
1. ContentProviderOperation实现了Parcelable,构造器是私有的,因此不能直接创建该对象,代码如下:

 public class ContentProviderOperation implements Parcelable {
/** @hide exposed for unit tests */
public final static int TYPE_INSERT = 1;
/** @hide exposed for unit tests */
public final static int TYPE_UPDATE = 2;
/** @hide exposed for unit tests */
public final static int TYPE_DELETE = 3;
/** @hide exposed for unit tests */
public final static int TYPE_ASSERT = 4; private final int mType;
private final Uri mUri;
private final String mSelection;
private final String[] mSelectionArgs;
private final ContentValues mValues;
private final Integer mExpectedCount;
private final ContentValues mValuesBackReferences;
private final Map<Integer, Integer> mSelectionArgsBackReferences;
private final boolean mYieldAllowed; private final static String TAG = "ContentProviderOperation";
private ContentProviderOperation(Builder builder) {
mType = builder.mType;
mUri = builder.mUri;
mValues = builder.mValues;
mSelection = builder.mSelection;
mSelectionArgs = builder.mSelectionArgs;
mExpectedCount = builder.mExpectedCount;
mSelectionArgsBackReferences = builder.mSelectionArgsBackReferences;
mValuesBackReferences = builder.mValuesBackReferences;
mYieldAllowed = builder.mYieldAllowed;


     public static Builder newInsert(Uri uri) {
return new Builder(TYPE_INSERT, uri);
} /**
* Create a {@link Builder} suitable for building an update
* {@link ContentProviderOperation}.
* @param uri The {@link Uri} that is the target of the update.
* @return a {@link Builder}
public static Builder newUpdate(Uri uri) {
return new Builder(TYPE_UPDATE, uri);
} /**
* Create a {@link Builder} suitable for building a delete
* {@link ContentProviderOperation}.
* @param uri The {@link Uri} that is the target of the delete.
* @return a {@link Builder}
public static Builder newDelete(Uri uri) {
return new Builder(TYPE_DELETE, uri);
} /**
* Create a {@link Builder} suitable for building a
* {@link ContentProviderOperation} to assert a set of values as provided
* through {@link Builder#withValues(ContentValues)}.
public static Builder newAssertQuery(Uri uri) {
return new Builder(TYPE_ASSERT, uri);


 public void onClick(View v) {
final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> operationList =
new ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation>();
ContentProviderOperation.Builder builder = null;
int rawContactIndex = 0; builder = ContentProviderOperation
builder.withSelection("version=?", new String[]{String.valueOf(3)})
operationList.add(builder.build()); try {
ContentProviderResult[] res = getContentResolver().
applyBatch(ContactsContract.AUTHORITY, operationList);
Log.e(TAG, "res.length = " + res.length);
for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
Log.e(TAG, i + "res.toString() = " + res[i].toString());
Log.e(TAG, i + "res.uri = " + res[i].uri);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
} catch (OperationApplicationException e) {

以上这个onClick()方法的作用是查询version==3的数据是否有三条uri对应的表里面,如果为真,res != null,反之会抛出OperationApplicationException异常,其他使用情形可以参照:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_a387d6d2010114mp.html

2. 我们在使用ContentProviderOperation时,通常是采用这样的方式

builder = ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(RawContacts.CONTENT_URI); 然后我们可以给这个builder添加一些条件,最后调用他的build()方法返回一个ContentProviderOperation对象。看它的

build()方法, 代码如下:
         /** Create a ContentProviderOperation from this {@link Builder}. */
public ContentProviderOperation build() {
if (mType == TYPE_UPDATE) {
if ((mValues == null || mValues.size() == 0) &&
(mValuesBackReferences == null ||
mValuesBackReferences.size() == 0)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty values");
if (mType == TYPE_ASSERT) {
if ((mValues == null || mValues.size() == 0) &&
(mValuesBackReferences == null ||
mValuesBackReferences.size() == 0) &&
(mExpectedCount == null)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty values");
return new ContentProviderOperation(this);

