- <data>
- <country name="Liechtenstein">
- <rank updated="yes">2</rank>
- <year>2023</year>
- <gdppc>141100</gdppc>
- <neighbor direction="E" name="Austria" />
- <neighbor direction="W" name="Switzerland" />
- </country>
- <country name="Singapore">
- <rank updated="yes">5</rank>
- <year>2026</year>
- <gdppc>59900</gdppc>
- <neighbor direction="N" name="Malaysia" />
- </country>
- <country name="Panama">
- <rank updated="yes">69</rank>
- <year>2026</year>
- <gdppc>13600</gdppc>
- <neighbor direction="W" name="Costa Rica" />
- <neighbor direction="E" name="Colombia" />
- </country>
- </data>
from xml.etree import ElementTree #导入xml处理模块
格式如:a = ElementTree.XML(neir)
格式如:b = a.text
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf8 -*-
- """http请求处理xmlQQ在线状态"""
- import requests #导入http请求模块
- from xml.etree import ElementTree #导入xml处理模块
- http =requests.get("http://www.webxml.com.cn//webservices/qqOnlineWebService.asmx/qqCheckOnline?qqCode=729088188") #发送http请求
- http.encoding = "utf-8" #http请求编码
- neir = http.text #获取http请求的xml字符串代码
- print(neir) #打印获取到http请求的xml字符串代码
- print("\n")
- a = ElementTree.XML(neir) #解析xml,返回的xml的最外层标签节点,也就是一级标签节点
- print(a) #打印xml的最外层标签节点,也就是一级标签节点
- print("\n")
- b = a.text #获取节点标签里的字符串
- print(b) #可以根据这个标签的字符串来判断QQ是否在线
- #输出
- # <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- # <string xmlns="http://WebXml.com.cn/">V</string>
- # <Element '{http://WebXml.com.cn/}string' at 0x0000005692820548>
- # V
注意: 返回以Element开头的为标签节点 如:<Element '{http://WebXml.com.cn/}DataSet' at 0x0000008C179C0548>
格式如:b = a.iter("TrainDetailInfo")
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf8 -*-
- """http请求处理列车时刻表"""
- import requests #导入http请求模块
- from xml.etree import ElementTree #导入xml处理模块
- http =requests.get("http://www.webxml.com.cn/WebServices/TrainTimeWebService.asmx/getDetailInfoByTrainCode?TrainCode=k234&UserID=") #发送http请求
- http.encoding = "utf-8" #http请求编码
- neir = http.text #获取http请求的xml字符串代码
- a = ElementTree.XML(neir) #解析xml,返回的xml的最外层标签节点,也就是一级标签节点
- print(a) #打印xml的最外层标签节点,也就是一级标签节点
- print("\n")
- b = a.iter("TrainDetailInfo") #获取一级标签下的,多个同名同级的标签节点,返回迭代节点,需要for循环出标签节点
- for i in b:
- print(i) #循环出所有的TrainDetailInfo标签节点
- # 输出
- # <Element '{http://WebXml.com.cn/}DataSet' at 0x000000B52FC7F548>
- #
- #
- # <Element 'TrainDetailInfo' at 0x000000B52FC7FB88>
- # <Element 'TrainDetailInfo' at 0x000000B52FC7FD18>
- # <Element 'TrainDetailInfo' at 0x000000B52FC7FEA8>
- # <Element 'TrainDetailInfo' at 0x000000B52FC98098>
- # <Element 'TrainDetailInfo' at 0x000000B52FC98228>
- # <Element 'TrainDetailInfo' at 0x000000B52FC983B8>
- # <Element 'TrainDetailInfo' at 0x000000B52FC98548>
- # <Element 'TrainDetailInfo' at 0x000000B52FC986D8>
- # <Element 'TrainDetailInfo' at 0x000000B52FC98868>
- # <Element 'TrainDetailInfo' at 0x000000B52FC989F8>
- # <Element 'TrainDetailInfo' at 0x000000B52FC98B88>
- # <Element 'TrainDetailInfo' at 0x000000B52FC98D18>
- # <Element 'TrainDetailInfo' at 0x000000B52FC98EA8>
- # <Element 'TrainDetailInfo' at 0x000000B52FC9B098>
- # <Element 'TrainDetailInfo' at 0x000000B52FC9B228>
- # <Element 'TrainDetailInfo' at 0x000000B52FC9B3B8>
- # <Element 'TrainDetailInfo' at 0x000000B52FC9B548>
- # <Element 'TrainDetailInfo' at 0x000000B52FC9B6D8>
