
The patch modifies the URLs in the .ini file.
Customers could do this themselves by following this by doing the following:
• Update the existing lvnetset.ini from the following locations:
a. On Windows: <diamond_install_location>/data/lvnetset.ini
b. On Linux: <diamond_install_location>/data/lvnetset.ini
• Replace the contents of lvnetset.ini with the below text:

IP_Server_Url = https://ipupdate.latticesemi.com/ipexpress/
Web_Url = https://www.latticesemi.com
Server_Url = https://diamondupdate.latticesemi.com/
Active_Url = https://www.latticesemi.com/activesupport/cflistener.cfm
Upload_Url = https://diamonderror.latticesemi.com

如有问题以及资料更新 ,请联系 www.szfpga.com


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