freenect libs

Where is the resource?

Here :P :

To make sure you were not installing the old libfreenect stuff shipped with ubuntu.

Try to remove those old packages if you have already.

apt-get remove freenect python-freenect libfreenect-demos 

Before you are going to build the libfreenect, you will want this:

 sudo apt-get install cython python-dev python-numpy freeglut3-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libxmu-dev libxi-dev -y
First you need to download the libfreenect source codes from here.
git clone
cd libfreenect
mkdir build
cd build
sudo cmake ..
sudo make -j4
sudo make install sudo ldconfig

And now you can try plug in the kinect.

you will see it is detected by the computer:

you will see many tools which are compiled at once here.

And Try this, see the depth if it works!!!!

It works!


Python scripts

Now you may want to have fun with those python scripts!

For those people who do not want to compile anything in their ubuntu 14.04

apt-get install python-opencv python-pygame python-xlib

F.Y.I.  I have installed 'opencv-2.4.11' already.

Then, hook some cool stuff now.

** Do not forget to use


before any command related to kinect. Application need resource.

py_kinect makes you feel so easy to have fun with kinect.

the source link is

I feel it's bit slow on ubuntu 14.04. I doute it has something to do with the 'libusb'. According to the docs here , we need the libusb >= 1.0.18 , but here I used libusb 1.0.0

And the package we see is:

$ apt-cache show libusb-1.0--dev
Package: libusb-1.0--dev
Priority: optional
Section: libdevel
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <>
Original-Maintainer: Aurelien Jarno <>
Architecture: amd64
Source: libusbx
Version: :1.0.-1ubuntu2
Depends: libusb-1.0- (= :1.0.-1ubuntu2)
Recommends: libusb-1.0-doc
Filename: pool/main/libu/libusbx/libusb-1.0--dev_1.0.17-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb
MD5sum: 2151c234e5b53391caab9b07b4b07fb0
SHA1: 20bece6578d0453bf57dc2b8f61eb9aa058fe474
SHA256: 5ea52a92904bad5c19f671626d8d52ec6ea8c5eec4d6c6606facb32860db46b7
Description-en: userspace USB programming library development files
Library for programming USB applications without the knowledge
of Linux kernel internals.
This package contains what you need for compiling sources that
use this library in your own code.
Description-md5: 07c28a16589d7bc7f4eda04968bb1f5a
Multi-Arch: same
Origin: Ubuntu
Supported: 9m

The package is maintained by a guy. As we can see,


But it still works. I have already packed a new deb for this situation.

Here the download link:



Please feel free to leave your comments here.

Or you can do some handtracking hacking with kinect!!!

Let's fly!!!

I drew this 'Hi' in the air with my hands.

Happy hacking!

kinect (oldest one) (libfreenect with py_kinect) on linux ubuntu14.04 x64的更多相关文章

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