# encoding: utf-8
import lasagne.layers as L
import lasagne
import theano
import theano.tensor as TT
class ParamLayer(L.Layer):
def __init__(self, incoming, num_units, param=lasagne.init.Constant(0.),
trainable=True, **kwargs):
super(ParamLayer, self).__init__(incoming, **kwargs)
self.num_units = num_units
self.param = self.add_param(
def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shape):
return input_shape[:-1] + (self.num_units,)
def get_output_for(self, input, **kwargs):
ndim = input.ndim
reshaped_param = TT.reshape(self.param, (1,) * (ndim - 1) + (self.num_units,))
tile_arg = TT.concatenate([input.shape[:-1], [1]])
tiled = TT.tile(reshaped_param, tile_arg, ndim=ndim)
return tiled
class OpLayer(L.MergeLayer):
def __init__(self, incoming, op,
shape_op=lambda x: x, extras=None, **kwargs):
if extras is None:
extras = []
incomings = [incoming] + extras
super(OpLayer, self).__init__(incomings, **kwargs)
self.op = op
self.shape_op = shape_op
self.incomings = incomings
def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shapes):
return self.shape_op(*input_shapes)
def get_output_for(self, inputs, **kwargs):
return self.op(*inputs)
class BatchNormLayer(L.Layer):
lasagne.layers.BatchNormLayer(incoming, axes='auto', epsilon=1e-4,
alpha=0.1, mode='low_mem',
beta=lasagne.init.Constant(0), gamma=lasagne.init.Constant(1),
mean=lasagne.init.Constant(0), std=lasagne.init.Constant(1), **kwargs)
Batch Normalization
This layer implements batch normalization of its inputs, following [1]_:
.. math::
y = \\frac{x - \\mu}{\\sqrt{\\sigma^2 + \\epsilon}} \\gamma + \\beta
That is, the input is normalized to zero mean and unit variance, and then
linearly transformed. The crucial part is that the mean and variance are
computed across the batch dimension, i.e., over examples, not per example.
During training, :math:`\\mu` and :math:`\\sigma^2` are defined to be the
mean and variance of the current input mini-batch :math:`x`, and during
testing, they are replaced with average statistics over the training
data. Consequently, this layer has four stored parameters: :math:`\\beta`,
:math:`\\gamma`, and the averages :math:`\\mu` and :math:`\\sigma^2`
(nota bene: instead of :math:`\\sigma^2`, the layer actually stores
:math:`1 / \\sqrt{\\sigma^2 + \\epsilon}`, for compatibility to cuDNN).
By default, this layer learns the average statistics as exponential moving
averages computed during training, so it can be plugged into an existing
network without any changes of the training procedure (see Notes).
incoming : a :class:`Layer` instance or a tuple
The layer feeding into this layer, or the expected input shape
axes : 'auto', int or tuple of int
The axis or axes to normalize over. If ``'auto'`` (the default),
normalize over all axes except for the second: this will normalize over
the minibatch dimension for dense layers, and additionally over all
spatial dimensions for convolutional layers.
epsilon : scalar
Small constant :math:`\\epsilon` added to the variance before taking
the square root and dividing by it, to avoid numerical problems
alpha : scalar
Coefficient for the exponential moving average of batch-wise means and
standard deviations computed during training; the closer to one, the
more it will depend on the last batches seen
beta : Theano shared variable, expression, numpy array, callable or None
Initial value, expression or initializer for :math:`\\beta`. Must match
the incoming shape, skipping all axes in `axes`. Set to ``None`` to fix
it to 0.0 instead of learning it.
See :func:`lasagne.utils.create_param` for more information.
gamma : Theano shared variable, expression, numpy array, callable or None
Initial value, expression or initializer for :math:`\\gamma`. Must
match the incoming shape, skipping all axes in `axes`. Set to ``None``
to fix it to 1.0 instead of learning it.
See :func:`lasagne.utils.create_param` for more information.
mean : Theano shared variable, expression, numpy array, or callable
Initial value, expression or initializer for :math:`\\mu`. Must match
the incoming shape, skipping all axes in `axes`.
See :func:`lasagne.utils.create_param` for more information.
std : Theano shared variable, expression, numpy array, or callable
Initial value, expression or initializer for :math:`1 / \\sqrt{
\\sigma^2 + \\epsilon}`. Must match the incoming shape, skipping all
axes in `axes`.
See :func:`lasagne.utils.create_param` for more information.
Any additional keyword arguments are passed to the :class:`Layer`
This layer should be inserted between a linear transformation (such as a
:class:`DenseLayer`, or :class:`Conv2DLayer`) and its nonlinearity. The
convenience function :func:`batch_norm` modifies an existing layer to
insert batch normalization in front of its nonlinearity.
The behavior can be controlled by passing keyword arguments to
:func:`lasagne.layers.get_output()` when building the output expression
of any network containing this layer.
During training, [1]_ normalize each input mini-batch by its statistics
and update an exponential moving average of the statistics to be used for
validation. This can be achieved by passing ``deterministic=False``.
For validation, [1]_ normalize each input mini-batch by the stored
statistics. This can be achieved by passing ``deterministic=True``.
For more fine-grained control, ``batch_norm_update_averages`` can be passed
to update the exponential moving averages (``True``) or not (``False``),
and ``batch_norm_use_averages`` can be passed to use the exponential moving
averages for normalization (``True``) or normalize each mini-batch by its
own statistics (``False``). These settings override ``deterministic``.