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf8 -*-
- """http请求处理列车时刻表"""
- import requests #导入http请求模块
- from xml.etree import ElementTree #导入xml处理模块
- http =requests.get("http://www.webxml.com.cn/WebServices/TrainTimeWebService.asmx/getDetailInfoByTrainCode?TrainCode=k234&UserID=") #发送http请求
- http.encoding = "utf-8" #http请求编码
- neir = http.text #获取http请求的xml字符串代码
- a = ElementTree.XML(neir) #解析xml,返回的xml的最外层标签节点,也就是一级标签节点
- print(a) #打印xml的最外层标签节点,也就是一级标签节点
- print("\n")
- b = a.iter("TrainDetailInfo") #获取一级标签下的,多个同名同级的标签节点,返回迭代节点,需要for循环出标签节点
- for i in b:
- print(i.tag,i.attrib) #tag获取标签的名称,attrib获取标签的属性
- # 输出
- # <Element '{http://WebXml.com.cn/}DataSet' at 0x0000008C179C0548>
- #
- #
- # TrainDetailInfo {'{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata}rowOrder': '0', '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1}id': 'TrainDetailInfo1', '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1}hasChanges': 'inserted'}
- # TrainDetailInfo {'{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata}rowOrder': '1', '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1}id': 'TrainDetailInfo2', '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1}hasChanges': 'inserted'}
- # TrainDetailInfo {'{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata}rowOrder': '2', '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1}id': 'TrainDetailInfo3', '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1}hasChanges': 'inserted'}
- # TrainDetailInfo {'{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata}rowOrder': '3', '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1}id': 'TrainDetailInfo4', '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1}hasChanges': 'inserted'}
- # TrainDetailInfo {'{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata}rowOrder': '4', '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1}id': 'TrainDetailInfo5', '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1}hasChanges': 'inserted'}
- # TrainDetailInfo {'{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata}rowOrder': '5', '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1}id': 'TrainDetailInfo6', '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1}hasChanges': 'inserted'}
- # TrainDetailInfo {'{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata}rowOrder': '6', '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1}id': 'TrainDetailInfo7', '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1}hasChanges': 'inserted'}
- # TrainDetailInfo {'{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata}rowOrder': '7', '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1}id': 'TrainDetailInfo8', '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1}hasChanges': 'inserted'}
- # TrainDetailInfo {'{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata}rowOrder': '8', '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1}id': 'TrainDetailInfo9', '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1}hasChanges': 'inserted'}
- # TrainDetailInfo {'{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata}rowOrder': '9', '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1}id': 'TrainDetailInfo10', '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1}hasChanges': 'inserted'}
