[刷题]算法竞赛入门经典(第2版) 5-12/UVa511 - Do You Know the Way to San Jose?
//UVa511 - Do You Know the Way to San Jose?
//Accepted 0.000s
//#define _XIENAOBAN_
using namespace std;
#define EPS 1e-7
struct mapdat {
float area,ratio, midx, midy, x1, y1, x2, y2;
int level;
string name;
mapdat(char* n, float& t1, float& t2, float& t3, float& t4) :name(n), midx((t1 + t3) / 2), midy((t2 + t4) / 2) {
if (t1 < t3) x1 = t1, x2 = t3;
else x1 = t3, x2 = t1;
if (t2 < t4) y1 = t2, y2 = t4;
else y1 = t4, y2 = t2;
area = (x2 - x1)*(y2 - y1);
ratio = (float)fabs((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) - 0.75);
inline bool findloc(const mapdat& m, float& x, float& y) {
return x > m.x1&&x<m.x2&&y>m.y1&&y < m.y2;
inline float dist(const mapdat& m, float& x, float& y) {
return (x - m.midx)*(x - m.midx) + (y - m.midy)*(y - m.midy);
vector<mapdat> maps;
map<string, pair<float, float> > locs;
char stmp[80];
int l, lev(0);
float t1, t2, t3, t4;
int main()
#ifdef _XIENAOBAN_
#define gets(T) gets_s(T, 80)
freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
while (scanf("%s", stmp) != EOF && strcmp(stmp, "LOCATIONS")) {
scanf("%f%f%f%f", &t1, &t2, &t3, &t4);
maps.push_back(mapdat(stmp, t1, t2, t3, t4));
sort(maps.begin(), maps.end(), [](mapdat& a, mapdat& b) {return a.area > b.area;});
float a(-1.0);
for (auto& r : maps) {
if (fabs(r.area - a)>EPS)
r.level = ++lev, a = r.area;
else r.level = lev;
//for (auto& r : maps) cout << r.level << ' ' << r.name << '\t' << r.midx << ' ' << r.midy << ' ' << r.area << endl;//
while (scanf("%s", stmp) != EOF && strcmp(stmp, "REQUESTS")) {
scanf("%f%f", &t1, &t2);
locs[stmp] = make_pair(t1, t2);
while (scanf("%s", stmp) != EOF && strcmp(stmp, "END")) {
scanf("%d", &l);
printf("%s at detail level %d ", stmp, l);
auto nowloc(locs.find(stmp));
if (nowloc == locs.end()) {
printf("unknown location\n");
vector<mapdat> m,nm;
for (const auto& r : maps)
if (findloc(r, nowloc->second.first, nowloc->second.second))
else nm.push_back(r);
if (m.empty()) {
printf("no map contains that location\n");
auto cmp = [&nowloc](mapdat& a, mapdat& b)->bool {
auto& X(nowloc->second.first),& Y(nowloc->second.second);
if (a.level != b.level) return a.level > b.level;
auto da(dist(a, X, Y)),db(dist(b, X, Y));
if (fabs(da - db) > EPS) return da < db;
if (fabs(a.ratio - b.ratio) > EPS) return a.ratio < b.ratio;
da = (X - a.x2)*(X - a.x2) + (Y - a.y1)*(Y - a.y1);
db = (X - b.x2)*(X - b.x2) + (Y - b.y1)*(Y - b.y1);
if (fabs(db - da) > EPS) return da > db;
return a.x1 < b.x1;
if (nm.empty()) {
sort(m.begin(), m.end(), cmp);
if (m[0].level < l) printf("no map at that detail level; ");
printf("using %s\n", m[0].name.c_str());
sort(nm.begin(), nm.end(), cmp);
printf("using %s\n", nm[0].name.c_str());
return 0;
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