Note that for testing a model after training, [1]_ replace the stored
exponential moving average statistics by fixing all network weights and
re-computing average statistics over the training data in a layerwise
fashion. This is not part of the layer implementation.
In case you set `axes` to not include the batch dimension (the first axis,
usually), normalization is done per example, not across examples. This does
not require any averages, so you can pass ``batch_norm_update_averages``
and ``batch_norm_use_averages`` as ``False`` in this case.
See also
batch_norm : Convenience function to apply batch normalization to a layer
.. [1] Ioffe, Sergey and Szegedy, Christian (2015):
Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing
Internal Covariate Shift. http://arxiv.org/abs/1502.03167.
def __init__(self, incoming, axes='auto', epsilon=1e-4, alpha=0.1,
mode='low_mem', beta=lasagne.init.Constant(0), gamma=lasagne.init.Constant(1),
mean=lasagne.init.Constant(0), std=lasagne.init.Constant(1), **kwargs):
super(BatchNormLayer, self).__init__(incoming, **kwargs)
if axes == 'auto':
# default: normalize over all but the second axis
axes = (0,) + tuple(range(2, len(self.input_shape)))
elif isinstance(axes, int):
axes = (axes,)
self.axes = axes
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.alpha = alpha
self.mode = mode
# create parameters, ignoring all dimensions in axes
shape = [size for axis, size in enumerate(self.input_shape)
if axis not in self.axes]
if any(size is None for size in shape):
raise ValueError("BatchNormLayer needs specified input sizes for "
"all axes not normalized over.")
if beta is None:
self.beta = None
self.beta = self.add_param(beta, shape, 'beta',
trainable=True, regularizable=False)
if gamma is None:
self.gamma = None
self.gamma = self.add_param(gamma, shape, 'gamma',
trainable=True, regularizable=False)
self.mean = self.add_param(mean, shape, 'mean',
trainable=False, regularizable=False)
self.std = self.add_param(std, shape, 'std',
trainable=False, regularizable=False)
def get_output_for(self, input, deterministic=False, **kwargs):
input_mean = input.mean(self.axes)
input_std = TT.sqrt(input.var(self.axes) + self.epsilon)
# Decide whether to use the stored averages or mini-batch statistics
use_averages = kwargs.get('batch_norm_use_averages',
if use_averages:
mean = self.mean
std = self.std
mean = input_mean
std = input_std
# Decide whether to update the stored averages
update_averages = kwargs.get('batch_norm_update_averages',
not deterministic)
if update_averages:
# Trick: To update the stored statistics, we create memory-aliased
# clones of the stored statistics:
running_mean = theano.clone(self.mean, share_inputs=False)
running_std = theano.clone(self.std, share_inputs=False)
# set a default update for them:
running_mean.default_update = ((1 - self.alpha) * running_mean +
self.alpha * input_mean)
running_std.default_update = ((1 - self.alpha) *
running_std +
self.alpha * input_std)
# and make sure they end up in the graph without participating in
# the computation (this way their default_update will be collected
# and applied, but the computation will be optimized away):
mean += 0 * running_mean
std += 0 * running_std
# prepare dimshuffle pattern inserting broadcastable axes as needed
param_axes = iter(list(range(input.ndim - len(self.axes))))
pattern = ['x' if input_axis in self.axes
else next(param_axes)
for input_axis in range(input.ndim)]
# apply dimshuffle pattern to all parameters
beta = 0 if self.beta is None else self.beta.dimshuffle(pattern)
gamma = 1 if self.gamma is None else self.gamma.dimshuffle(pattern)
mean = mean.dimshuffle(pattern)
std = std.dimshuffle(pattern)
# normalize
normalized = (input - mean) * (gamma * TT.inv(std)) + beta
return normalized
def batch_norm(layer, **kwargs):
Apply batch normalization to an existing layer. This is a convenience
function modifying an existing layer to include batch normalization: It
will steal the layer's nonlinearity if there is one (effectively
introducing the normalization right before the nonlinearity), remove
the layer's bias if there is one (because it would be redundant), and add
a :class:`BatchNormLayer` and :class:`NonlinearityLayer` on top.
layer : A :class:`Layer` instance
The layer to apply the normalization to; note that it will be
irreversibly modified as specified above
Any additional keyword arguments are passed on to the
:class:`BatchNormLayer` constructor.
BatchNormLayer or NonlinearityLayer instance
A batch normalization layer stacked on the given modified `layer`, or
a nonlinearity layer stacked on top of both if `layer` was nonlinear.
Just wrap any layer into a :func:`batch_norm` call on creating it:
>>> from lasagne.layers import InputLayer, DenseLayer, batch_norm
>>> from lasagne.nonlinearities import tanh
>>> l1 = InputLayer((64, 768))
>>> l2 = batch_norm(DenseLayer(l1, num_units=500, nonlinearity=tanh))
This introduces batch normalization right before its nonlinearity:
>>> from lasagne.layers import get_all_layers
>>> [l.__class__.__name__ for l in get_all_layers(l2)]
['InputLayer', 'DenseLayer', 'BatchNormLayer', 'NonlinearityLayer']
nonlinearity = getattr(layer, 'nonlinearity', None)
if nonlinearity is not None:
layer.nonlinearity = lasagne.nonlinearities.identity
if hasattr(layer, 'b') and layer.b is not None:
del layer.params[layer.b]
layer.b = None
layer = BatchNormLayer(layer, **kwargs)
if nonlinearity is not None:
layer = L.NonlinearityLayer(layer, nonlinearity)
return layer
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