403. Scientific Problem

Time limit per test: 0.25 second(s)

Memory limit: 65536 kilobytes
input: standard

output: standard

Once upon a time Professor Idioticideasinventor was travelling by train. Watching cheerless landscape outside the window, he decided to invent the theme of his new scientific work. All of a sudden a brilliant idea struck him: to develop an effective algorithm
finding an integer number, which is x times less than the sum of all its integer positive predecessors, where number x is given. As far as he has no computer in the train, you have to solve this difficult problem.


The first line of the input file contains an integer number x (1 ≤ x ≤ 109).


Output an integer number — the answer to the problem.

sample input
sample output
sample input
sample output

Online Contester Team © 2002 - 2010. All rights reserved.


由求和公式n*(n-1)/2/x = n 可得 n=2*x+1


#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; int main() {
int x;
while(scanf("%d", &x) != EOF) {
printf("%d\n", 2*x+1);
return 0;

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