
Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 8127   Accepted: 3115


WFF 'N PROOF is a logic game played with dice. Each die has six faces representing some subset of the possible symbols K, A, N, C, E, p, q, r, s, t. A Well-formed formula (WFF) is any string of these symbols obeying the following rules:

  • p, q, r, s, and t are WFFs
  • if w is a WFF, Nw is a WFF
  • if w and x are WFFs, Kwx, Awx, Cwx, and Ewx are WFFs.

The meaning of a WFF is defined as follows:

  • p, q, r, s, and t are logical variables that may take on the value 0 (false) or 1 (true).
  • K, A, N, C, E mean and, or, not, implies, and equals as defined in the truth table below.
Definitions of K, A, N, C, and E
     w  x   Kwx   Awx    Nw   Cwx   Ewx
  1  1   1   1    0   1   1
  1  0   0   1    0   0   0
  0  1   0   1    1   1   0
  0  0   0   0    1   1   1

tautology is a WFF that has value 1 (true) regardless of the values of its variables. For example, ApNp is a tautology because it is true regardless of the value of p. On the other hand, ApNq is not, because it has the
value 0 for p=0, q=1.

You must determine whether or not a WFF is a tautology.


Input consists of several test cases. Each test case is a single line containing a WFF with no more than 100 symbols. A line containing 0 follows the last case.


For each test case, output a line containing tautology or not as appropriate.

Sample Input


Sample Output




K--------- &

A--------- |

N-------- !

C(这里让我头疼了好久,数字逻辑没学好啊,没看出来什么关系,看了别人的解析才发现的,比赛中遇到只能写一个函数根据表中的关系得到逻辑关系了)----(!x)| y

E--------  ==


AC代码 0MS

class bool_stack
bool s[200];
int top;
top = 0;
void push(bool a)
s[top++] = a;
bool pop()
return s[top]; }
int solve(bool * num, char * str)
bool_stack stack;
int len = strlen(str);
int i;
for(i = len - 1; i > -1; i--)
bool temp1, temp2;
case 'K':
temp1 = stack.pop();
temp2 = stack.pop();
stack.push(temp1 & temp2);
case 'A':
temp1 = stack.pop();
temp2 = stack.pop();
stack.push(temp1 | temp2);
case 'N':
temp1 = stack.pop();
case 'C':
temp1 = stack.pop();
temp2 = stack.pop();
stack.push((!temp2) | temp1);
case 'E':
temp1 = stack.pop();
temp2 = stack.pop();
stack.push(temp1 == temp2);
stack.push(num[str[i] - 'p']);
return stack.pop();
int main()
char str[120];
while(scanf("%s", str), str[0] != '0')
int flag = 0;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 32; i++)
bool num[5];
int j;
for(j = 0; j < 5; j++)
num[j] = (i >> j) & 1;
if(solve(num, str) == 0)
if(i == 32)
return 0;

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