postgres=# \d pg_class
      Table "pg_catalog.pg_class"
     Column     |   Type    | Modifiers
 relname        | name      | not null
 relnamespace   | oid       | not null
 reltype        | oid       | not null
 reloftype      | oid       | not null
 relowner       | oid       | not null
 relam          | oid       | not null
 relfilenode    | oid       | not null
 reltablespace  | oid       | not null
 relpages       | integer   | not null
 reltuples      | real      | not null
 relallvisible  | integer   | not null
 reltoastrelid  | oid       | not null
 relhasindex    | boolean   | not null
 relisshared    | boolean   | not null
 relpersistence | "char"    | not null
 relkind        | "char"    | not null
 relnatts       | smallint  | not null
 relchecks      | smallint  | not null
 relhasoids     | boolean   | not null
 relhaspkey     | boolean   | not null
 relhasrules    | boolean   | not null
postgres=# select relname,reltype,relowner,relfilenode from pg_class;
                 relname                 | reltype | relowner | relfilenode
 pg_statistic                            |   10912 |       10 |       12735
 pg_type                                 |      71 |       10 |           0
 pg_toast_2619                           |   11146 |       10 |       12737
 pg_toast_2619_index                     |       0 |       10 |       12739
 pg_authid_rolname_index                 |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_authid_oid_index                     |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_attribute_relid_attnam_index         |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index         |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_toast_1255                           |   11143 |       10 |           0
 pg_toast_1255_index                     |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_toast_2604                           |   11140 |       10 |       12771
 pg_toast_2604_index                     |       0 |       10 |       12773
 pg_attrdef_adrelid_adnum_index          |       0 |       10 |       12774
 pg_toast_2606                           |   11141 |       10 |       12778
 pg_toast_2606_index                     |       0 |       10 |       12780
 pg_constraint_conname_nsp_index         |       0 |       10 |       12781
 pg_am_name_index                        |       0 |       10 |       12807
 pg_am_oid_index                         |       0 |       10 |       12808
 pg_amop_fam_strat_index                 |       0 |       10 |       12811
 pg_amop_opr_fam_index                   |       0 |       10 |       12812
 pg_amop_oid_index                       |       0 |       10 |       12813
 pg_amproc_fam_proc_index                |       0 |       10 |       12816
 pg_amproc_oid_index                     |       0 |       10 |       12817
 pg_aggregate_fnoid_index                |       0 |       10 |       12827
 pg_toast_2618                           |   11144 |       10 |       12830
 pg_toast_2618_index                     |       0 |       10 |       12832
 pg_toast_2620                           |   11147 |       10 |       12837
 pg_toast_2620_index                     |       0 |       10 |       12839
 pg_toast_2609                           |   11142 |       10 |       12849
 pg_toast_2609_index                     |       0 |       10 |       12851
 pg_cast_oid_index                       |       0 |       10 |       12855
 pg_cast_source_target_index             |       0 |       10 |       12856
 pg_toast_2964                           |   11149 |       10 |           0
 pg_toast_2964_index                     |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_auth_members_role_member_index       |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_auth_members_member_role_index       |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_toast_2396                           |   11148 |       10 |           0
 pg_toast_2396_index                     |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_toast_3596                           |   11145 |       10 |       12946
 pg_toast_3596_index                     |       0 |       10 |       12948
 pg_collation_oid_index                  |       0 |       10 |       12955
 pg_collation_name_enc_nsp_index         |       0 |       10 |       12956
 pg_database_datname_index               |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_database_oid_index                   |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_proc_oid_index                       |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_inherits_parent_index                |       0 |       10 |       12787
 pg_inherits_relid_seqno_index           |       0 |       10 |       12788
 pg_index_indrelid_index                 |       0 |       10 |       12791
 pg_index_indexrelid_index               |       0 |       10 |       12792
 pg_operator_oid_index                   |       0 |       10 |       12795
 pg_operator_oprname_l_r_n_index         |       0 |       10 |       12796
 pg_opfamily_am_name_nsp_index           |       0 |       10 |       12799
 pg_opfamily_oid_index                   |       0 |       10 |       12800
 pg_opclass_am_name_nsp_index            |       0 |       10 |       12803
 pg_opclass_oid_index                    |       0 |       10 |       12804
 pg_language_name_index                  |       0 |       10 |       12820
 pg_language_oid_index                   |       0 |       10 |       12821
 pg_largeobject_metadata_oid_index       |       0 |       10 |       12824
 pg_rewrite_oid_index                    |       0 |       10 |       12833
 pg_rewrite_rel_rulename_index           |       0 |       10 |       12834
 pg_trigger_tgconstraint_index           |       0 |       10 |       12840
 pg_trigger_tgrelid_tgname_index         |       0 |       10 |       12841