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf8 -*-
- """http请求处理xmll列出时刻表"""
- import requests #导入http请求模块
- from xml.etree import ElementTree #导入xml处理模块
- http =requests.get("http://www.webxml.com.cn/WebServices/TrainTimeWebService.asmx/getDetailInfoByTrainCode?TrainCode=k234&UserID=") #发送http请求
- http.encoding = "utf-8" #http请求编码
- neir = http.text #获取http请求的xml字符串代码
- a = ElementTree.XML(neir) #解析xml,返回的xml的最外层标签节点,也就是一级标签节点
- print(a) #打印xml的最外层标签节点,也就是一级标签节点
- print("\n")
- b = a.iter("TrainDetailInfo") #获取一级标签下的,多个同名同级的标签节点,返回迭代句柄,需要for循环出标签节点
- for i in b:
- print(i.find("TrainStation")) #find()查找一个标签节点下的子标签节点
- # 输出
- # <Element '{http://WebXml.com.cn/}DataSet' at 0x000000BF7CFC0548>
- #
- #
- # <Element 'TrainStation' at 0x000000BF7CFC0BD8>
- # <Element 'TrainStation' at 0x000000BF7CFC0D68>
- # <Element 'TrainStation' at 0x000000BF7CFC0EF8>
- # <Element 'TrainStation' at 0x000000BF7CFD90E8>
- # <Element 'TrainStation' at 0x000000BF7CFD9278>
- # <Element 'TrainStation' at 0x000000BF7CFD9408>
- # <Element 'TrainStation' at 0x000000BF7CFD9598>
- # <Element 'TrainStation' at 0x000000BF7CFD9728>
- # <Element 'TrainStation' at 0x000000BF7CFD98B8>
- # <Element 'TrainStation' at 0x000000BF7CFD9A48>
- # <Element 'TrainStation' at 0x000000BF7CFD9BD8>
- # <Element 'TrainStation' at 0x000000BF7CFD9D68>
- # <Element 'TrainStation' at 0x000000BF7CFD9EF8>
- # <Element 'TrainStation' at 0x000000BF7CFDC0E8>
- # <Element 'TrainStation' at 0x000000BF7CFDC278>
- # <Element 'TrainStation' at 0x000000BF7CFDC408>
- # <Element 'TrainStation' at 0x000000BF7CFDC598>
- # <Element 'TrainStation' at 0x000000BF7CFDC728>
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf8 -*-
- """http请求处理xmlQQ在线状态"""
- import requests #导入http请求模块
- from xml.etree import ElementTree #导入xml处理模块
- http =requests.get("http://www.webxml.com.cn/WebServices/TrainTimeWebService.asmx/getDetailInfoByTrainCode?TrainCode=k567&UserID=") #发送http请求
- http.encoding = "utf-8" #http请求编码
- neir = http.text #获取http请求的xml字符串代码
- a = ElementTree.XML(neir) #解析xml,返回的xml的最外层标签节点,也就是一级标签节点
- print(a) #打印xml的最外层标签节点,也就是一级标签节点
- print("\n")
- b = a.iter("TrainDetailInfo") #获取一级标签下的,多个同名同级的标签节点,返回迭代句柄,需要for循环出标签节点
- for i in b:
- print(i.find("TrainStation").text,i.find("ArriveTime").text,i.find("StartTime").text,i.find("KM").text) #获取标签里的字符串
- # 输出
- # <Element '{http://WebXml.com.cn/}DataSet' at 0x000000B9C3775408>
- #
- #
- # 天津(车次:k567) None 15:30:00 0
- # 唐山 17:06:00 17:11:00 114
- # 昌黎 18:19:00 18:22:00 226
- # 北戴河 18:43:00 18:46:00 254
- # 秦皇岛 19:04:00 19:09:00 275
- # 山海关 19:34:00 19:50:00 292
- # 绥中 20:54:00 20:58:00 357
- # 兴城 21:34:00 21:38:00 405
- # 葫芦岛 21:58:00 22:02:00 426
- # 锦州 22:47:00 22:53:00 476
- # 沟帮子 23:42:00 23:46:00 540
- # 沈阳 02:19:00 02:31:00 718
- # 四平 05:16:00 05:19:00 906
- # 八面城 05:40:00 05:42:00 934
- # 双辽 06:28:00 06:33:00 996
- # 保康 07:28:00 07:30:00 1076
- # 太平川 07:56:00 08:00:00 1110
- # 开通 08:33:00 08:36:00 1159
- # 洮南 09:21:00 09:24:00 1227
- # 白城 09:52:00 10:04:00 1259
- # 镇赉 10:31:00 10:34:00 1297
- # 泰来 11:22:00 11:24:00 1361
- # 江桥 12:02:00 12:06:00 1409
- # 三间房 12:51:00 12:53:00 1447
- # 齐齐哈尔 13:26:00 None 1477
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf8 -*-
- """
- 注意:xml通过ElementTree.XML()解析得到一级节点后,可以用for循环节点,和嵌套循环节点来得到想要的节点
