BZOJ 4571: [Scoi2016]美味
二次联通门 : BZOJ 4571: [Scoi2016]美味
BZOJ 4571: [Scoi2016]美味 dalao们都在说这题如果没有加法balabala就可以用可持久化trie解决了
然而我连那个也不会啊QAQ 此题用主席树
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring> const int BUF = ;
char Buf[BUF], *buf = Buf; inline void read (int &now)
for (now = ; !isdigit (*buf); ++ buf);
for (; isdigit (*buf); now = now * + *buf - '', ++ buf);
} const int _L = ( << ) - ;
#define Max 200010
int root[Max * ], c[Max], S;
inline int max (int a, int b) { return a > b ? a : b; }
class President_Tree
private : int tree[Max * ][], size[Max * ];
int T_C; public : President_Tree () { T_C = ; }
void Change (int &now, int last, int l, int r, int key)
now = ++ T_C;
memcpy (tree[now], tree[last], sizeof tree[now]);
size[now] = size[last] + ;
if (l == r) return ;
int Mid = l + r >> ;
if (key <= Mid)
Change (tree[now][], tree[last][], l, Mid, key);
else Change (tree[now][], tree[last][], Mid + , r, key);
} int Query (int l, int r, int b, int x, int L, int R)
if (l == r) return b ^ l;
int Mid = l + r >> ; -- S;
if (b & ( << S))
if (Q (L, R , , _L, max (, l - x), max (, Mid - x)))
return Query (l, Mid, b, x, L, R);
else return Query (Mid + , r, b, x, L, R);
if (Q (L, R, , _L, max (, Mid + - x), max (, r - x)))
return Query (Mid + , r, b, x, L, R);
else return Query (l, Mid, b, x, L, R);
} int Q (int L, int R, int x, int y, int l, int r)
if (x == l && y == r) return size[R] - size[L];
int Mid = x + y >> ;
if (r <= Mid)
return Q (tree[L][], tree[R][], x, Mid, l, r);
else if (l > Mid)
return Q (tree[L][], tree[R][], Mid + , y, l, r);
return Q (tree[L][], tree[R][], x, Mid, l, Mid) + Q (tree[L][], tree[R][], Mid + , y, Mid + , r);
President_Tree Tree; int Main ()
fread (buf, , BUF, stdin);
int N, M; register int i, j; read (N), read (M);
int x, b, l, r;
for (i = ; i <= N; ++ i)
read (c[i]), Tree.Change (root[i], root[i - ], , _L, c[i]); for (i = ; i <= M; ++ i)
read (b), read (x), read (l), read (r); S = ;
printf ("%d\n", Tree.Query (, _L, b, x, root[l - ], root[r]));
return ;
int ZlycerQan = Main ();
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {;}
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