



使用原根之后,可以得到一个等价的新递推式:\(G^{g_i} = \prod\limits _ {j=1}^k G^{g_{i - j} \times b_j} \mod 998244353(G^{g_i} \equiv f_i\mod 998244353)\),它等价于\(g_i = \sum\limits_{j=1}^k g_{i-j} \times b_j \mod 998244352\)。这样就可以矩阵快速幂得出当\(f_k\)等于某个值\(G^p\)时\(f_n\)的值了。


考虑:令\(G_k=1\),得到\(G_n\)的值\(x\),那么可以知道\(f_k^x \equiv f_n \mod 998244353\)。


同样使用原根。设\(f_{k} = G^b \mod 998244353\),通过\(BSGS\)求出\(f_n = G^y \mod 998244353\),那么原式变成\(G^{bx} \equiv G^y \mod 998244353\),即\(bx \equiv y \mod 998244352\)。逆元求解方程得到\(b\),也就得到了\(f_k\)。


①\(998244352 = 2^{23} \times 7 \times 17\),求逆元要用欧拉定理或者拓展欧几里得

②\(998244351 \times 998244351 \times 100 > 2^{63}\),这意味着矩阵相乘不能算完再一起取模

#define int long long
//This code is written by Itst
using namespace std; inline int read(){
int a = 0;
char c = getchar();
bool f = 0;
if(c == '-')
f = 1;
c = getchar();
a = (a << 3) + (a << 1) + (c ^ '0');
c = getchar();
return f ? -a : a;
} const int MOD = 998244353 , G = 3;
int K;
struct matrix{
int a[100][100];
int* operator [](int x){return a[x];}
matrix(){memset(a , 0 , sizeof(a));}
matrix operator *(matrix b){
matrix c;
for(int i = 0 ; i < K ; ++i)
for(int j = 0 ; j < K ; ++j)
for(int k = 0 ; k < K ; ++k)
c[i][j] = (c[i][j] + a[i][k] * b[k][j]) % (MOD - 1);
return c;
}S , T; inline int gcd(int a , int b){
int r = a % b;
a = b;
b = r;
r = a % b;
return b;
} inline int poww(int a , int b , int mod = MOD){
int times = 1;
if(b & 1)
times = times * a % mod;
a = a * a % mod;
b >>= 1;
return times;
} map < int , int > Hash; inline int BSGS(int x){
int t = sqrt(MOD) + 1 , times = x;
for(int i = 0 ; i < t ; i++){
Hash[times] = i;
times = times * G % MOD;
times = poww(G , t);
int now = times;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= t + 1 ; i++){
return i * t - Hash[now];
now = now * times % MOD;
return -1;
} int phi(int x){
int times = x;
for(int i = 2 ; i * i <= x ; ++i){
if(x % i == 0){
times = times / i * (i - 1);
while(x % i == 0)
x /= i;
if(x - 1)
times = times / x * (x - 1);
return times;
} signed main(){
//freopen("in" , "r" , stdin);
//freopen("out" , "w" , stdout);
K = read();
for(int i = 0 ; i < K ; ++i)
T[K - i - 1][K - 1] = read() % (MOD - 1);
int N = read() - K;
int t = BSGS(read());
for(int i = 0 ; i + 1 < K ; ++i)
T[i + 1][i] = 1;
S[0][K - 1] = 1;
if(N & 1)
S = S * T;
T = T * T;
N >>= 1;
int cur = S[0][K - 1] , p = gcd(cur , MOD - 1);
if(t % p != 0)
t /= p;
cur /= p;
int mod = (MOD - 1) / p;
cout << poww(G , poww(cur , phi(mod) - 1 , mod) * t % mod);
return 0;

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