- 如下列:
- <data>
- <country name="Liechtenstein">
- <rank updated="yes">2</rank>
- <year>2023</year>
- <gdppc>141100</gdppc>
- <neighbor direction="E" name="Austria" />
- <neighbor direction="W" name="Switzerland" />
- </country>
- <country name="Singapore">
- <rank updated="yes">5</rank>
- <year>2026</year>
- <gdppc>59900</gdppc>
- <neighbor direction="N" name="Malaysia" />
- </country>
- <country name="Panama">
- <rank updated="yes">69</rank>
- <year>2026</year>
- <gdppc>13600</gdppc>
- <neighbor direction="W" name="Costa Rica" />
- <neighbor direction="E" name="Colombia" />
- </country>
- </data>
- """
- a = open("xml.xml","r",encoding="utf-8") #本地打开一个xml文件
- b = a.read() #读出文件内容
- from xml.etree import ElementTree #导入xml处理模块
- c = ElementTree.XML(b) #解析xml得到,第一个节点,也就是一级节点
- for i in c: #循环一级节点里的节点,得到二级节点
- for s in i: #循环二级节点里的节点,得到三级节点下的节点
- print(s) #打印出三级节点
- # 输出
- # <Element 'rank' at 0x000000A4C3B083B8>
- # <Element 'year' at 0x000000A4C3B08408>
- # <Element 'gdppc' at 0x000000A4C3B08458>
- # <Element 'neighbor' at 0x000000A4C3B084A8>
- # <Element 'neighbor' at 0x000000A4C3B084F8>
- # <Element 'rank' at 0x000000A4C3B08598>
- # <Element 'year' at 0x000000A4C3B085E8>
- # <Element 'gdppc' at 0x000000A4C3B08638>
- # <Element 'neighbor' at 0x000000A4C3B08688>
- # <Element 'rank' at 0x000000A4C3B08728>
- # <Element 'year' at 0x000000A4C3B08778>
- # <Element 'gdppc' at 0x000000A4C3B087C8>
- # <Element 'neighbor' at 0x000000A4C3B08818>
- # <Element 'neighbor' at 0x000000A4C3B08868>
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf8 -*-
- a = open("xml.xml","r",encoding="utf-8") #以utf-8编码只读模式打开
- b = a.read() #读出文件里的字符串
- a.close()
- from xml.etree import ElementTree #导入xml解析模块
- c = ElementTree.XML(b) #解析字符串形式的xml,返回的xml的最外层标签节点,也就是一级标签节点
- print(c)
- # 输出
- # <Element 'data' at 0x000000D2756B3228>
xml文件直接解析parse() 注意:parse()方式解析xml是即可读,也可对xml文件写入的,包括,增,删,改
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf8 -*-
- from xml.etree import ElementTree #导入xml解析模块
- c = ElementTree.parse("xml.xml") #打开一个xml文件
- b = c.getroot() #获取xml文件的一级节点
- print(b)
- # 输出
- # <Element 'data' at 0x0000006C681C3228>
格式如:c = ElementTree.parse("xml.xml")
格式如:b = c.getroot()
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf8 -*-
- from xml.etree import ElementTree #导入xml解析模块
- c = ElementTree.parse("xml.xml") #打开一个xml文件
- b = c.getroot() #获取xml文件的一级节点
- print(b)
- # 输出
- # <Element 'data' at 0x000000F9AF0D3228>
使用方法:parse()解析变量.write("保存文件名称",encoding='字符编码', xml_declaration=True, short_empty_elements=False)
xml_declaration=True :写入xml文件时是否写入xml版本信息和字符编码如:<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> True 写入 False 不写入
short_empty_elements=False :是否自动将没有值的空标签保存为单标签 True 是 False 否
格式如:c.write("xml.xml", encoding='utf-8')
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf8 -*-
- from xml.etree import ElementTree #导入xml解析模块
- c = ElementTree.parse("xml.xml") #打开一个xml文件
- b = c.getroot() #获取xml文件的一级节点
- print(b,"\n") #打印获取xml文件的一级节点
- d = b.iter("rank") #获取一级节点下的,所有名称为rank的节点
- for i in d: #循环出所有rank节点
- f1 = int(i.text) + 1 #获取rank节点标签里的字符串,然后转换成数字类型加1,赋值给f1
- i.text = str(f1) #然后将rank节点里的字符串,修改成f1的值
- c.write("xml.xml", encoding='utf-8',xml_declaration=True, short_empty_elements=False) #最后将写入保存
