
In this simple exercise, you will create a program that will take two lists of integers, a and b. Each list will consist of 3 positive integers above 0, representing the dimensions of cuboids a and b. You must find the difference of the cuboids' volumes regardless of which is bigger.

For example, if the parameters passed are ([2, 2, 3], [5, 4, 1]), the volume of a is 12 and the volume of b is 20. Therefore, the function should return 8.

Your function will be tested with pre-made examples as well as random ones.

If you can, try writing it in one line of code.


def find_difference(a, b):
# Your code here!
x = a[0]*a[1]*a[2]
y = b[0]*b[1]*b[2]
return max(x, y)-min(x, y)


from numpy import prod

def find_difference(a, b):
return abs(prod(a) - prod(b))
def find_difference(a, b):
return abs((a[1]*a[2]*a[0])-b[1]*b[2]*b[0])



2、list里面值的乘积使用prod(list),需要导入,from numpy import prod

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