reading/writing files in Python
file types:
- plaintext files, such as .txt .py
- Binary files, such as .docx, .pdf, iamges, spreadsheets, and executable programs(.exe)
steps to read/write files
- call the
function to return aFile object
- Call the
method on the File object - Close the file by calling the
method on the File object
To open the file in 'reading plaintext' mode (read mode):
>>> helloFile=open('/user/kaiming/Python/hello.txt')
>>> helloFile=open('/user/kaiming/Python/hello.txt', 'r')
where 'r' stands for read mode
the call to open()
returns a File object
, and assigned to the variable helloFile
To get a list of string values from the file, one string for each line of text, use readline()
Writing to files >>> open ('hello.txt', 'w') # write mode >>> open ('hello.txt', 'a') # append mode
- when a file is opened in read mode, Python lets you only read data from
the file; you can't write or modify it in any way.
- if the filename passed to
does not exist, both
write and append mode will create a new, blank file
>>> baconFile = open('bacon.txt', 'w') # create a blank file named 'bacon.txt'
>>> baconFile.write('Hello world!\n')
>>> baconFile.close()
>>> baconFile = open('bacon.txt', 'a')
>>> baconFile.write('Bacon is not a vegetable.')
>>> baconFile.close()
>>> baconFile = open('bacon.txt')
>>> content =
>>> baconFile.close()
>>> print(content)
Hello world!
Bacon is not a vegetable.
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