# Generic Makefile for C/C++ Program
# License: GPL (General Public License)
# Author: whyglinux <whyglinux AT gmail DOT com>
# Date: 2006/03/04 (version 0.1)
# 2007/03/24 (version 0.2)
# 2007/04/09 (version 0.3)
# 2007/06/26 (version 0.4)
# 2008/04/05 (version 0.5)
# Description:
# ------------
# This is an easily customizable makefile template. The purpose is to
# provide an instant building environment for C/C++ programs.
# It searches all the C/C++ source files in the specified directories,
# makes dependencies, compiles and links to form an executable.
# Besides its default ability to build C/C++ programs which use only
# standard C/C++ libraries, you can customize the Makefile to build
# those using other libraries. Once done, without any changes you can
# then build programs using the same or less libraries, even if source
# files are renamed, added or removed. Therefore, it is particularly
# convenient to use it to build codes for experimental or study use.
# GNU make is expected to use the Makefile. Other versions of makes
# may or may not work.
# Usage:
# ------
# 1. Copy the Makefile to your program directory.
# 2. Customize in the "Customizable Section" only if necessary:
# * to use non-standard C/C++ libraries, set pre-processor or compiler
# options to <MY_CFLAGS> and linker ones to <MY_LIBS>
# (See Makefile.gtk+-2.0 for an example)
# * to search sources in more directories, set to <SRCDIRS>
# * to specify your favorite program name, set to <PROGRAM>
# 3. Type make to start building your program.
# Make Target:
# ------------
# The Makefile provides the following targets to make:
# $ make compile and link
# $ make NODEP=yes compile and link without generating dependencies
# $ make objs compile only (no linking)
# $ make tags create tags for Emacs editor
# $ make ctags create ctags for VI editor
# $ make clean clean objects and the executable file
# $ make distclean clean objects, the executable and dependencies
# $ make help get the usage of the makefile
#=========================================================================== ## Customizable Section: adapt those variables to suit your program.
##========================================================================== # The pre-processor and compiler options.
MY_CFLAGS = -I/home/anker/project/myssl/include # The linker options.
MY_LIBS = -L/home/anker/project/myssl/lib -lssl -lcrypto # The pre-processor options used by the cpp (man cpp for more).
CPPFLAGS = -Wall # The options used in linking as well as in any direct use of ld.
LDFLAGS = # The directories in which source files reside.
# If not specified, only the current directory will be serached.
SRCDIRS = # The executable file name.
# If not specified, current directory name or `a.out' will be used.
PROGRAM =client ## Implicit Section: change the following only when necessary.
##========================================================================== # The source file types (headers excluded).
# .c indicates C source files, and others C++ ones.
SRCEXTS = .c .C .cc .cpp .CPP .c++ .cxx .cp # The header file types.
HDREXTS = .h .H .hh .hpp .HPP .h++ .hxx .hp # The pre-processor and compiler options.
# Users can override those variables from the command line.
CFLAGS = -g -O2
CXXFLAGS= -g -O2 # The C program compiler.
#CC = gcc # The C++ program compiler.
#CXX = g++ # Un-comment the following line to compile C programs as C++ ones.
#CC = $(CXX) # The command used to delete file.
#RM = rm -f ETAGS = etags
CTAGSFLAGS = ## Stable Section: usually no need to be changed. But you can add more.
SHELL = /bin/sh
ifeq ($(PROGRAM),)
CUR_PATH_NAMES = $(subst /,$(SPACE),$(subst $(SPACE),_,$(CURDIR)))
PROGRAM = $(word $(words $(CUR_PATH_NAMES)),$(CUR_PATH_NAMES))
ifeq ($(PROGRAM),)
PROGRAM = a.out
ifeq ($(SRCDIRS),)
SOURCES = $(foreach d,$(SRCDIRS),$(wildcard $(addprefix $(d)/*,$(SRCEXTS))))
HEADERS = $(foreach d,$(SRCDIRS),$(wildcard $(addprefix $(d)/*,$(HDREXTS))))
SRC_CXX = $(filter-out %.c,$(SOURCES))
OBJS = $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SOURCES)))
DEPS = $(OBJS:.o=.d) ## Define some useful variables.
