2014-05-12 00:02



  1. For a given map (ie Bing map) given longitude/latitude/ how would you design the system so that when map longitudeDelta/latitdueDelta changed you add additional pins on map for regions that was not previously cover.
  2. In another word, how would you design it to avoid getting and displaying duplicated pins




  1. // http://www.careercup.com/question?id=5700293077499904
  2. Answer:
  3. A location on the map may change, thus using the pair of <latitude, longitude> to be the unique id is not a good id.
  4. Maybe using an auto-increment id is better.
  5. A HashMap<int, Coordinate> which maps the auto-increment id to the coordinate will allow us to change the coordinates as necessary.
  6. By the way, what kind of knowledge are these questions try to test? IQ, experience or inspiration?

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