 pg_event_trigger_evtname_index          |       0 |       10 |       12845
 pg_event_trigger_oid_index              |       0 |       10 |       12846
 pg_description_o_c_o_index              |       0 |       10 |       12852
 pg_enum_oid_index                       |       0 |       10 |       12859
 pg_enum_typid_label_index               |       0 |       10 |       12860
 pg_namespace_nspname_index              |       0 |       10 |       12864
 pg_namespace_oid_index                  |       0 |       10 |       12865
 pg_conversion_default_index             |       0 |       10 |       12868
 pg_conversion_name_nsp_index            |       0 |       10 |       12869
 pg_conversion_oid_index                 |       0 |       10 |       12870
 pg_depend_depender_index                |       0 |       10 |       12873
 pg_depend_reference_index               |       0 |       10 |       12874
 pg_tablespace_oid_index                 |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_tablespace_spcname_index             |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_pltemplate_name_index                |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_shdepend_depender_index              |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_shdepend_reference_index             |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_shdescription_o_c_index              |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_ts_config_cfgname_index              |       0 |       10 |       12908
 pg_ts_config_oid_index                  |       0 |       10 |       12909
 pg_ts_config_map_index                  |       0 |       10 |       12912
 pg_ts_dict_dictname_index               |       0 |       10 |       12915
 pg_largeobject_loid_pn_index            |       0 |       10 |       12962
 pg_type_oid_index                       |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_roles                                |   11151 |       10 |       11150
 pg_shadow                               |   11155 |       10 |       11154
 pg_type_typname_nsp_index               |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_authid                               |    2842 |       10 |           0
 pg_user_mapping_oid_index               |       0 |       10 |       12751
 pg_user_mapping_user_server_index       |       0 |       10 |       12752
 pg_group                                |   11158 |       10 |       11157
 pg_user                                 |   11161 |       10 |       11160
 pg_rules                                |   11164 |       10 |       11163
 pg_views                                |   11168 |       10 |       11167
 pg_tables                               |   11172 |       10 |       11171
 pg_matviews                             |   11176 |       10 |       11175
 pg_indexes                              |   11180 |       10 |       11179
 pg_stats                                |   11184 |       10 |       11183
 pg_settings                             |   11211 |       10 |       11210
 pg_locks                                |   11188 |       10 |       11187
 pg_cursors                              |   11191 |       10 |       11190
 pg_available_extensions                 |   11194 |       10 |       11193
 pg_available_extension_versions         |   11197 |       10 |       11196
 pg_prepared_xacts                       |   11200 |       10 |       11199
 pg_prepared_statements                  |   11204 |       10 |       11203
 pg_seclabels                            |   11207 |       10 |       11206
 pg_timezone_abbrevs                     |   11216 |       10 |       11215
 pg_timezone_names                       |   11219 |       10 |       11218
 pg_ts_dict_oid_index                    |       0 |       10 |       12916
 pg_ts_parser_prsname_index              |       0 |       10 |       12919
 pg_ts_template_tmplname_index           |       0 |       10 |       12923
 pg_ts_template_oid_index                |       0 |       10 |       12924
 pg_extension_oid_index                  |       0 |       10 |       12927
 pg_extension_name_index                 |       0 |       10 |       12928
 pg_foreign_data_wrapper_oid_index       |       0 |       10 |       12931
 pg_foreign_data_wrapper_name_index      |       0 |       10 |       12932
 pg_foreign_server_oid_index             |       0 |       10 |       12935
 pg_foreign_server_name_index            |       0 |       10 |       12936
 pg_foreign_table_relid_index            |       0 |       10 |       12939
 pg_default_acl_role_nsp_obj_index       |       0 |       10 |       12942
 pg_default_acl_oid_index                |       0 |       10 |       12943
 pg_seclabel_object_index                |       0 |       10 |       12949
 pg_shseclabel_object_index              |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_range_rngtypid_index                 |       0 |       10 |       12959
 pg_stat_all_tables                      |   11222 |       10 |       11221
 pg_stat_xact_all_tables                 |   11226 |       10 |       11225
 pg_stat_sys_tables                      |   11230 |       10 |       11229
 pg_stat_xact_sys_tables                 |   11234 |       10 |       11233
 pg_stat_user_tables                     |   11237 |       10 |       11236
 pg_stat_xact_user_tables                |   11241 |       10 |       11240
 pg_statio_all_tables                    |   11244 |       10 |       11243
 pg_statio_sys_tables                    |   11248 |       10 |       11247
 pg_statio_user_tables                   |   11251 |       10 |       11250
 pg_attribute                            |      75 |       10 |           0
 pg_proc                                 |      81 |       10 |           0
 pg_statio_all_indexes                   |   11264 |       10 |       11263
 pg_statio_sys_indexes                   |   11268 |       10 |       11267
