Feature of Good Design (1) 优秀设计的特点(一)

Code reuse 代码复用

– Challenge: tight coupling between components, dependencies on concrete classes instead of interfaces, hardcoded operations

– Solution: design patterns

– 挑战:组件之间的紧密耦合、对具体类而不是接口的依赖、硬编码操作

– 解决方案:设计模式

• However, sometimes making components more complicated


– Three levels of reuse: a piece of wisdom from Erich Gamma

– 三个层次的重用:Erich Gamma 的智慧

• Lowest: classes


• Highest: frameworks


• Middle level: design patterns


Feature of Good Design (2) 优秀设计的特点(二)

Extensibility 可扩展性

Change is the only constant thing in a programmer’s life

– 变化是程序员一生中唯一不变的事情

• We understand the problem better once we start to solve it


• Something beyond your control has changed


• Objectives/requirements have changed


– Prepare for possible future changes when designing an architecture

– 设计结构时为未来可能发生的变化做好准备

Good Design Principles (1) 良好的设计原则(1)

Encapsulate what varies 封装不同的内容

– Identify the aspects of your application that vary, and separate them from what stays the same

– 识别应用程序中不同的方面,并将它们与保持不变的部分区分开来

– Main goal: minimize the effect caused by changes

– 主要目标:最小化变化造成的影响

– Isolating program parts that vary in independent modules, protecting the rest


– Encapsulation on a method level

– 方法级别的封装

– Encapsulation on a class level

– 类级别的封装

Good Design Principles (2) 良好的设计原则(2)

Program to an interface, not an implementation 对接口编程,而不是实现

– In other words, depend on abstractions, not on concrete classes

– 换句话说,依赖于抽象,而不是具体的类

– The design is flexible enough if you can easily extend it without breaking existing code

– 如果您可以轻松地扩展它而无需破坏现有代码,那么该设计就足够灵活

– A possible approach

  1. Determine what exactly one object needs from the other: which methods does it execute?

  2. Describe these methods in a new interface or abstract class.

  3. Make the class that is a dependency implement this interface.

  4. Make the second class dependent on this interface rather than on the

    concrete class.


Good Design Principles (3) 良好的设计原则(3)

Favor composition over inheritance 优先考虑组合而不是继承

– Challenge of inheritance

– 继承的挑战

• A subclass can’t reduce the interface of the superclass


• When overriding methods you need to make sure that the new behavior is compatible with the base one


• Inheritance breaks encapsulation of the superclass


• Subclasses are tightly coupled to superclasses


• Trying to reuse code through inheritance can lead to creating parallel inheritance hierarchies


SOLID Principles

SOLID 1: Single Responsibility Principle 单一职责原则

A class should have just one reason to change


– Try to make every class responsible for a single part of functionality,and make that responsibility entirely encapsulated

– 尝试让每个类负责一部分功能,并完全封装该职责

• Main goal: reducing complexity, and reducing risks


SOLID 2: Open/Closed Principle 开闭原理

  • Classes should be open for extension but closed for modification


    – Keep existing code from breaking when implementing new features

    – 在实现新功能时防止现有代码被破坏
  • A class is open if it can be extended by subclasses

  • A class is closed if it is 100% ready to be used by others

    如果一个类 100% 可供其他人使用,则该类已关闭
  • A class can be both open (for extension) and closed (for modification) at the same time


    – Not necessary to be applied for all changes

    – 无需应用所有变更

SOLID 3:Liskov Substitution Principle 里氏替换原理

  • When extending a class, ensure the capability of passing objects of the subclass in place of objects of the parent class without breaking the client code


  • The subclass should remain compatible with the behavior of the superclass


    – When overriding a method, extend the base behavior rather than replacing it with something else entirely


  • Especially critical when developing libraries and frameworks


  • A set of checks


    • (a) Parameter types in a method of a subclass should match or be more abstract than parameter types in the method of the superclass.

    • (b) The return type in a method of a subclass should match or be a subtype of the return type in the method of the superclass.

    • (c) Types of exceptions should match or be subtypes of the ones that the base method is already able to throw.

    • (d) A subclass shouldn’t strengthen pre-conditions.

    • (e) A subclass shouldn’t weaken post-conditions.

    • (f) Invariants of a superclass must be preserved (least formal rule of all)

    • (g) A subclass shouldn’t change values of private fields of the superclass.


SOLID 4: Interface Segregation Principle 接口隔离原则

Clients shouldn’t be forced to depend on methods they do not use


– Make interfaces narrow enough that client classes don’t have to implement

behaviors they don’t need

– 使接口足够窄,以便实现代码类不必实现它们不需要的行为

– Break down “fat” interfaces into more granular and specific ones

– 将“胖”接口分解为更细粒度和更具体的接口

SOLID 5: Dependency Inversion Principle 依赖倒置原则

  • High-level classes shouldn’t depend on low-level classes, and both should depend on abstractions

  • Problem: business logic classes tend to become dependent on primitive low-level classes

  • Suggestion: changing the direction of dependency

  • Approach
    • Describe interfaces for low-level operations that high-level classes rely on, preferably in business terms

    • Make high-level classes dependent on the interfaces, resulting in a softer dependency

    • Low-level classes implement the interfaces, dependent on the business logic level



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