Line contains N space separated numbers \(A_i\) denoting the array

Next N line follows denoting \(Li\) and \(Ri\) for each functions.

Next Line contains an integer \(Q\) , number of queries to follow.

Next \(Q\) line follows , each line containing a query of Type 1 or Type 2.

1 x y : denotes a type 1 query,where x and y are integers

2 m n : denotes a type 2 query where m and n are integers

Output Format

For each query of type 2 , output as asked above.


\(1 ≤ N ≤ 10^5\)

\(1 ≤ A i ≤ 10^9\)

\(1 ≤ L i ≤ N\)

$L i ≤ R i ≤ N $

\(1 ≤ Q ≤ 10^5\)

$1 ≤ x ≤ N $

\(1 ≤ y ≤ 10^9\)

$1 ≤ m ≤ N \(
\)m ≤ n ≤ N$


Subtask \(1\): \(N ≤ 1000 , Q ≤ 1000\) , \(10\) points

Subtask \(2\): \(R-L ≤ 10\) , all x will be distinct ,\(10\) points

Subtask \(3\): Refer to constraints above , \(80\) points

Sample Input

1 2 3 4 5
1 3
2 5
4 5
3 5
1 2
2 1 4
1 3 7
2 1 4
2 3 5

Sample Output



Functions values initially :

$F[1] = 1+ 2 + 3 = 6 \(
\)F[2] = 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 14 \(
\)F[3] = 4+5 = 9 \(
\)F[4] = 3+4+5 = 12 \(
\)F[5] = 1+2 = 3 $

Query \(1\): $F[1] + F[2] + F[3] + F[4] = 41 \(
After Update , the Functions are :
\)F[1] = 10 , F[2] = 18 , F[3] = 9 , F[4] = 16 , F[5] = 3 $

Query \(3\): $F[1] + F[2] + F[3] + F[4] = 53 $

Query \(4\): \(F[3]+F[4]+F[5] = 28\)



对函数进行分块处理. 维护两个数组, 其中\(sum[i]\)表示第\(i\)个块中的函数值的总和; \(cnt[i][j]\)表示第\(i\)个块中\(a[j]\)被累加的次数. \(cnt\)数组在预处理时可以通过累加前缀和的方法, \(O \left( n * sqrt(n) \right)\)完成. 而对于每次修改\(a[i]\)的值, 也可以在\(O \left(sqrt(n) * log(n) \right)\)的时间复杂度内完成维护.

using namespace std; inline long long read()
long long x = 0, flag = 1;
char c;
while(! isdigit(c = getchar()))
if(c == '-')
flag *= - 1;
x = x * 10 + c - '0', c = getchar();
return x * flag;
} void println(long long x)
if(x < 0)
putchar('-'), x *= - 1;
if(x == 0)
long long ans[1 << 5], top = 0;
ans[top ++] = x % 10, x /= 10;
for(; top; top --)
putchar(ans[top - 1] + '0');
} const long long N = 1 << 17; long long n; long long a[N];
long long L[N], R[N];
long long T[N]; inline void modify(long long u, long long x)
for(; u <= n; u += u & - u)
T[u] += (long long)x;
} long long unit, num; long long cnt[1 << 9][N];
long long sum[1 << 9]; void update(long long x, long long y)
for(long long i = 0; i < num; i ++)
sum[i] += (long long)cnt[i][x] * (y - a[x]); modify(x, y - a[x]);
a[x] = y;
} inline long long query(long long u)
long long ret = 0; for(; u; u -= u & - u)
ret += T[u]; return ret;
} long long ask(long long _L, long long _R)
long long lBlock = _L / unit, rBlock = _R / unit;
long long ret = 0; if(lBlock == rBlock)
for(long long i = _L; i <= _R; i ++)
ret += query(R[i]) - query(L[i] - 1);
for(long long i = lBlock + 1; i < rBlock; i ++)
ret += sum[i]; for(long long i = _L; i < (lBlock + 1) * unit; i ++)
ret += query(R[i]) - query(L[i] - 1); for(long long i = unit * rBlock; i <= _R; i ++)
ret += query(R[i]) - query(L[i] - 1);
} return ret;
} int main()
freopen("chefAndChurus.in", "r", stdin);
freopen("chefAndChurus.out", "w", stdout);
#endif n = read();
memset(T, 0, sizeof(T)); for(long long i = 1; i <= n; i ++)
modify(i, a[i] = read()); for(long long i = 0; i < n; i ++)
L[i] = read(), R[i] = read(); unit = (long long)sqrt(n);
long long cur = - 1; memset(cnt, 0, sizeof(cnt)); for(long long i = 0; i < n; i ++)
if(i % unit == 0)
cur ++; cnt[cur][L[i]] ++, cnt[cur][R[i] + 1] --;
} num = cur + 1; memset(sum, 0, sizeof(sum)); for(long long i = 0; i < num; i ++)
for(long long j = 1; j <= n; j ++)
cnt[i][j] += cnt[i][j - 1];
sum[i] += (long long)cnt[i][j] * a[j];
} long long m = read(); for(long long i = 0; i < m; i ++)
long long opt = read(), x = read(), y = read(); if(opt == 1)
update(x, y);
println(ask(x - 1, y - 1));

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