 pg_statio_user_indexes                  |   11271 |       10 |       11270
 pg_statio_all_sequences                 |   11274 |       10 |       11273
 pg_statio_sys_sequences                 |   11278 |       10 |       11277
 pg_statio_user_sequences                |   11281 |       10 |       11280
 pg_stat_activity                        |   11284 |       10 |       11283
 pg_stat_replication                     |   11288 |       10 |       11287
 pg_replication_slots                    |   11292 |       10 |       11291
 pg_stat_database                        |   11295 |       10 |       11294
 pg_stat_database_conflicts              |   11298 |       10 |       11297
 pg_stat_user_functions                  |   11301 |       10 |       11300
 pg_stat_xact_user_functions             |   11305 |       10 |       11304
 pg_stat_archiver                        |   11309 |       10 |       11308
 pg_stat_bgwriter                        |   11312 |       10 |       11311
 pg_user_mappings                        |   11315 |       10 |       11314
 pg_user_mapping                         |   11133 |       10 |       12749
 pg_attrdef                              |   10000 |       10 |       12769
 pg_constraint                           |   10001 |       10 |       12776
 pg_index                                |   10003 |       10 |       12789
 pg_operator                             |   10004 |       10 |       12793
 pg_opfamily                             |   10005 |       10 |       12797
 pg_opclass                              |   10006 |       10 |       12801
 pg_am                                   |   10125 |       10 |       12805
 pg_amop                                 |   10126 |       10 |       12809
 pg_amproc                               |   10563 |       10 |       12814
 pg_language                             |   10908 |       10 |       12818
 pg_database                             |    1248 |       10 |           0
 pg_stat_all_indexes                     |   11254 |       10 |       11253
 pg_stat_sys_indexes                     |   11258 |       10 |       11257
 pg_stat_user_indexes                    |   11261 |       10 |       11260
 information_schema_catalog_name         |   12471 |       10 |       12470
 applicable_roles                        |   12477 |       10 |       12476
 administrable_role_authorizations       |   12481 |       10 |       12480
 pg_aggregate                            |   10911 |       10 |       12825
 pg_rewrite                              |   10913 |       10 |       12828
 pg_trigger                              |   10914 |       10 |       12835
 pg_event_trigger                        |   10915 |       10 |       12843
 pg_description                          |   10916 |       10 |       12847
 pg_cast                                 |   10917 |       10 |       12853
 pg_enum                                 |   11116 |       10 |       12857
 pg_namespace                            |   11117 |       10 |       12862
 pg_conversion                           |   11118 |       10 |       12866
 pg_depend                               |   11119 |       10 |       12871
 pg_db_role_setting                      |   11120 |       10 |           0
 pg_tablespace                           |   11121 |       10 |           0
 pg_pltemplate                           |   11122 |       10 |           0
 pg_auth_members                         |    2843 |       10 |           0
 pg_shdepend                             |   11123 |       10 |           0
 pg_shdescription                        |   11124 |       10 |           0
 pg_ts_config                            |   11125 |       10 |       12906
 pg_ts_config_map                        |   11126 |       10 |       12910
 pg_ts_dict                              |   11127 |       10 |       12913
 pg_ts_parser                            |   11128 |       10 |       12917
 pg_ts_template                          |   11129 |       10 |       12921
 pg_extension                            |   11130 |       10 |       12925
 pg_foreign_data_wrapper                 |   11131 |       10 |       12929
 pg_foreign_server                       |   11132 |       10 |       12933
 pg_foreign_table                        |   11134 |       10 |       12937
 pg_default_acl                          |   11135 |       10 |       12940
 pg_seclabel                             |   11136 |       10 |       12944
 pg_shseclabel                           |   11137 |       10 |           0
 pg_collation                            |   11138 |       10 |       12953
 pg_range                                |   11139 |       10 |       12957
 pg_largeobject                          |   10910 |       10 |       12960
 attributes                              |   12484 |       10 |       12483
 character_sets                          |   12488 |       10 |       12487
 check_constraint_routine_usage          |   12492 |       10 |       12491
 check_constraints                       |   12496 |       10 |       12495
 collations                              |   12500 |       10 |       12499
 collation_character_set_applicability   |   12503 |       10 |       12502
 column_domain_usage                     |   12506 |       10 |       12505
 column_privileges                       |   12510 |       10 |       12509
 column_udt_usage                        |   12514 |       10 |       12513
 columns                                 |   12518 |       10 |       12517
 constraint_column_usage                 |   12522 |       10 |       12521
 constraint_table_usage                  |   12526 |       10 |       12525
 domain_constraints                      |   12530 |       10 |       12529
 domain_udt_usage                        |   12534 |       10 |       12533
 domains                                 |   12537 |       10 |       12536