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf8 -*-
- from xml.etree import ElementTree #导入xml解析模块
- c = ElementTree.parse("xml.xml") #打开一个xml文件
- b = c.getroot() #获取xml文件的一级节点
- print(b,"\n") #打印获取xml文件的一级节点
- d = b.iter("year") #获取一级节点下的,所有名称为rank的节点
- for i in d: #循环出所有rank节点
- i.set("linguixiou2","yes2") #为当前节点标签添加属性
- i.set("linguixiou","yes") #为当前节点标签添加属性
- c.write("xml.xml", encoding='utf-8') #最后将写入保存
del 模块关键字
使用方法:del 当前标签节点.attrib["要删除的标签属性名称"]
格式如:del i.attrib["linguixiou"]
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf8 -*-
- from xml.etree import ElementTree #导入xml解析模块
- c = ElementTree.parse("xml.xml") #打开一个xml文件
- b = c.getroot() #获取xml文件的一级节点
- print(b,"\n") #打印获取xml文件的一级节点
- d = b.iter("year") #获取一级节点下的,所有名称为rank的节点
- for i in d: #循环出所有rank节点
- i.set("linguixiou2","yes2") #为当前节点标签添加属性
- i.set("linguixiou","yes") #为当前节点标签添加属性
- del i.attrib["linguixiou"] #(删除标签的属性)del删除,i当前节点,attrib获取标签名称,["linguixiou"]标签名称里的属性名称
- c.write("xml.xml", encoding='utf-8') #最后将写入保存
格式如:d = b.findall("country")
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf8 -*-
- from xml.etree import ElementTree #导入xml解析模块
- c = ElementTree.parse("xml.xml") #打开一个xml文件
- b = c.getroot() #获取xml文件的一级节点
- print(b,"\n") #打印获取xml文件的一级节点
- d = b.findall("country") #获取一级节点,下的多个同名同级的节点,返回成一个列表,每个元素是一个节点
- print(d,"\n")
- e = d[0].find("rank") #索引列表里的第0个元素节点,查找0个元素节点下的rank子节点
- print(e)
- # 输出
- # <Element 'data' at 0x000000278AB63228>
- #
- # [<Element 'country' at 0x000000278AD12B88>, <Element 'country' at 0x000000278AD27548>, <Element 'country' at 0x000000278AD276D8>]
- #
- # <Element 'rank' at 0x000000278AD273B8>
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf8 -*-
- from xml.etree import ElementTree as xml #导入xml解析模块
- c = xml.parse("xml.xml") #打开一个xml文件
- b = c.getroot() #获取xml文件的一级节点
- e = b.find("country") #获取根节点下的country节点
- e.remove(e.find("rank")) #删除country节点下的gdppc节点
- c.write("xml.xml", encoding='utf-8',xml_declaration=True, short_empty_elements=False) #最后将写入保存
格式如:xml.Element('er', attrib={'name': '2'})
格式如:tree = xml.ElementTree(geng)
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf8 -*-
- from xml.etree import ElementTree as xml #as将模块名称重命名为xml
- geng = xml.Element("geng") #创建一级节点,根节点
- b1 = xml.Element('er', attrib={'name': ''}) #创建二级节点
- b2 = xml.Element('er', attrib={'name': ''})#创建二级节点
- geng.append(b1) #将二级节点添加到根节点下
- geng.append(b2) #将二级节点添加到根节点下
- c1 = xml.Element('san', attrib={'name': ''})#创建三级节
- c2 = xml.Element('san', attrib={'name': ''})#创建三级节
- b1.append(c1) #将三级节点添加到二级节点下
- b2.append(c2) #将三级节点添加到二级节点下
- tree = xml.ElementTree(geng) #生成xml
- tree.write('oooo.xml',encoding='utf-8',xml_declaration=True, short_empty_elements=False)
使用方法:定义变量 = 模块名称.SubElement(要追加的父级变量,"标签名称",attrib={"字典形式标签属性"})
定义变量.text = "标签的text文本值"
格式如:ch1 = xml.SubElement(geng,"er",attrib={"name":"zhi"})
ch1.text = "二级标签"
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf8 -*-
- from xml.etree import ElementTree as xml #as将模块名称重命名为xml
- geng = xml.Element("geng") #创建一级节点,根节点
- ch1 = xml.SubElement(geng,"er",attrib={"name":"zhi"})
- ch1.text = "二级标签"
- ch2 = xml.SubElement(ch1,"er3",attrib={"name":"zhi3"})
- ch2.text = "三级标签"
- tree = xml.ElementTree(geng) #生成xml
