public class Solution {
public int[,] ReconstructQueue(int[,] people) {
if (people == null || people.Length == )
return new int[,] { };
} var row = people.GetLength();//二元组个数
var col = people.GetLength();// var dic = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>(); var ary = new int[row, col]; //将前面为0的“队头”确定
for (int i = ; i < row; i++)
var height = people[i, ];
var position = people[i, ]; if (!dic.ContainsKey(position))
var po = new List<int>();
dic.Add(position, po);
} //先确定队头
var headlist = dic[].OrderBy(x => x).ToList();
for (int i = ; i < headlist.Count; i++)
ary[i, ] = headlist[i];
ary[i, ] = ;
var plist = dic.Keys.OrderBy(x => x).ToList(); var dtcount = dic[].Count;//队头的二元组数量 foreach (var p in plist)
if (p == )
var addlist = dic[p].OrderBy(x => x).ToList(); for (int i = ; i < addlist.Count; i++)//循环剩余的列表
var curheight = addlist[i];
var curposition = p; var cf = ;//队头中满足条件的数量
var inserted = false;//是否已经插入
for (int j = ; j < dtcount; j++)//循环队头,找到第一个不满足的位置
if (curheight <= ary[j, ])
if (cf > p)
//找到了不满足的情况,当前的j为插入的位置 //j以及j之后的元素都向后移动
for (int k = dtcount - ; k >= j; k--)
ary[k + , ] = ary[k, ];
ary[k + , ] = ary[k, ];
ary[j, ] = curheight;
ary[j, ] = curposition; inserted = true;
} if (!inserted)//没有遇到冲突的情况,插入末尾
ary[dtcount, ] = curheight;
ary[dtcount, ] = curposition;
} } }
return ary;


 class Solution:
def reconstructQueue(self, people):
res = []
for i in sorted(people, key = lambda x: (-x[0],x[1])):
res.insert(i[1], i)
return res



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