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# bin/mongo master:27017/database_name

3 查询

1 count


2 group by

>db.getCollection('table_name').aggregate([{"$group": {_id: "$column_name", count: {"$sum": 1}}}])

3 select by limit


4 select by condition ‘=’

>db.getCollection('table_name').find({"column_name": "column_value"})

5 select by condition ‘>’


6 select by condition ‘or’

>db.getCollection('table_name').find({$or: [ {"column_name1":"column_value1"},{"column_name2":{$gt:"column_value2"}}]}).pretty()

7 select by date range


8 map reduce - 词频统计


>db.table_name.mapReduce(function(){ emit(this.column,1);}, function(key, values){return Array.sum(values);}, {out:"post_total"})


>db.table_name.mapReduce(function(){ emit(this.column,1);}, function(key, values){return Array.sum(values);}, {out:"post_total"}).find()


>DBQuery.shellBatchSize = 100000;


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