PostgreSQL: Documentation: 10: 16.4. Installation Procedure



pg_ctl -D /usr/local/pgsql/data initdb

2、修改初始化化后的配置文件 /usr/local/pgsql/data/ .conf

[dbuser@test pgsql]$ ll -as  /usr/local/pgsql/data/
total 144
4 drwx------ 19 dbuser dbuser 4096 Aug 15 21:38 .
4 drwxrwxrwx 7 root root 4096 Aug 15 20:24 ..
4 drwx------ 6 dbuser dbuser 4096 Aug 15 21:34 base
4 drwx------ 2 dbuser dbuser 4096 Aug 15 21:34 global
4 drwx------ 2 dbuser dbuser 4096 Aug 15 20:24 pg_commit_ts
4 drwx------ 2 dbuser dbuser 4096 Aug 15 20:24 pg_dynshmem
8 -rw------- 1 dbuser dbuser 4585 Aug 15 21:09 pg_hba.conf
4 -rw------- 1 dbuser dbuser 1636 Aug 15 20:24 pg_ident.conf
4 drwx------ 4 dbuser dbuser 4096 Aug 15 21:39 pg_logical
4 drwx------ 4 dbuser dbuser 4096 Aug 15 20:24 pg_multixact
4 drwx------ 2 dbuser dbuser 4096 Aug 15 21:22 pg_notify
4 drwx------ 2 dbuser dbuser 4096 Aug 15 20:24 pg_replslot
4 drwx------ 2 dbuser dbuser 4096 Aug 15 20:24 pg_serial
4 drwx------ 2 dbuser dbuser 4096 Aug 15 20:24 pg_snapshots
4 drwx------ 2 dbuser dbuser 4096 Aug 15 21:22 pg_stat
4 drwx------ 2 dbuser dbuser 4096 Aug 15 21:44 pg_stat_tmp
4 drwx------ 2 dbuser dbuser 4096 Aug 15 20:24 pg_subtrans
4 drwx------ 2 dbuser dbuser 4096 Aug 15 20:24 pg_tblspc
4 drwx------ 2 dbuser dbuser 4096 Aug 15 20:24 pg_twophase
4 -rw------- 1 dbuser dbuser 3 Aug 15 20:24 PG_VERSION
4 drwx------ 3 dbuser dbuser 4096 Aug 15 20:24 pg_wal
4 drwx------ 2 dbuser dbuser 4096 Aug 15 20:24 pg_xact
4 -rw------- 1 dbuser dbuser 88 Aug 15 20:24
24 -rw------- 1 dbuser dbuser 22863 Aug 15 20:30 postgresql.conf
4 -rw------- 1 dbuser dbuser 59 Aug 15 21:22 postmaster.opts
4 -rw------- 1 dbuser dbuser 79 Aug 15 21:22
[dbuser@test pgsql]$


/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -l logfile start


[dbuser@test pgsql]$ psql -h localhost -p 5432 postgres dbuser 

pg_ctl restart -D  /usr/local/pgsql/data/

# PostgreSQL Client Authentication Configuration File
# ===================================================
# Refer to the "Client Authentication" section in the PostgreSQL
# documentation for a complete description of this file. A short
# synopsis follows.
# This file controls: which hosts are allowed to connect, how clients
# are authenticated, which PostgreSQL user names they can use, which
# databases they can access. Records take one of these forms:
# (The uppercase items must be replaced by actual values.)
# The first field is the connection type: "local" is a Unix-domain
# socket, "host" is either a plain or SSL-encrypted TCP/IP socket,
# "hostssl" is an SSL-encrypted TCP/IP socket, and "hostnossl" is a
# plain TCP/IP socket.
# DATABASE can be "all", "sameuser", "samerole", "replication", a
# database name, or a comma-separated list thereof. The "all"
# keyword does not match "replication". Access to replication
# must be enabled in a separate record (see example below).
# USER can be "all", a user name, a group name prefixed with "+", or a
# comma-separated list thereof. In both the DATABASE and USER fields
# you can also write a file name prefixed with "@" to include names
# from a separate file.
# ADDRESS specifies the set of hosts the record matches. It can be a
# host name, or it is made up of an IP address and a CIDR mask that is
# an integer (between 0 and 32 (IPv4) or 128 (IPv6) inclusive) that
# specifies the number of significant bits in the mask. A host name
# that starts with a dot (.) matches a suffix of the actual host name.
# Alternatively, you can write an IP address and netmask in separate
# columns to specify the set of hosts. Instead of a CIDR-address, you
# can write "samehost" to match any of the server's own IP addresses,
# or "samenet" to match any address in any subnet that the server is
# directly connected to.
# METHOD can be "trust", "reject", "md5", "password", "scram-sha-256",
# "gss", "sspi", "ident", "peer", "pam", "ldap", "radius" or "cert".
# Note that "password" sends passwords in clear text; "md5" or
# "scram-sha-256" are preferred since they send encrypted passwords.
# OPTIONS are a set of options for the authentication in the format
# NAME=VALUE. The available options depend on the different
# authentication methods -- refer to the "Client Authentication"
# section in the documentation for a list of which options are
# available for which authentication methods.
# Database and user names containing spaces, commas, quotes and other
# special characters must be quoted. Quoting one of the keywords
# "all", "sameuser", "samerole" or "replication" makes the name lose
# its special character, and just match a database or username with
# that name.
# This file is read on server startup and when the server receives a
# SIGHUP signal. If you edit the file on a running system, you have to
# SIGHUP the server for the changes to take effect, run "pg_ctl reload",
# or execute "SELECT pg_reload_conf()".
# Put your actual configuration here
# ----------------------------------
# If you want to allow non-local connections, you need to add more
# "host" records. In that case you will also need to make PostgreSQL
# listen on a non-local interface via the listen_addresses
# configuration parameter, or via the -i or -h command line switches.

# CAUTION: Configuring the system for local "trust" authentication
# allows any local user to connect as any PostgreSQL user, including
# the database superuser. If you do not trust all your local users,
# use another authentication method.


# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local all all trust
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all trust
# IPv6 local connections:
host all all ::1/128 trust
# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
# replication privilege.
local replication all trust
host replication all trust
host replication all ::1/128 trust
host all dbuser password

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