- tree.write('oooo.xml',encoding='utf-8',xml_declaration=True, short_empty_elements=False)
缩进需要引入 xml文件夹下dom文件夹里的 minidom 模块文件
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET 引入ElementTree模块
from xml.dom import minidom 引入模块
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf8 -*-
- from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
- from xml.dom import minidom
- def prettify(elem):
- """将节点转换成字符串,并添加缩进。"""
- rough_string = ET.tostring(elem, 'utf-8')
- reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string)
- return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent="\t")
- # 创建根节点
- root = ET.Element("famliy") #创建一级节点
- a = ET.SubElement(root,"erji",attrib={"mna":"zhi"}) #创建二级节点
- b1 = ET.SubElement(a,"mingzi") #创建三级节点
- b1.text = "林贵秀"
- b2 = ET.SubElement(a,"xingbie") #创建三级节点
- b2.text = "男"
- b3 = ET.SubElement(a,"nianl") #创建三级节点
- b3.text = ""
- raw_str = prettify(root) #将整个根节点传入函数里缩进处理
- f = open("xxxoo.xml",'w',encoding='utf-8') #打开xxxoo.xml文件
- f.write(raw_str) #将缩进处理好的整个xml写入文件
- f.close() #关闭打开的文件
XML 命名空间提供避免元素命名冲突的方法。
在 XML 中,元素名称是由开发者定义的,当两个不同的文档使用相同的元素名时,就会发生命名冲突。
这个 XML 文档携带着某个表格中的信息:
- <table>
- <tr>
- <td>Apples</td>
- <td>Bananas</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
这个 XML 文档携带有关桌子的信息(一件家具):
- <table>
- <name>African Coffee Table</name>
- <width>80</width>
- <length>120</length>
- </table>
假如这两个 XML 文档被一起使用,由于两个文档都包含带有不同内容和定义的 <table> 元素,就会发生命名冲突。
XML 解析器无法确定如何处理这类冲突。
- <h:table>
- <h:tr>
- <h:td>Apples</h:td>
- <h:td>Bananas</h:td>
- </h:tr>
- </h:table>
此 XML 文档携带着有关一件家具的信息:
- <f:table>
- <f:name>African Coffee Table</f:name>
- <f:width>80</f:width>
- <f:length>120</f:length>
- </f:table>
现在,命名冲突不存在了,这是由于两个文档都使用了不同的名称来命名它们的 <table> 元素 (<h:table> 和 <f:table>)。
通过使用前缀,我们创建了两种不同类型的 <table> 元素。
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf8 -*-
- from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
- ET.register_namespace('com',"http://www.company.com") #register_namespace("命名名称","命名名称值")创建命名空间
- """
- 创建命名空间后,后面创建节点的时候,定义节点标签,和定义节点标签属性的时候,在里面加入命名名称值 如【"{命名名称值}节点标签名称"】,这样会自动将命名名称值转换成命名名称
- 简单的理解就是,给标签,标签属性,加上一个标示,防止名称冲突
- """
- root = ET.Element("{http://www.company.com}STUFF")
- body = ET.SubElement(root, "{http://www.company.com}MORE_STUFF", attrib={"{http://www.company.com}hhh": ""})
- body.text = "STUFF EVERYWHERE!"
- tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
- tree.write("page.xml",xml_declaration=True,encoding='utf-8',method="xml")
- #生成如下
- # <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
- # <com:STUFF xmlns:com="http://www.company.com">
- # <com:MORE_STUFF com:hhh="123">STUFF EVERYWHERE!</com:MORE_STUFF>
- # </com:STUFF>
1.ElementTree 类创建,可以通过ElementTree(xxxx)创建对象,parse()底层还是调用ElementTree()创建的
2.ElementTree 对象,通过getroot()获取根节点
ElementTree() 创建一个ElementTree对象,生成xml
write() 内存中的xml写入文件
iter() 获取一级标签节点下的,多个同名同级的标签节点,可跨级的获取节点,返回迭代节点,需要for循环出标签【有参】
findall() 获取一级节点,下的多个同名同级的节点,返回成一个列表,每个元素是一个节点
find() 查找一个标签节点下的子标签节点,返回子标签节点【有参】
set() 为节点标签添加属性【有参】
remove() 删除父节点下的子节点
text 获取标签里的文本字符串
tag 获取标签的名称,返回标签名称
attrib 获取标签的属性,以字典形式返回标签属性
del 删除标签属性
Element() 创建标签节点,注意只是创建了节点,需要结合append()追加到父节点下
append() 追加标签节点,将一个创建的节点,追加到父级节点下
SubElement() 创建节点追加节点,并且可以定义标签名称,标签属性,以及标签的text文本值
register_namespace() 创建命名空间
- Element,操作详细源码
- class Element:
- """An XML element.
