运算符重载 C++ 编程思想
- class Integer{
- int i;
- public:
- Integer(int ii) : i(ii) {}
- const Integer operator+(const Integer& rv) const {
- cout << "operator+" << endl;
- return Integer(i + rv.i);
- }
- Integer& operator+=(const Integer& rv) {
- cout << "operator+=" << endl;
- i += rv.i;
- return *this;
- }
- };
- int main() {
- cout << "build-in types:" << endl;
- int i = , j = , k = ;
- k += i + j;
- cout << "user-defined types:" << endl;
- Integer ii(), jj(), kk();
- kk += ii + jj;
- }
- //: C12:OverloadingUnaryOperators.cpp
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- // Non-member functions:
- class Integer {
- long i;
- Integer* This() { return this;}
- public:
- Integer(long ll = ) : i(ll) {}
- //No side effects takes const& argument:
- friend const Integer& operator+(const Integer& a);
- friend const Integer operator-(const Integer& a);
- friend const Integer operator~(const Integer& a);
- friend const Integer* operator&(Interger& a);
- friend const int operator!(const Integer& a);
- //Side effects have non-const& argument:
- //Prefix:
- friend const Integer& operator++(Integer& a);
- //Postfix:
- friend const Integer operator++(Integer& a, int);
- //Prefix:
- friend const Integer& operator--(Integer& a);
- //Postfix:
- friend const Integer operator--(Integer& a, int);
- };
- //Global operators:
- const Integer& operator+(const Integer& a) {
- cout << "+Integer\n";
- return a; //Unary + has no effect
- }
- const Integer operator-(const Integer& a) {
- cout << "-Integer\n";
- return Integer(-a.i);
- }
- const Integer operator~(const Integer& a) {
- cout << "~Integer\n";
- return Integer(~a.i);
- }
- Integer* operator(Integer& a) {
- cout << "&Integer\n";
- return a.This();
- }
- int operator!(const Integer& a) {
- cout << "!Integer\n";
- return !a.i;
- }
- //Prefix; return incremented value
- const Integer& operator++(Integer& a) {
- cout << "++Integer\n";
- a.i ++;
- return a;
- }
- //Postfix; return the value before increment:
- const Integer operator++(Integer& a, int) {
- cout << "Integer++\n";
- Integer before(a.i);
- a.i ++;
- return before;
- }
- //Prefix; return decremented value
- const Integer& operator--(Integer& a) {
- cout << "--Integer\n";
- a.i --;
- return a;
- }
- //Postfix; return the value before decrement:
- const Integer operator--(Integer& a, int) {
- cout << "Integer--\n";
- Integer before(a.i);
- a.i --;
- return before;
- }
- //Show that the overloaded operators work:
- void f(Integer a) {
- +a;
- -a;
- ~a;
- Integer *ip = &a;
- !a;
- ++a;
- a++;
- --a;
- a--;
- }
- class Byte {
- unsigned char b;
- public:
- Byte(unsigned char bb = ) : b(bb) {}
- // No side effects: const memeber function:
- const Byte& operator+() const {
- cout << "+Byte\n";
- return *this;
- }
- const Byte operator-() const {
- cout << "-Byte\n";
- return Byte(-b);
- }
- const Byte operator~() const {
- cout << "~Byte\n";
- return Byte(~b);
- }
- Byte operator!() const {
- cout << "!Byte\n";
- return Byte(!b);
- }
- Byte* operator&() {
- cout << "&Byte\n";
- return this;
- }
- // Side effects: non-const member function:
- const Byte& operator++() { //Prefix
- cout << "++Byte\n";
- b ++;
- return *this;
- }
- const Byte operator++(int) { //Postfix
- cout << "Byte++\n";
- Byte before(b);
- b ++;
- return before;
- }
- const Byte& operator--() { //Prefix
- cout << "--Byte\n";
- b --;
- return *this;
- }
- const Byte operator--(int) { //Postfix
- cout << "Byte--\n";
- Byte before(b);
- b --;
- return before;
- }
- };
- void g(Byte b) {
- +b;
- -b;
- ~b;
- Byte *bp = &b;
- !b;
- ++b;
- b++;
- --b;
- b--;
- }
- int main() {
- Integer a;
- f(a);
- Byte b;
- g(b);
- }
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