
844. Backspace String Compare


class Solution {
bool backspaceCompare(string S, string T) {
return backspace(S)==backspace(T);
string backspace(string str)
string res ="";
for(auto ch:str)
if(!res.empty()) res.pop_back();
else res.push_back(ch);
return res;


class Solution {
bool backspaceCompare(string S, string T) {
string s = "", t = "";
for(auto ch:S) ch=='#' ? (s.empty()? void():s.pop_back()) : s.push_back(ch);//err...
for(auto ch:T) ch=='#' ? (t.empty()? void():t.pop_back()) : t.push_back(ch);
return s==t;

1. Leetcode_easy_844. Backspace String Compare;

2. grandyang;

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