Lifetime Support Stages for Your Oracle Products
  • Premier Support

    Provides comprehensive maintenance and software upgrades for your Oracle Database, Oracle Fusion Middleware, and Oracle applications for five years from the general availability (GA) date.

  • Extended Support

    Puts you in control of your Database, Middleware, and Applications upgrade strategy by providing additional maintenance and upgrades for Oracle Database, Oracle Fusion Middleware, and Oracle Applications for an additional fee.

  • Sustaining Support

    Maximizes your investment protection by providing maintenance for as long as you use your Oracle software. Features include access to Oracle online support tools, upgrade rights, pre-existing fixes and assistance from technical support experts.

Benefits of Lifetime Support Software

  Premier Support Extended Support Sustaining Support
Major product and technology releases Yes Yes Yes
24x7 assistance with service requests Yes Yes Yes
Access to My Oracle Support including Knowledge Base Yes Yes Yes
Software updates Yes Yes Pre-existing
Security alerts and updates Yes Yes Pre-existing
Critical patch updates Yes Yes Pre-existing
Tax, legal, and regulatory updates Yes Yes Pre-existing
Upgrade tools and scripts Yes Yes Pre-existing
Access to Platinum Services Yes Yes No
Certification with most existing Oracle products/versions Yes Yes Pre-existing
Certification with most existing third party products Yes Yes Pre-existing
Certification with most new third party products Yes No No

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