1、在主菜单上,选择Tools | Options
2、在导航视图中选择Environment | Keyboard
1、在主菜单上,选择ReSharper | Options
2、选择Environment | Keyboard and Menus
3、在Keyboard and Menus选项卡上,选择 Visual Studio, ReSharper 2.x 或 IntelliJ IDEA或 None,点击Apply Scheme。如果你选择None,你可以在Visual Studio的本地选项菜单中定义任意一组自定义快捷键(Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard) 。
代码分析(Code analysis)
Command | Shortcut (Visual Studio) |
Shortcut (IntelliJ IDEA/ReSharper 2.x) |
Toggle code analysis in the current file | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+8 | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+8 |
Go to next code issue (error, warning or suggestion) | Alt+PgDn | F12 |
Go to previous code issue (error, warning or suggestion) | Alt+PgUp | Shift+F12 |
Go to next error | Shift+Alt+PgDn | Alt+F12 |
Go to next error in solution | Shift+Alt+PgDn | Alt+F12 |
Go to previous error | Shift+Alt+PgUp | Shift+Alt+F12 |
Go to previous error in solution | Shift+Alt+PgUp | Shift+Alt+F12 |
Inspect this | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+A | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+A |
View type hierarchy(查看类型的层级) | Ctrl+E,H | Ctrl+Alt+H |
Inspection Results window | Ctrl+Alt+V | Ctrl+Alt+V |
编码援助(Coding assistance)
Command | Shortcut (Visual Studio) |
Shortcut (IntelliJ IDEA/ReSharper 2.x) |
Show action list | Ctrl+R,W | Ctrl+R,W |
Paste multiple | Ctrl+Shift+V | |
Code cleanup | Ctrl+E,C | Ctrl+Alt+F |
Silent code cleanup | Ctrl+E,F | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F |
Symbol code completion | Ctrl+Space | Ctrl+Space |
Smart code completion | Ctrl+Alt+Space | Ctrl+Shift+Space |
Import symbol completion | Shift+Alt+Space | Ctrl+Alt+Space |
Complete statement | Ctrl+Shift+Enter | Ctrl+Shift+Enter |
Parameter information | Ctrl+Shift+Space | Ctrl+P |
Quick documentation | Ctrl+Shift+F1 | Ctrl+Q |
Insert live template | Ctrl+E,L | Ctrl+J |
Surround with template | Ctrl+E,U | Ctrl+Alt+J |
Create file from template | Ctrl+Alt+Insert | Ctrl+Alt+Insert |
Generate code | Alt+Insert | Alt+Insert |
Move code up | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Up | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Up |
Move code down | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Down | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Down |
Move code left | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Left | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Left |
Move code right | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Right | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Right |
Extend selection | Ctrl+Alt+Right | Ctrl+W |
Shrink selection | Ctrl+Alt+Left | Ctrl+Shift+W |
Select containing declaration | Ctrl+Shift+[ | Ctrl+Shift+[ |
Duplicate a line or selection | Ctrl+D | Ctrl+D |
Comment with line comment | Ctrl+Alt+/ | Ctrl+/ |
Comment with block comment | Ctrl+Shift+/ | Ctrl+Shift+/ |
导航和搜索(Navigation and search)
Command | Shortcut (Visual Studio) |
Shortcut (IntelliJ IDEA/ReSharper 2.x) |
Go to type | Ctrl+T | Ctrl+N |
根据文件名定位 | Ctrl+Shift+T | Ctrl+Shift+N |
Go to file member | Alt+\ | Ctrl+F12 |
Go to symbol | Shift+Alt+T | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N |
Navigate To | Alt+` | Ctrl+Shift+G |
