HP Arcsight
Imperva is a HP Business Partner. HP is the world's largest IT company,
providing infrastructure and business offerings for consumers as well as
businesses of all sizes.Imperva has developed solutions that support or integrate with
multiple HP products. The Imperva SecureSphere database agents support
the HP-UX operating system. Imperva SecureSphere can also interoperate
with multiple HP software solutions for network monitoring and
management, and application vulnerability remediation.ArcSight, an HP company, is a leading global provider of
cybersecurity and compliance solutions that protect organizations from
enterprise threats and risks. Based on the market-leading SIEM offering,
the ArcSight Enterprise Threat and Risk Management (ETRM) platform
enables businesses and government agencies to proactively safeguard
digital assets, comply with corporate and regulatory policy and control
the internal and external risks associated with cyber theft, cyber
fraud, cyberwar fare and cyber espionage.Imperva has partnered with ArcSight to extend Web, database, and
file event and audit data to the ArcSight SIEM platform. Imperva has
achieved certified interoperability with ArcSight ETRM using the
ArcSight-developed Common Event Format (CEF) standard. SecureSphere's
market-leading data security solutions, when coupled with the ArcSight
SIEM Platform, provide an enterprise-wide view of security threats, risk
management analytics, and compliance.For more information, please visit: www.hp.com
- Learn More:
- Solution Brief
- ArcSight Imperva CEF Guide
Imperva is an Advanced Partner in
the IBM PartnerWorld Program. SecureSphere from Imperva has been
optimized to protect IBM DB2 infrastructure software. Imperva's
involvement with PartnerWorld enables comprehensive go-to-market sales
support and technical resources that are specifically tailored to the
security market and specific vertical industries that are essential to
Imperva's success. SecureSphere is compatible with DB2 and Informix and
provides joint customers with an effective audit, monitoring and
security solution.In addition, Imperva has partnered with IBM as
part of the Ready for IBM Security Intelligence program. Imperva has
achieved certified interoperability with IBM Security QRadar SIEM using
QRadar's Log Event Extended Format (LEEF) standard. SecureSphere's
market-leading data security solutions provides QRadar with a rich
source of contextual data that can be correlated with other data sources
and used by QRadar's out-of-the-box rules and reports. IBM Security
QRadar and Imperva combine to enable customers to reach their enterprise
compliance and security goals, and reduce the risk and severity of
security breaches.For more information, please visit: www.ibm.com
LogRhythm, the leader in log
management and SIEM 2.0, delivers the visibility, insight and
situational awareness needed for cyber threat defense, detection and
response, compliance automation and assurance, and operational
intelligence and optimization. LogRhythm uniquely analyzes and manages
network, host, file and user activity data in a highly scalable,
integrated solution. LogRhythm's patented log management and SIEM 2.0
solution detects the previously undetectable, delivers powerful
forensics and provides actionable intelligence.For more information, please visit: www.logrhythm.com
RSA, The Security Division of EMC,
is the premier provider of security, risk and compliance management
solutions for business acceleration. RSA helps the world's leading
organizations succeed by solving their most complex and sensitive
security challenges. Imperva is a RSA Secured an RSA Ready partner and
Imperva SecureSphere integrates with RSA Security Analytics, RSA
enVision SIEM, RSA DLP and RSA Access Manager.SecureSphere can
send Web, database, and file events and audit data to the RSA Security
Analytics or enVision platform (SIEM) to centrally aggregate and analyze
security information. To discover and classify sensitive data,
SecureSphere File Activity Monitoring can import data classification
results from the RSA Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Suite. SecureSphere can
interface with RSA Risk Remediation Manager to identify the real owners
of sensitive files. SecureSphere also integrates with RSA Access Manager
for user authentication. Together, Imperva and RSA provide an
end-to-end solution for file data discovery, auditing, security and user
rights management.For more information, please visit: www.rsa.com
EventTracker, by Prism Microsystems,
delivers business critical solutions that transform high-volume cryptic
log data into actionable, prioritized intelligence that will
fundamentally change your perception of the utility, value and
organizational potential inherent in log files. Prism's leading
solutions offer Security Information and Event Management (SIEM),
real-time Log Management, and powerful Change and Configuration
Management to optimize IT operations, detect and deter costly security
breaches, and comply with multiple regulatory mandates.For more information, please visit: www.eventtracker.com
Hexis Cyber Solutions
Sensage, a subsidiary of Hexis Cyber Solutions, helps organizations
collect, store, analyze and interpret complex information to identify
new threats, improve cyber-security defenses, and achieve industry and
regulatory compliance. Combining powerful data warehousing, scalable
clustered multiprocessing and sophisticated analytics, Sensage delivers
the most advanced Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
solution integrated with Imperva SecureSphere.Sensage systems correlate Imperva SecureSphere security and audit
activity with log data from other networking, security, and identity
management solutions. The Sensage solution allows customers to collect
and store petabytes of data from any source, indefinitely. Sensage
customers leverage the open Security Intelligence platform to analyze
and detect cyber-threats, fraud and compliance violations using business
intelligence tools they are most comfortable with.For more information, please visit: www.hexiscyber.com
Solar Winds
Solar Winds delivers enterprise
security information and event management (SIEM) designed specifically
for the needs of the mid-market. This award-winning product combines
real-time log management, event correlation, USB detection and
prevention with powerful active response technology. TriGeo SIM is both a
unique network defense technology and an ""Audit-Proven"" compliance
solution that meets the security monitoring and log management
requirements imposed by PCI, GLBA, NCUA, FDIC, HIPAA, SOX and more.For more information, please visit: www.solarwinds.com
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