维护区间指针 [l, r],第 l ~ r 条线段
那么 r 后移一定不是更优的
因此 l 前移,使得 r 后移
过程中取最小值更新 answer

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <string> using namespace std; #define LL long long #define gc getchar()
inline int read() {int x = ; char c = gc; while(c < '' || c > '') c = gc;
while(c >= '' && c <= '') x = x * + c - '', c = gc; return x;}
inline LL read_LL() {LL x = ; char c = gc; while(c < '' || c > '') c = gc;
while(c >= '' && c <= '') x = x * + c - '', c = gc; return x;}
#undef gc const int N = 1e6 + ; struct Node {int l, r, len;} G[N >> ];
int A[N];
int Max[N << ], W[N << ], F[N << ];
int n, m; inline bool Cmp(Node a, Node b) {return a.len > b.len;} #define lson jd << 1
#define rson jd << 1 | 1 void Push_down(int jd) {
F[lson] += F[jd], F[rson] += F[jd];
Max[lson] += F[jd], Max[rson] += F[jd];
F[jd] = ;
} void Sec_G(int l, int r, int jd, int x, int y, int num) {
if(x <= l && r <= y) {
Max[jd] += num;
F[jd] += num;
return ;
if(F[jd]) Push_down(jd);
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
if(x <= mid) Sec_G(l, mid, lson, x, y, num);
if(y > mid ) Sec_G(mid + , r, rson, x, y, num);
Max[jd] = max(Max[lson], Max[rson]);
} bool use[N]; int main() {
n = read(), m = read();
int tot = ;
for(int i = ; i <= n; i ++) {
G[i].l = read(), G[i].r = read(), G[i].len = G[i].r - G[i].l; A[++ tot] = G[i].l, A[++ tot] = G[i].r;
sort(G + , G + n + , Cmp);
sort(A + , A + tot + );
for(int i = ; i <= n; i ++) {
G[i].l = lower_bound(A + , A + tot + , G[i].l) - A;
G[i].r = lower_bound(A + , A + tot + , G[i].r) - A;
int R = , Answer = (int)1e9 + ;
for(int i = ; i <= n; i ++) {
if(R == n) break;
if(use[i] == ) {
Sec_G(, tot, , G[i].l, G[i].r, );
use[i] = ;
while(Max[] < m && R < n) {
R ++;
Sec_G(, tot, , G[R].l, G[R].r, );
use[R] = ;
if(Max[] >= m) {
Answer = min(Answer, G[i].len - G[R].len);
if(use[i]) {
Sec_G(, tot, , G[i].l, G[i].r, -);
use[i] = ;
if(Answer == (int)1e9 + ) cout << "-1";
else cout << Answer;
return ;

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