Go to type of symbol | Ctrl+Shift+F11 | Ctrl+Shift+T |
跳转到定义处 | F12 | Ctrl+B |
跳转到实现类 | Ctrl+F12 | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+B |
Go to base symbols | Alt+Home | Ctrl+U |
Go to derived symbols | Alt+End | Ctrl+Alt+B |
Go to usage | Shift+Alt+F12 | Ctrl+Alt+F7 |
Go to containing declaration | Ctrl+[ | Ctrl+[ |
Go to next member/tag | Alt+Down | Alt+Down |
Go to previous member/tag | Alt+Up | Alt+Up |
Find usages | Shift+F12 | Alt+F7 |
Find usages (advanced) | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F12 | Shift+Alt+F7 |
Highlight usages in file | Shift+Alt+F11 | Ctrl+Shift+F7 |
Go to previous usage | Ctrl+Alt+PgUp | Ctrl+Alt+Up |
Go to next usage | Ctrl+Alt+PgDn | Ctrl+Alt+Down |
Remove highlighting of usages | Esc | Esc |
View recent files | Ctrl+, | Ctrl+E |
View recent edits | Ctrl+Shift+, | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Backspace |
Go to previous edit | Ctrl+Shift+Backspace | Ctrl+Shift+Backspace |
Go to related files | Ctrl+Alt+F7 | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G |
View bookmarks | Ctrl+` | Ctrl+` |
Go to a numbered bookmark | Ctrl+[numeric key] | Ctrl+[numeric key] |
Set/remove a numbered bookmark | Ctrl+Shift+[numeric key] | Ctrl+Shift+[numeric key] |
Find Results window | Ctrl+Alt+F12 | Ctrl+Alt+U |
File structure | Ctrl+Alt+F | Ctrl+F11 |
To-do items | Ctrl+Alt+D | |
Stack Trace Explorer | Ctrl+E,T | Ctrl+Shift+E |
Locate in Solution Explorer | Shift+Alt+L | Shift+Alt+L |
Analyze references | Shift+Alt+Y | Shift+Alt+Y |
Command | Shortcut (Visual Studio) |
Shortcut (IntelliJ IDEA/ReSharper 2.x) |
Refactor this | Ctrl+Shift+R | Ctrl+Shift+R |
Rename | Ctrl+R,R | F2 or Shift+F6 |
Move | Ctrl+R,O | F6 |
Safe delete | Ctrl+R,D or Alt+Del | Alt+Del |
Extract method | Ctrl+R,M | Ctrl+Alt+M |
Introduce variable | Ctrl+R,V | Ctrl+Alt+V |
Introduce field | Ctrl+R,F | Ctrl+Alt+D |
Introduce parameter | Ctrl+R,P | Ctrl+Alt+P |
Inline variable/method/field | Ctrl+R,I | Ctrl+Alt+N |
Encapsulate field | Ctrl+R,E | Ctrl+R,E |
Change signature | Ctrl+R,S | Ctrl+F6 |
单元测试(Unit testing)
Command | Shortcut (Visual Studio) |
Shortcut (IntelliJ IDEA/ReSharper 2.x) |
Run unit tests | Ctrl+U,R | Ctrl+T,R |
Debug unit tests | Ctrl+U,D | Ctrl+T,D |
Run all tests in solution | Ctrl+U,L | Ctrl+T,L |
Run current test session | Ctrl+U,Y | Ctrl+T,Y |
Repeat previous test run | Ctrl+U,Y | Ctrl+T,Y |
Append to test session | Ctrl+U,A | Ctrl+T,A |
Create new test session | Ctrl+U,N | Ctrl+T,N |
Unit Test Explorer | Ctrl+Alt+U | Ctrl+Alt+T |
Unit Test Sessions | Ctrl+Alt+T | Ctrl+Alt+R |
工具窗口(Tool windows)
Command | Shortcut (Visual Studio) |
Shortcut (IntelliJ IDEA/ReSharper 2.x) |
File structure | Ctrl+Alt+F | Ctrl+F11 |
Find Results window | Ctrl+Alt+F12 | Ctrl+Alt+U |
Hierarchies window | Ctrl+Alt+H | |
Inspection Results window | Ctrl+Alt+V | Ctrl+Alt+V |
Stack Trace Explorer | Ctrl+E,T | Ctrl+Shift+E |
Templates Explorer window | Alt+R,P | Alt+R,P |
To-do items | Ctrl+Alt+D | |
Unit Test Explorer | Ctrl+Alt+U | Ctrl+Alt+T |
Unit Test Sessions | Ctrl+Alt+T | Ctrl+Alt+R |
Close recent tool | Ctrl+Shift+F4 | Ctrl+Shift+F4 |
Activate recent tool | Ctrl+Alt+Backspace | Ctrl+Alt+Backspace |
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