CN_Week1_Neuron_code on Coursera

Abstract for week2:

-- 1. Technique for recording from the brain.

-- 2. Tools for discovering how the brain represents information.

-- 3. Models that express our understanding of this representation.

1. Method, recording the brain:

   Reading out the neural code: electrode arrays(which can catch individual signal), calcium imaging.

   Look into the cell: patch electrodes.

   Retina: #### 图1 ####

   In raster plot show that certain cells fire at some particular times during the stimulus presentation. Besides, we can learn about some useful information, be continued.

2. What's neural code?

  Encoding and decoding === > P(response | stimulus) and P(stimulus | response)

3. Building up complex selectivity

  The idea of hierarchical features being assembled in a feed forward way is the basis for many powerful and important models.



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