
There's only one thing to do in Berlen - that is listening the sound of wind.

[The Trellor] Chapter 1 - The Advaced Train

It has a rare holiday when summer came to Trellor - our protagonist. What will she do to enjoy it? Of course, she decided to go to the biggest city of Berlen to have a view. The biggest city is also the capital of the whole country,it calls the Berlen City - the same name as the country.

As the Berlen got development, the Berlen City gradually becoming a super-tradecenter. It has not only the most beautiful scenery, but the most crowds.

To be honest, Trellor looked like a little nervous in the train station. That was because the train will set out in three minutes according to the ticket, but it hasn't even been ticket checking!

This situation lasted for three minutes, and the train set out itself finally.

Then Trellor went to the ticket seller angrily. She said, "Why my train set out without getting me on?"

The seller said, "Oh, That train don't stop at this station, you must got wrong. Let me see you ticket."

"That's right. Your train is still here. In Platform 4." Then she point at where the train at.

All right, there are indeed several trains there. So Trellor went to. Why she thought her train set out? She looked at her watch, it's 14:00, then shen looked at the ticket again, it's 4:00 p.m.. Emm.. that's the reason. But never mind, the problem has already been soluted. She waited until 4:00 p.m.,and finally got on the train.

On the train, she thought, that was so strange, it was all because I'm careless and I didn't care about my ticket. So It's time to check it throughout.

She took the ticket out, and said," Time,from 14:00 to 18:00, Okey. Starting, Denyeoghenton Train Station. Destination ... Wait. Why it isn't the Berlen City? It's ... the Nodison Port Station... There must be something wrong." And she went a hurry with asking everywhere, like a deer who got hurt.

There's no doubt that she bought a wrong ticket, and it seemed like she had to but another ticket to arrive where she wanted to. Luckily, the Nodison Port was coming into the sight.

If she chose Nodison Port as her travel destination, she will certainly felt how correct her choice was. It can be said that there is no other place in the world that is more beautiful than here. This place can even be called the "City of Flowers" because everywhere you can see flower shops selling various flowers such as azaleas, roses, peonies, cornflowers, and so on. What's even more novel is that sculptures are everywhere here, and there are flames burning around each sculpture.

She step off the train and went straight to the nearest hotel. She decided to sleep a night before another setting out. Besides, there are also have many sights in Nodison. As it saying goes, take it as it comes, it's just the best life style.

Beside the way she saw a big poster on the wall with an announcement of an event. It said that it was the biggest event in Nodison. It's all about a “worship ceremony”. "What could it be like? Why people do that?", while she was thinking, the hotel owner has already gone out to welcome her.

She book a room, then taking advantage of this opportunity, she asked the hotel owner these few questions. Then the owner said.

"Have you ever heard about Nodison as the 'Fire City'? Fire elemental is our symbol, as there are all active flames around city and we all believe in the Flovia - The Descendants of Fire, also our leader."

"You have certainly already noticed that everyone seems to expect a great event. That's Nodison Worship Ceremony, host by Flovia, its purpose is to pray to the god of fire for the stability of Nodison next year. Every time when the ceremony comes, tourists in Nodison often increase by more than three times, that is of cour..."

"Emmm... Sorry to interrupt you. You just said that there will be a lot of people coming to Nodison, does that mean there will be an increase in trains?"

"All right. I must do something preperation." Without waiting the answer of the owner ,she has already gone out.

In fact, there were not such many people as the owner said, but it's already became crowded on the street. Trellor was not in a hurry to find the train station, after all, she still wanted to watch the ceremony here before leaving, so she needed to spend time studying this city first.

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