Software development process
一.Development process
1.Business/User Requirement
2.Architecture Proposal,Solution Proposal
3.Functional Design,produce functional spec/EDR(externaldesign requirement)
4.Technical Design,produce technical spec/IDR(internaldesign requirement)
5.Coding and Unit testing(Unit test plan) <= most ofus begin from here
6.Quality Assurance(QA checklist)
7.SIT/SAT-System Integration Testing/System Acceptancetesting
8.UAT-User Acceptance Testing
9.OAT-Operational Acceptance Testing/Productionsuitability Testing
10.Releease preparation
11.Release and post release support
二.Business Requirements
Executive summary
A. Problem/opportunity statement
- Vision and objectives
A. Vision for the change
B. objectives
- Requirements Gathering Risks. Issues and Dependencies
A. Risks and Issues
B. Dependencies
Regulatory or Compliance driven Statements
Business Requirements
Detailed Business Requirements
Business Rules
Glossary of Terms
三.Function Design
Project Approach
A. Background
B. Projiect Overview
C. Assumption, constraints, Dependencies and Risks
- Build
A. Specifications
B. Interfaces
C. Security and controls
- Project planning
A. Resource Requirements
B. Project Schedule
- Appendix
A. Glossary of Terms/Abbreviations
B. Referenced Documents
C. Circulation List
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