
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std; const int MAXN = 1e3 + ;
const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
struct Card
int a, b;
}card[MAXN]; bool cmp(Card x, Card y)
if (x.b == y.b) return x.a > y.a;
return x.b > y.b;
} int main(void) //Codeforces Round #109 (Div. 2) B. Combination
// freopen ("B.in", "r", stdin); int n;
while (scanf ("%d", &n) == )
for (int i=; i<=n; ++i)
scanf ("%d%d", &card[i].a, &card[i].b);
sort (card+, card++n, cmp); int ans = ; int res = ; int cnt = ;
for (int i=; i<=n; ++i)
res += card[i].b - ; ans += card[i].a;
cnt = cnt - + card[i].b;
if (cnt <= ) break;
if (res <= ) break;
} printf ("%d\n", ans);
} return ;

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