可以看到new ContentProviderOperation()方法里做了赋值的操作。

3. 最后调用 getContentResolver().applyBatch(ContactsContract.AUTHORITY, operationList) 进行批处理操作,可以这样理解,之前构造ContentProviderOperation的过程就像是在组合SQL语句,而applyBatch相当于执行SQL语句。具体流程是: ContentResolver.java(applyBatch())--> ContentProviderClient.java(applyBatch()) --> ContentProvider.java, ContentProvider的applyBatch()方法如下:

 public ContentProviderResult[] applyBatch(
ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> operations)
throws OperationApplicationException {
final int numOperations = operations.size();
final ContentProviderResult[] results =
new ContentProviderResult[numOperations];
for (int i = 0; i < numOperations; i++) {
results[i] = operations.get(i).apply(this, results, i);
return results;


 public ContentProviderResult apply(ContentProvider provider,
ContentProviderResult[] backRefs, int numBackRefs) throws OperationApplicationException {
ContentValues values =
resolveValueBackReferences(backRefs, numBackRefs);

首先调用了resolveValueBackReferences()方法, 他会返回mValues或者加工后的mValues:

 public ContentValues resolveValueBackReferences(ContentProviderResult[] backRefs, int numBackRefs) {
if () {
return mValues;
final ContentValues values;
if (mValues == null) {
values = new ContentValues();
} else {
values = new ContentValues(mValues);
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry :
mValuesBackReferences.valueSet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
Integer backRefIndex = mValuesBackReferences.getAsInteger(key);
if (backRefIndex == null) {
Log.e(TAG, this.toString());
throw new IllegalArgumentException("
values backref " + key + " is not an integer");
values.put(key, backRefToValue(backRefs, numBackRefs, backRefIndex));
return values;

为了理解mValuesBackReferences == null这个判断,我们先得知道一个问题,在前面一篇文章中,从第二个ContentProviderOperation开始使用了builder.withValueBackReference(Email.RAW_CONTACT_ID, rawContactIndex),其实就是给mValuesBackReferences赋了值,代码如下:

 public Builder withValueBackReference(String key, int previousResult) {
if (mType != TYPE_INSERT && mType != TYPE_UPDATE
&& mType != TYPE_ASSERT) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("only inserts, updates, and asserts can have value back-references");
if (mValuesBackReferences == null) {
mValuesBackReferences = new ContentValues();
mValuesBackReferences.put(key, previousResult);
return this;


继续看resolveValueBackReferences方法,如果mValuesBackReferences == null,直接返回mValues,mValues就是通过withValues()方法填进去的值所组装的ContentValue对象,比如要更新或要插入的值。如果mValuesBackReferences != null,那么会将前一个ContentProviderResult的uri里面的id取出来赋给Email.RAW_CONTACT_ID,就是builder.withValueBackReference(Email.RAW_CONTACT_ID, rawContactIndex)的第一个变量,现在withValueBackReference方法的作用我们也该清楚了。具体的可以参照:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_a387d6d2010114mp.html


 public ContentProviderResult apply(ContentProvider provider, ContentProviderResult[] backRefs,
int numBackRefs) throws OperationApplicationException {
ContentValues values = resolveValueBackReferences(backRefs, numBackRefs);
String[] selectionArgs =
resolveSelectionArgsBackReferences(backRefs, numBackRefs); if (mType == TYPE_INSERT) {
Uri newUri = provider.insert(mUri, values);
if (newUri == null) {
throw new OperationApplicationException("insert failed");
return new ContentProviderResult(newUri);
} int numRows;
if (mType == TYPE_DELETE) {
numRows = provider.delete(mUri, mSelection, selectionArgs);
} else if (mType == TYPE_UPDATE) {
numRows = provider.update(mUri, values, mSelection, selectionArgs);
} else if (mType == TYPE_ASSERT) {
// Assert that all rows match expected values
String[] projection = null;
if (values != null) {
// Build projection map from expected values
final ArrayList<String> projectionList = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : values.valueSet()) {
projection = projectionList.toArray(new String[projectionList.size()]);
final Cursor cursor = provider.query(mUri, projection, mSelection, selectionArgs, null);
try {
numRows = cursor.getCount();
if (projection != null) {
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
for (int i = 0; i < projection.length; i++) {
final String cursorValue = cursor.getString(i);
final String expectedValue = values.getAsString(projection[i]);
if (!TextUtils.equals(cursorValue, expectedValue)) {
// Throw exception when expected values don't match
Log.e(TAG, this.toString());
throw new OperationApplicationException("Found value " + cursorValue
+ " when expected " + expectedValue + " for column "
+ projection[i]);
} finally {
} else {
Log.e(TAG, this.toString());
throw new IllegalStateException("bad type, " + mType);
} if (mExpectedCount != null && mExpectedCount != numRows) {
Log.e(TAG, this.toString());
throw new OperationApplicationException("wrong number of rows: " + numRows);
} return new ContentProviderResult(numRows);




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