using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text; namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ModelStudentContainer DemoDB = new ModelStudentContainer(); #region 增加数据 ////创建具体实体(表中一行)
//Student stu1 = new Student()
// ID = 1,
// Name = "张飞",
// Age = 20
//Student stu2 = new Student()
// ID = 2,
// Name = "关羽",
// Age = 21
//Student stu3 = new Student()
// ID = 3,
// Name = "赵云",
// Age = 22
//Student stu4 = new Student()
// ID = 4,
// Name = "刘备",
// Age = 23
//Student stu5 = new Student()
// ID = 5,
// Name = "刘表",
// Age = 24
//Student stu6 = new Student()
// ID = 6,
// Name = "刘禅",
// Age = 25
//}; ////将实体stu添加到数据库实体对象中
//DemoDB.Student.AddObject(stu6); ////保存对数据库的修改
//DemoDB.SaveChanges(); #endregion #region 查询1:一般查询,查询所有数据 //var result = from u in DemoDB.Student
// select u; //foreach (var item in result)
// Console.WriteLine("ID:{0},姓名:{1},年龄:{2}。", item.ID, item.Name, item.Age);
//} #endregion #region 查询2:使用ToList防止延迟加载,拆分子查询 ////这个查询结果可以保存到服务器内存中
//var result1 = (from u in DemoDB.Student
// where u.Age >= 22
// select u).ToList<Student>(); //var result2 = from u in result1
// where u.Name != "赵云"
// select u; //foreach (var item in result2)
// Console.WriteLine("ID:{0},姓名:{1},年龄:{2}。", item.ID, item.Name, item.Age);
//} #endregion #region 查询3:使用Where方法(lambda表达式) ////使用了Where泛型方法,要传入一个lambda表达式
//var result = DemoDB.Student
// .Where<Student>(t => t.ID == 1); //foreach (var item in result)
// Console.WriteLine("ID:{0},姓名:{1},年龄:{2}。", item.ID, item.Name, item.Age);
//} #endregion #region 查询4:Linq分页查询 ////要跳过多少页
//int skipPage;
//int countPerPage=2; ////从跳过0页到跳过2页(输出第1-3页)
//for (skipPage = 0; skipPage <= 2; skipPage++)
// var result = DemoDB.Student
// .OrderBy(t => t.ID)
// .Skip<Student>(skipPage * countPerPage)
// .Take<Student>(countPerPage); // Console.WriteLine("第{0}页:", skipPage + 1);
// foreach (var item in result)
// {
// Console.WriteLine("ID:{0},姓名:{1},年龄:{2}。", item.ID, item.Name, item.Age);
// } // Console.WriteLine();
//} #endregion #region 查询5:使用匿名类查询多个字段 //var result = from p in DemoDB.Student
// where p.ID < 4
// select new { p.ID, p.Name }; //foreach (var item in result)
// Console.WriteLine("ID:{0},姓名:{1}。", item.ID, item.Name);
//} #endregion #region 修改1:修改1条记录 ////这里没有写where字句,会查询出4条记录
//var result = from u in DemoDB.Student
// select u; ////但是这个方法一次只能取出一条记录
//var target = result.FirstOrDefault<Student>();
//target.Name = "司马懿"; //DemoDB.SaveChanges(); #endregion #region 修改2:修改多条记录 //var result = from u in DemoDB.Student
// select u; ////使用循环方式,修改所有查询到的记录
//foreach (var item in result)
// item.Age = 10;
//} //DemoDB.SaveChanges(); #endregion #region 删除 //var result = from u in DemoDB.Student
// where u.Name == "关羽"
// select u; ////删除所有查询结果(这里只有一条结果)
//foreach (var item in result)
// DemoDB.Student.DeleteObject(item);
//} //DemoDB.SaveChanges(); #endregion Console.WriteLine("执行完毕!");


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