- This class is the reference implementation of the Element interface.
- An element's length is its number of subelements. That means if you
- want to check if an element is truly empty, you should check BOTH
- its length AND its text attribute.
- The element tag, attribute names, and attribute values can be either
- bytes or strings.
- *tag* is the element name. *attrib* is an optional dictionary containing
- element attributes. *extra* are additional element attributes given as
- keyword arguments.
- Example form:
- <tag attrib>text<child/>...</tag>tail
- """
- 当前节点的标签名
- tag = None
- """The element's name."""
- 当前节点的属性
- attrib = None
- """Dictionary of the element's attributes."""
- 当前节点的内容
- text = None
- """
- Text before first subelement. This is either a string or the value None.
- Note that if there is no text, this attribute may be either
- None or the empty string, depending on the parser.
- """
- tail = None
- """
- Text after this element's end tag, but before the next sibling element's
- start tag. This is either a string or the value None. Note that if there
- was no text, this attribute may be either None or an empty string,
- depending on the parser.
- """
- def __init__(self, tag, attrib={}, **extra):
- if not isinstance(attrib, dict):
- raise TypeError("attrib must be dict, not %s" % (
- attrib.__class__.__name__,))
- attrib = attrib.copy()
- attrib.update(extra)
- self.tag = tag
- self.attrib = attrib
- self._children = []
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s %r at %#x>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.tag, id(self))
- def makeelement(self, tag, attrib):
- 创建一个新节点
- """Create a new element with the same type.
- *tag* is a string containing the element name.
- *attrib* is a dictionary containing the element attributes.
- Do not call this method, use the SubElement factory function instead.
- """
- return self.__class__(tag, attrib)
- def copy(self):
- """Return copy of current element.
- This creates a shallow copy. Subelements will be shared with the
- original tree.
- """
- elem = self.makeelement(self.tag, self.attrib)
- elem.text = self.text
- elem.tail = self.tail
- elem[:] = self
- return elem
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self._children)
- def __bool__(self):
- warnings.warn(
- "The behavior of this method will change in future versions. "
- "Use specific 'len(elem)' or 'elem is not None' test instead.",
- FutureWarning, stacklevel=2
- )
- return len(self._children) != 0 # emulate old behaviour, for now
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- return self._children[index]
- def __setitem__(self, index, element):
- # if isinstance(index, slice):
- # for elt in element:
- # assert iselement(elt)
- # else:
- # assert iselement(element)
- self._children[index] = element
- def __delitem__(self, index):
- del self._children[index]
- def append(self, subelement):
- 为当前节点追加一个子节点
- """Add *subelement* to the end of this element.
- The new element will appear in document order after the last existing
- subelement (or directly after the text, if it's the first subelement),
- but before the end tag for this element.
- """
- self._assert_is_element(subelement)
- self._children.append(subelement)
- def extend(self, elements):
- 为当前节点扩展 n 个子节点
- """Append subelements from a sequence.
- *elements* is a sequence with zero or more elements.
- """
- for element in elements:
- self._assert_is_element(element)
- self._children.extend(elements)
- def insert(self, index, subelement):
- 在当前节点的子节点中插入某个节点,即:为当前节点创建子节点,然后插入指定位置
- """Insert *subelement* at position *index*."""
- self._assert_is_element(subelement)
- self._children.insert(index, subelement)
- def _assert_is_element(self, e):
- # Need to refer to the actual Python implementation, not the
- # shadowing C implementation.
- if not isinstance(e, _Element_Py):
- raise TypeError('expected an Element, not %s' % type(e).__name__)
- def remove(self, subelement):
- 在当前节点在子节点中删除某个节点
- """Remove matching subelement.
- Unlike the find methods, this method compares elements based on
- identity, NOT ON tag value or contents. To remove subelements by
- other means, the easiest way is to use a list comprehension to
- select what elements to keep, and then use slice assignment to update
- the parent element.
- ValueError is raised if a matching element could not be found.
- """
- # assert iselement(element)
- self._children.remove(subelement)
- def getchildren(self):
- 获取所有的子节点(废弃)
- """(Deprecated) Return all subelements.
- Elements are returned in document order.
- """
- warnings.warn(
- "This method will be removed in future versions. "
- "Use 'list(elem)' or iteration over elem instead.",
- DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2
- )
- return self._children
- def find(self, path, namespaces=None):
- 获取第一个寻找到的子节点
- """Find first matching element by tag name or path.