 enabled_roles                           |   12541 |       10 |       12540
 key_column_usage                        |   12544 |       10 |       12543
 parameters                              |   12548 |       10 |       12547
 referential_constraints                 |   12552 |       10 |       12551
 role_column_grants                      |   12556 |       10 |       12555
 routine_privileges                      |   12559 |       10 |       12558
 role_routine_grants                     |   12563 |       10 |       12562
 routines                                |   12566 |       10 |       12565
 schemata                                |   12570 |       10 |       12569
 sequences                               |   12573 |       10 |       12572
 sql_implementation_info                 |   12582 |       10 |       12968
 pg_toast_12581                          |   12584 |       10 |       12970
 pg_toast_12581_index                    |       0 |       10 |       12972
 sql_languages                           |   12587 |       10 |       12973
 pg_toast_12586                          |   12589 |       10 |       12975
 pg_toast_12586_index                    |       0 |       10 |       12977
 sql_packages                            |   12592 |       10 |       12978
 pg_toast_12591                          |   12594 |       10 |       12980
 pg_toast_12591_index                    |       0 |       10 |       12982
 pg_toast_12596                          |   12599 |       10 |       12985
 pg_toast_12596_index                    |       0 |       10 |       12987
 table_constraints                       |   12612 |       10 |       12611
 table_privileges                        |   12616 |       10 |       12615
 role_table_grants                       |   12620 |       10 |       12619
 tables                                  |   12623 |       10 |       12622
 triggered_update_columns                |   12627 |       10 |       12626
 triggers                                |   12631 |       10 |       12630
 udt_privileges                          |   12635 |       10 |       12634
 role_udt_grants                         |   12639 |       10 |       12638
 usage_privileges                        |   12642 |       10 |       12641
 role_usage_grants                       |   12646 |       10 |       12645
 user_defined_types                      |   12649 |       10 |       12648
 view_column_usage                       |   12653 |       10 |       12652
 view_routine_usage                      |   12657 |       10 |       12656
 view_table_usage                        |   12661 |       10 |       12660
 views                                   |   12665 |       10 |       12664
 data_type_privileges                    |   12669 |       10 |       12668
 element_types                           |   12673 |       10 |       12672
 _pg_foreign_table_columns               |   12677 |       10 |       12676
 column_options                          |   12681 |       10 |       12680
 _pg_foreign_data_wrappers               |   12684 |       10 |       12683
 foreign_data_wrapper_options            |   12687 |       10 |       12686
 foreign_data_wrappers                   |   12690 |       10 |       12689
 _pg_foreign_servers                     |   12693 |       10 |       12692
 foreign_server_options                  |   12697 |       10 |       12696
 foreign_servers                         |   12700 |       10 |       12699
 _pg_foreign_tables                      |   12703 |       10 |       12702
 foreign_table_options                   |   12707 |       10 |       12706
 pg_statistic_relid_att_inh_index        |       0 |       10 |       12740
 foreign_tables                          |   12710 |       10 |       12709
 _pg_user_mappings                       |   12713 |       10 |       12712
 user_mapping_options                    |   12717 |       10 |       12716
 user_mappings                           |   12721 |       10 |       12720
 sql_sizing                              |   12602 |       10 |       12988
 sql_sizing_profiles                     |   12607 |       10 |       12993
 pg_toast_12606                          |   12609 |       10 |       12995
 pg_toast_12606_index                    |       0 |       10 |       12997
 pg_proc_proname_args_nsp_index          |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_class_oid_index                      |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_class_relname_nsp_index              |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_class_tblspc_relfilenode_index       |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_class                                |      83 |       10 |           0
 pg_attrdef_oid_index                    |       0 |       10 |       12775
 pg_largeobject_metadata                 |   10909 |       10 |       12822
 pg_constraint_conrelid_index            |       0 |       10 |       12782
 pg_constraint_contypid_index            |       0 |       10 |       12783
 pg_constraint_oid_index                 |       0 |       10 |       12784
 pg_inherits                             |   10002 |       10 |       12785
 pg_trigger_oid_index                    |       0 |       10 |       12842
 pg_enum_typid_sortorder_index           |       0 |       10 |       12861
 pg_db_role_setting_databaseid_rol_index |       0 |       10 |           0
 pg_ts_parser_oid_index                  |       0 |       10 |       12920
 pg_toast_12576                          |   12579 |       10 |       12965
 sql_features                            |   12577 |       10 |       12963
 pg_toast_12576_index                    |       0 |       10 |       12967
 pg_toast_12601_index                    |       0 |       10 |       12992
 sql_parts                               |   12597 |       10 |       12983
 pg_toast_12601                          |   12604 |       10 |       12990
(300 rows)