DEP_OPT = $(shell if `$(CC) --version | grep "GCC" >/dev/null`; then \
echo "-MM -MP"; else echo "-M"; fi )
DEPEND.d = $(subst -g ,,$(DEPEND))
LINK.cxx = $(CXX) $(MY_CFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) .PHONY: all objs tags ctags clean distclean help show # Delete the default suffixes
.SUFFIXES: all: $(PROGRAM) # Rules for creating dependency files (.d).
#------------------------------------------ %.d:%.c
@echo -n $(dir $<) > $@
@$(DEPEND.d) $< >> $@ %.d:%.C
@echo -n $(dir $<) > $@
@$(DEPEND.d) $< >> $@ %.d:%.cc
@echo -n $(dir $<) > $@
@$(DEPEND.d) $< >> $@ %.d:%.cpp
@echo -n $(dir $<) > $@
@$(DEPEND.d) $< >> $@ %.d:%.CPP
@echo -n $(dir $<) > $@
@$(DEPEND.d) $< >> $@ %.d:%.c++
@echo -n $(dir $<) > $@
@$(DEPEND.d) $< >> $@ %.d:%.cp
@echo -n $(dir $<) > $@
@$(DEPEND.d) $< >> $@ %.d:%.cxx
@echo -n $(dir $<) > $@
@$(DEPEND.d) $< >> $@ # Rules for generating object files (.o).
objs:$(OBJS) %.o:%.c
$(COMPILE.c) $< -o $@ %.o:%.C
$(COMPILE.cxx) $< -o $@ %.o:%.cc
$(COMPILE.cxx) $< -o $@ %.o:%.cpp
$(COMPILE.cxx) $< -o $@ %.o:%.CPP
$(COMPILE.cxx) $< -o $@ %.o:%.c++
$(COMPILE.cxx) $< -o $@ %.o:%.cp
$(COMPILE.cxx) $< -o $@ %.o:%.cxx
$(COMPILE.cxx) $< -o $@ # Rules for generating the tags.
$(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) # Rules for generating the executable.
ifeq ($(SRC_CXX),) # C program
$(LINK.c) $(OBJS) $(MY_LIBS) -o $@
@echo Type ./$@ to execute the program.
else # C++ program
$(LINK.cxx) $(OBJS) $(MY_LIBS) -o $@
@echo Type ./$@ to execute the program.
endif ifndef NODEP
ifneq ($(DEPS),)
sinclude $(DEPS)
endif clean:
$(RM) $(OBJS) $(PROGRAM) $(PROGRAM).exe distclean: clean
$(RM) $(DEPS) TAGS # Show help.
@echo 'Generic Makefile for C/C++ Programs (gcmakefile) version 0.5'
@echo 'Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 whyglinux <whyglinux@hotmail.com>'
@echo 'Usage: make [TARGET]'
@echo 'TARGETS:'
@echo ' all (=make) compile and link.'
@echo ' NODEP=yes make without generating dependencies.'
@echo ' objs compile only (no linking).'
@echo ' tags create tags for Emacs editor.'
@echo ' ctags create ctags for VI editor.'
@echo ' clean clean objects and the executable file.'
@echo ' distclean clean objects, the executable and dependencies.'
@echo ' show show variables (for debug use only).'
@echo ' help print this message.'
@echo 'Report bugs to <whyglinux AT gmail DOT com>.' # Show variables (for debug use only.)
@echo 'PROGRAM :' $(PROGRAM)
@echo 'SRCDIRS :' $(SRCDIRS)
@echo 'HEADERS :' $(HEADERS)
@echo 'SOURCES :' $(SOURCES)
@echo 'SRC_CXX :' $(SRC_CXX)
@echo 'OBJS :' $(OBJS)
@echo 'DEPS :' $(DEPS)
@echo 'DEPEND :' $(DEPEND)
@echo 'COMPILE.c :' $(COMPILE.c)
@echo 'COMPILE.cxx :' $(COMPILE.cxx)
@echo 'link.c :' $(LINK.c)
@echo 'link.cxx :' $(LINK.cxx) ## End of the Makefile ## Suggestions are welcome ## All rights reserved ##



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