通过 ZFFlowLayout类可以创建一个默认距离的布局实例,也可以创建一个自定义距离的布局实例。
- #import <UIKit/UICollectionViewFlowLayout.h>
- #import "ZFFlowLayoutMacro.h"
- #import "ZFFlowLayoutProtocol.h"
- //流水布局类型
- typedef enum : NSUInteger {
- FlowLayoutType_leftAlign,
- FlowLayoutType_rightAlign,
- } FlowLayoutType;
- @interface ZFFlowLayout : NSObject
- /*!
- * @author zhoufei
- *
- * @brief 根据传入不同的流失布局类型获取不同的布局实例
- * @param flowLayoutType 流水布局类型
- * @return 布局实例
- */
- + (UICollectionViewFlowLayout *)flowLayoutWithFlowLayoutType:(FlowLayoutType)flowLayoutType;
- /*!
- * @author zhoufei
- *
- * @brief 自定义布局实例:根据传入不同的流失布局类型,item距离四周距离,section距离四周距离 自定义布局实例
- * @param flowLayoutType 流水布局类型
- * @param itemEdgeInsets 第一个item距离四周的距离
- * @param sectionEdgeInsets section距离四周的距离
- * @return 布局实例
- */
- + (UICollectionViewFlowLayout<ZFFlowLayoutProtocol> *)flowLayoutWithFlowLayoutType:(FlowLayoutType)flowLayoutType
- ItemEdgeInsets:(FlowLayoutItemEdgeInsets)itemEdgeInsets
- sectionEdgeInsets:(FlowLayoutSectionEdgeInsets)sectionEdgeInsets;
- + (UICollectionViewFlowLayout *)flowLayoutWithFlowLayoutType:(FlowLayoutType)flowLayoutType;
- + (UICollectionViewFlowLayout<ZFFlowLayoutProtocol> *)flowLayoutWithFlowLayoutType:(FlowLayoutType)flowLayoutType
- ItemEdgeInsets:(FlowLayoutItemEdgeInsets)itemEdgeInsets
- sectionEdgeInsets:(FlowLayoutSectionEdgeInsets)sectionEdgeInsets;
- 在第二个方法中使用到了自定义的枚举和结构体,它们的具体实现如下:
- #ifndef ZFFlowLayoutMacro_h
- #define ZFFlowLayoutMacro_h
- /*!**
- 左对齐布局时:左上角第一个item 距离四周的距离
- 右对齐布局时:右上角第一个item 距离四周的距离
- ***/
- typedef struct FlowLayoutItemEdgeInsets {
- CGFloat top, left, bottom, right; // specify amount to inset (positive) for each of the edges. values can be negative to 'outset'
- } FlowLayoutItemEdgeInsets;
- /*!** item所属的组section 距离四周的距离 ***/
- typedef struct FlowLayoutSectionEdgeInsets {
- CGFloat top, left, bottom, right; // specify amount to inset (positive) for each of the edges. values can be negative to 'outset'
- } FlowLayoutSectionEdgeInsets;
- #endif /* ZFFlowLayoutMacro_h */
下面讲一下最核心的类 LeftAlignedFlowLayout类
- - (NSArray<UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *> *)layoutAttributesForElementsInRect:(CGRect)rect
- {
- NSMutableArray* attributes = [[super layoutAttributesForElementsInRect:rect] mutableCopy];
- NSMutableArray * subArray = [LayoutAttributeTools groupTheSameLineItems:attributes];
- [self leftAlign_updateItemAttributeInSigleLine:subArray];
- return attributes;
- }
- /*!
- * @author zhoufei
- *
- * @brief 更新每个元素的位置
- * @param groupArray 归并后的结果数组
- */
- - (void)leftAlign_updateItemAttributeInSigleLine:(NSMutableArray * )groupArray{
- NSMutableArray * modelArray = [NSMutableArray array];
- for (NSArray * array in groupArray) {
- NSInteger count = array.count;
- if (!count) {
- continue;
- }
- for (int i = ; i<count; i++) {
- UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *attrOne = array[i];
- [modelArray addObject:[Attribute AttributeWithIndex:i width:attrOne.size.width]];
- }
- CGFloat leftWith = ;
- for (int i=; i<count; i++) {
- UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *attr = [array objectAtIndex:i];
- NSPredicate *predice =[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"index < %d",i];
- NSArray * resultArray = [modelArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predice];
- NSNumber * number = [resultArray valueForKeyPath:@"@sum.width"];
- leftWith = self.leftMargin+self.itemMargin*i+number.doubleValue;
- CGRect frame = attr.frame;
- frame.origin.x = leftWith;
- attr.frame = frame;
- }
- [modelArray removeAllObjects];
- }
- }
- 上面这个方法- (NSArray<UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *> *)layoutAttributesForElementsInRect:(CGRect)rect
- 是父类 UICollectionViewFlowLayout的代理方法,在这个方法中可以拿到当前屏幕中显示的所有 UICollectionViewCell的布局实现,我们对
- UICollectionViewCell的布局修改也就是在这个方法中。
首先通过方法 [LayoutAttributeTools groupTheSameLineItems:attributes];对屏幕中显示的每一行 UICollectionViewCell 进行分组。这样分组之后逻辑比较清晰。只需要设置每一行UICollectionViewCell的新布局实例,剩余的也都是有每一行组成的。直接来个循环就搞定了。
方法 [self leftAlign_updateItemAttributeInSigleLine:subArray];就是对分组后的UICollectionViewCell进行逐行更新布局实例对象的值。具体实现已经在代码中给出了。- Demo地址:https://github.com/zhfei/ZFFlowLayout
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