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    一.pg_class: 该系统表记录了数据表.索引(仍然需要参阅pg_index).序列.视图.复合类型和一些特殊关系类型的元数据.注意:不是所有字段对所有对象类型都有意义. 名字 类型 引用 描述 ...

  5. sql:sql server,MySQL,PostgreSQL的表,视图,存储过程结构查询

    sql server 2005: --SQL SERVER 2005 生成代码需要知道的SQL语句 use LibrarySystem --查询当前数据库所有表和其的主键字段,字段类型,长度,是否为空 ...

  6. Greenplum 调优--VACUUM系统表

    Greenplum 调优--VACUUM系统表 1.VACUUM系统表原因 Greenplum是基于MVCC版本控制的,所有的delete并没有删除数据,而是将这一行数据标记为删除, 而且update ...

  7. Sqlserver 中系统表sysobjects、syscolumns以及函数object_id

    1.sysobjects 系统对象表. 保存当前数据库的对象,如约束.默认值.日志.规则.存储过程等 sysobjects 重要字段解释: sysObjects ( Name sysname, --o ...

  8. SQL表关联赋值、系统表、表数据删除

    1. 表与表的关联赋值(用于表与表之间有关联字段,数据互传) 双表关联赋值 UPDATE #B SET #B.D=#A.B from #B inner join #A on #B.C=#A.A 多表关 ...

  9. SQLSERVER和ORACLE系统表获取表名 列名以及列的注释

    在工作中从数据库取的数据要导出来,但是发现导出的EXCEL中列名都是字段名(英文),为此搜集资料怎么把字段名变为中文名称,而发现ORACLE和SQLSERVER(用的SQLSERVER2008R2)又 ...


  1. [windows+cocos2dx]CCSprite精灵类

    序言 回想cocos2dx,之前在mac+Xcode平台学习了一遍cocos2dx,一年时间不接触cocos了.一直在搞Unity3d.如今还是就之前所学温故温故,但不再用Xcode来写.用经常使用的 ...

  2. 从头认识java-15.3 使用HashSet须要注意的地方

    这一章节我们来讨论一下使用Set的各种实现须要注意的地方. Set接口的经常使用实现类有:HashSet.TreeSet,LinkedHashSet 1.HashSet 大家对于HashSet的印象都 ...

  3. poj 2488 A Knight&#39;s Journey(dfs+字典序路径输出)

    转载请注明出处: 题目链接: id=2488 ----- ...

  4. [Android] Android开发优化之——对界面UI的优化(2)

    在Android应用开发过程中,屏幕上控件的布局代码和程序的逻辑代码通常是分开的.界面的布局代码是放在一个独立的xml文件中的,这个文件里面是树型组织的,控制着页面的布局.通常,在这个页面中会用到很多 ...

  5. NOIP2017提高组模拟赛5 (总结)

    NOIP2017提高组模拟赛5 (总结) 第一题 最远 奶牛们想建立一个新的城市.它们想建立一条长度为N (1 <= N <= 1,000,000)的 主线大街,然后建立K条 (2 < ...

  6. 火狐访问IIS出现404,而Chrome可以正常访问

    需要在web.config中的handlers中添加如下节点,保存之后,需要重启电脑. <remove name="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated ...

  7. Understanding The Complete Story of Postback in ASP.NET http ...

  8. Defining and using constants from PySide in QML

    Defining and using constants from PySide in QML This PySide tutorial shows you how to define constan ...

  9. FPGA初学之前后仿真分析

    最近在学习FPGA,感觉语言的学习到时很容易,但是由于缺乏电路图的硬件知识,所以看起来比较难懂,下面是对FPGA中仿真的一点理解,以后需要学习的地方还有很多啊. 一.使用ISE环境进行FPGA系统设计 ...

  10. 如何新建一个空的optix工程

    参考链接 1.生成自定义里面添加cuda编译器 2. 修改这几个地方,设定cu文件需要的头文件.输出ptx文件的目录.生成ptx 这样就可以得到ptx了,注意ptx的路径即可 3.添加一些头文件.li ...