public class CustomerService {
public Double CalculateOrderDiscount(List<Product> products, Customer customer) {
// do work
public Boolean CustomerIsValid(Customer customer, Order order) {
// do work
public List<String> GatherOrderErrors(List<Product> products, Customer customer) {
// do work
public void Register(Customer customer) {
// do work
public void ForgotPassword(Customer customer) {
// do work
public class CustomerOrderService {
public Double CalculateOrderDiscount(List<Product> products, Customer customer) {
// do work
public Boolean CustomerIsValid(Customer customer, Order order) {
// do work
public List<String> GatherOrderErrors(List<Product> products, Customer customer) {
// do work

public class CustomerRegistrationService {
public void Register(Customer customer) {
// do work
public void ForgotPassword(Customer customer) {
// do work

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