- *path* is a string having either an element tag or an XPath,
- *namespaces* is an optional mapping from namespace prefix to full name.
- Return the first matching element, or None if no element was found.
- """
- return ElementPath.find(self, path, namespaces)
- def findtext(self, path, default=None, namespaces=None):
- 获取第一个寻找到的子节点的内容
- """Find text for first matching element by tag name or path.
- *path* is a string having either an element tag or an XPath,
- *default* is the value to return if the element was not found,
- *namespaces* is an optional mapping from namespace prefix to full name.
- Return text content of first matching element, or default value if
- none was found. Note that if an element is found having no text
- content, the empty string is returned.
- """
- return ElementPath.findtext(self, path, default, namespaces)
- def findall(self, path, namespaces=None):
- 获取所有的子节点
- """Find all matching subelements by tag name or path.
- *path* is a string having either an element tag or an XPath,
- *namespaces* is an optional mapping from namespace prefix to full name.
- Returns list containing all matching elements in document order.
- """
- return ElementPath.findall(self, path, namespaces)
- def iterfind(self, path, namespaces=None):
- 获取所有指定的节点,并创建一个迭代器(可以被for循环)
- """Find all matching subelements by tag name or path.
- *path* is a string having either an element tag or an XPath,
- *namespaces* is an optional mapping from namespace prefix to full name.
- Return an iterable yielding all matching elements in document order.
- """
- return ElementPath.iterfind(self, path, namespaces)
- def clear(self):
- 清空节点
- """Reset element.
- This function removes all subelements, clears all attributes, and sets
- the text and tail attributes to None.
- """
- self.attrib.clear()
- self._children = []
- self.text = self.tail = None
- def get(self, key, default=None):
- 获取当前节点的属性值
- """Get element attribute.
- Equivalent to attrib.get, but some implementations may handle this a
- bit more efficiently. *key* is what attribute to look for, and
- *default* is what to return if the attribute was not found.
- Returns a string containing the attribute value, or the default if
- attribute was not found.
- """
- return self.attrib.get(key, default)
- def set(self, key, value):
- 为当前节点设置属性值
- """Set element attribute.
- Equivalent to attrib[key] = value, but some implementations may handle
- this a bit more efficiently. *key* is what attribute to set, and
- *value* is the attribute value to set it to.
- """
- self.attrib[key] = value
- def keys(self):
- 获取当前节点的所有属性的 key
- """Get list of attribute names.
- Names are returned in an arbitrary order, just like an ordinary
- Python dict. Equivalent to attrib.keys()
- """
- return self.attrib.keys()
- def items(self):
- 获取当前节点的所有属性值,每个属性都是一个键值对
- """Get element attributes as a sequence.
- The attributes are returned in arbitrary order. Equivalent to
- attrib.items().
- Return a list of (name, value) tuples.
- """
- return self.attrib.items()
- def iter(self, tag=None):
- 在当前节点的子孙中根据节点名称寻找所有指定的节点,并返回一个迭代器(可以被for循环)。
- """Create tree iterator.
- The iterator loops over the element and all subelements in document
- order, returning all elements with a matching tag.
- If the tree structure is modified during iteration, new or removed
- elements may or may not be included. To get a stable set, use the
- list() function on the iterator, and loop over the resulting list.
- *tag* is what tags to look for (default is to return all elements)
- Return an iterator containing all the matching elements.
- """
- if tag == "*":
- tag = None
- if tag is None or self.tag == tag:
- yield self
- for e in self._children:
- yield from e.iter(tag)
- # compatibility
- def getiterator(self, tag=None):
- # Change for a DeprecationWarning in 1.4
- warnings.warn(
- "This method will be removed in future versions. "
- "Use 'elem.iter()' or 'list(elem.iter())' instead.",
- PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2
- )
- return list(self.iter(tag))
- def itertext(self):
- 在当前节点的子孙中根据节点名称寻找所有指定的节点的内容,并返回一个迭代器(可以被for循环)。
- """Create text iterator.
- The iterator loops over the element and all subelements in document
- order, returning all inner text.
- """
- tag = self.tag
- if not isinstance(tag, str) and tag is not None:
- return
- if self.text:
- yield self.text
- for e in self:
- yield from e.itertext()
- if e.tail:
- yield e.tail
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