
  childNodes(有兼容问题),children  nodeType  getAttribute()  firstChild,lastChild,previousSilbing,nextSilbing(有兼容问题)


 <!doctype html>
 <meta charset="utf-8">
 window.onload = function(){
     var oUl = document.getElementById('ul1');
     var aLi = oUl.childNodes;

     //alert(oUl.childNodes.length);    //chrome 7 ie 3  有兼容问题,标准浏览器下会获取包括文本节点

     //2.nodeType:    1,元素节点    3,文本节点
     /*for(var i=0;i<aLi.length;i++){
             aLi[i].style.background = 'red';

     //3.children    无兼容问题
     //alert(oUl.children.length);    //3


     //5.firstChild    lastChild    有兼容问题
     //alert(oUl.firstChild);    //chrome:object Text        ie:object HTMLElement
     //var oFirst = oUl.firstElementChild || oUl.firstChild;
     //oFirst.style.background = 'red';

     //6.兄弟节点 有兼容问题(同上) nextSilbing    nextElementSilbing    previousSilbing    previousElementSilbing
     //oUl.nextSibling.style.background = 'red';

     /*oUl.onclick = function(){
         alert(this.offsetParent.tagName);    //body

     //8.parentNode    获取元素的父节点
     //alert(oUl.parentNode.tagName);    //body

     var aBox = getByClass(document.body, 'box');

     for(var i=0;i<aBox.length;i++){
         aBox[i].style.background = 'red';


 function getByClass(oParent, sClass){
     var aEle = oParent.getElementsByTagName('*');
     var aResult = [];
     var i = 0;

         if(aEle[i].className == sClass){

     return aResult;

 <ul id="ul1">
     <li class="box"></li>
 <p class="box">p2</p>


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