Careercup - Microsoft面试题 - 5700293077499904
2014-05-12 00:02
- For a given map (ie Bing map) given longitude/latitude/ how would you design the system so that when map longitudeDelta/latitdueDelta changed you add additional pins on map for regions that was not previously cover.
- In another word, how would you design it to avoid getting and displaying duplicated pins
- //
- Answer:
- A location on the map may change, thus using the pair of <latitude, longitude> to be the unique id is not a good id.
- Maybe using an auto-increment id is better.
- A HashMap<int, Coordinate> which maps the auto-increment id to the coordinate will allow us to change the coordinates as necessary.
- By the way, what kind of knowledge are these questions try to test? IQ, experience or inspiration?
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