
  1. l r x :将$[l,r]$区间所有数加上$x$
  2. l r x :将$[l,r]$区间所有数变成$x$
  3. l r k :输出$[l,r]$区间第$k$大
  4. l r x p :输出$\sum\limits_{i=l}^rs_i^x\pm



卡点:$split$中写错,写成 it==s.end()

C++ Code:

#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#define mul(a, b) (static_cast<long long> (a) * (b) % mod)
#define _mul(a, b) (a = static_cast<long long> (a) * (b) % mod) inline int pw(int base, int p, int mod) {
static int res;
for (res = 1; p; p >>= 1, _mul(base, base)) if (p & 1) _mul(res, base);
return res;
} int n, m, seed, vmax;
int rnd() {
static const int mod = 1e9 + 7;
static int t; t = seed;
seed = (7ll * seed + 13) % mod;
return t;
} namespace ODT {
struct node {
int l, r; mutable long long v;
inline bool operator < (const node &rhs) const { return l < rhs.l; }
} ;
typedef std::set<node>::iterator SIT;
typedef std::pair<long long, int> PLI;
std::set<node> s;
SIT split(int pos) {
SIT it = s.lower_bound((node) { pos, 0, 0 });
if (it != s.end() && it -> l == pos) return it;
--it; const int l = it -> l, r = it -> r;
const long long v = it -> v;
s.erase(it), s.insert((node) { l, pos - 1, v });
return s.insert((node) { pos, r, v }).first;
void assign(int l, int r, int v) {
SIT R = split(r + 1), L = split(l);
s.erase(L, R), s.insert((node) { l, r, v });
void add(int l, int r, int v) {
SIT R = split(r + 1), L = split(l);
for (SIT it = L; it != R; ++it) it -> v += v;
long long rnk(int l, int r, int k) {
static std::vector<PLI> v; v.clear();
SIT R = split(r + 1), L = split(l);
for (SIT it = L; it != R; ++it)
v.push_back(std::make_pair(it -> v, it -> r - it -> l + 1));
std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
for (PLI i : v) {
k -= i.second;
if (k <= 0) return i.first;
int query(int l, int r, int x, int mod) {
SIT R = split(r + 1), L = split(l);
int ans = 0;
for (SIT it = L; it != R; ++it)
ans = (ans + mul(pw(it -> v % mod, x, mod), it -> r - it -> l + 1)) % mod;
return ans;
} int main() {
std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false), std::cin.tie(0), std::cout.tie(0);
std::cin >> n >> m >> seed >> vmax;
for (int i = 1, x; i <= n; ++i) {
x = (rnd() % vmax) + 1;
ODT::s.insert((ODT::node) { i, i, x });
while (m --> 0) {
static int op, l, r, x, y;
op = (rnd() % 4) + 1;
l = (rnd() % n) + 1;
r = (rnd() % n) + 1;
if (l > r) std::swap(l, r);
if (op == 3) x = rnd() % (r - l + 1) + 1;
else x = rnd() % vmax + 1;
if (op == 4) y = rnd() % vmax + 1;
switch (op) {
case 1: ODT::add(l, r, x); break;
case 2: ODT::assign(l, r, x); break;
case 3: std::cout << ODT::rnk(l, r, x) << '\n'; break;
case 4: std::cout << ODT::query(l, r, x, y) << '\n';
return 0;


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