MVVMLight 实现指定Frame控件的导航
- GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views命名空间下的NavigationService继承了同命名空间下的INavigationService接口但是并没有实现。
namespace GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views
public class NavigationService : INavigationService
public const string RootPageKey = "-- ROOT --";
public const string UnknownPageKey = "-- UNKNOWN --";
public NavigationService();
public string CurrentPageKey { get; }
public void Configure(string key, Type pageType);
public void GoBack();
public void NavigateTo(string pageKey);
public virtual void NavigateTo(string pageKey, object parameter);
- 具体的功能实现是在GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Platform命名空间下的NavigationService中,根据平台的不同有不同的实现。
- 我们要做的就是自己实现INavigationService并自己定义导航的Frame控件
在public virtual void NavigateTo(string pageKey, object parameter)方法下,我们可以看到这样一行代码:
var frame = ((Frame)Window.Current.Content);
- 我们把这几个地方的frame变量值设置成自己的Frame控件就可以了。
- 首先在MainPage.xaml.cs里面加入一个MainPage类型的静态Public变量
- 然后再构造函数中给变量赋值为this
public static MainPage MPage; // 1. public Frame MyFrame // 3.
return ContentFrame; //ContentFrame是xaml中定义的Frame控件的名字
} public MainPage()
InitializeComponent(); SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView().BackRequested += SystemNavigationManagerBackRequested; Loaded += (s, e) =>
}; MPage = this; // 2.
//var frame = ((Frame)Window.Current.Content); // 之前的语句
var frame = MainPage.MPage.MyFrame; // 自己写的新语句这样我们就把NavigationService的导航Frame设置成了MainPage里面的ContentFrame控件。
- 不过我这个方法还不是最优的,因为这样写就把MainPage和NavigationService直接联系起来了,增加了耦合性。我看到WPF中可以通过下面这个方法来获取指定名字的Frame控件,不过在UWP里面没有这个方法。
var frame = GetDescendantFromName(Application.Current.MainWindow, "MainFrame") as Frame;
using GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Views;
using Mvvm_HutHelper.View;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Mvvm_HutHelper.Model
class MyNavigationService : INavigationService
/// <summary>
/// The key that is returned by the <see cref="CurrentPageKey"/> property
/// when the current Page is the root page.
/// </summary>
public const string RootPageKey = "-- ROOT --";
/// <summary>
/// The key that is returned by the <see cref="CurrentPageKey"/> property
/// when the current Page is not found.
/// This can be the case when the navigation wasn't managed by this NavigationService,
/// for example when it is directly triggered in the code behind, and the
/// NavigationService was not configured for this page type.
/// </summary>
public const string UnknownPageKey = "-- UNKNOWN --";
private readonly Dictionary<string, Type> _pagesByKey = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
/// <summary>
/// The key corresponding to the currently displayed page.
/// </summary>
public string CurrentPageKey
lock (_pagesByKey)
//var frame = ((Frame)Window.Current.Content);
var frame = MainPage.MPage.MyFrame;
if (frame.BackStackDepth == 0)
return RootPageKey;
if (frame.Content == null)
return UnknownPageKey;
var currentType = frame.Content.GetType();
if (_pagesByKey.All(p => p.Value != currentType))
return UnknownPageKey;
var item = _pagesByKey.FirstOrDefault(
i => i.Value == currentType);
return item.Key;
/// <summary>
/// If possible, discards the current page and displays the previous page
/// on the navigation stack.
/// </summary>
public void GoBack()
//var frame = ((Frame)Window.Current.Content);
var frame = MainPage.MPage.MyFrame;
if (frame.CanGoBack)
/// <summary>
/// Displays a new page corresponding to the given key.
/// Make sure to call the <see cref="Configure"/>
/// method first.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pageKey">The key corresponding to the page
/// that should be displayed.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">When this method is called for
/// a key that has not been configured earlier.</exception>
public void NavigateTo(string pageKey)
NavigateTo(pageKey, null);
/// <summary>
/// Displays a new page corresponding to the given key,
/// and passes a parameter to the new page.
/// Make sure to call the <see cref="Configure"/>
/// method first.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pageKey">The key corresponding to the page
/// that should be displayed.</param>
/// <param name="parameter">The parameter that should be passed
/// to the new page.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">When this method is called for
/// a key that has not been configured earlier.</exception>
public virtual void NavigateTo(string pageKey, object parameter)
lock (_pagesByKey)
if (!_pagesByKey.ContainsKey(pageKey))
throw new ArgumentException(
"No such page: {0}. Did you forget to call NavigationService.Configure?",
//var frame = ((Frame)Window.Current.Content); // 这句设置导航时用到的Frame控件为根Frame
var frame = MainPage.MPage.MyFrame;
frame.Navigate(_pagesByKey[pageKey], parameter);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a key/page pair to the navigation service.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">The key that will be used later
/// in the <see cref="NavigateTo(string)"/> or <see cref="NavigateTo(string, object)"/> methods.</param>
/// <param name="pageType">The type of the page corresponding to the key.</param>
public void Configure(string key, Type pageType)
lock (_pagesByKey)
if (_pagesByKey.ContainsKey(key))
throw new ArgumentException("This key is already used: " + key);
if (_pagesByKey.Any(p => p.Value == pageType))
throw new ArgumentException(
"This type is already configured with key " + _pagesByKey.First(p => p.Value == pageType).Key);
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