coroutine - 示例
分享流畅的python一书, coroutine 章节中的出租车仿真的例子. from collections import namedtuple
import queue
import random
Event = namedtuple('Event', 'time process action') def taxi_simu(ident, trips, start_t = ):
time = yield Event(start_t, ident, 'get out of garage')
for i in range(trips):
time = yield Event(time, ident, 'pick up passenger')
time = yield Event(time, ident, 'passenger arrive destination') yield Event(time, ident, 'off duty, going home') class Emulator(object): def __init__(self, proc_mapping): = queue.PriorityQueue() # 保存排定事件的 PriorityQueue 对象,按时间正向排序。
self.process = dict(proc_mapping) # 获取的 procs_map 参数是一个字典(或其他映射),可是又从中构建一个字典,创建本地副本,
# 因为在仿真过程中,出租车回家后会从 self.procs 属性中移除,而我们不想修改用户传入的对象
''' def comupte_duration(self, previous_action):
if 'get out of garage' in previous_action:
return random.randint(,)
elif 'pick up passenger' in previous_action:
return random.randint(,)
elif 'passenger arrive destination' in previous_action:
return random.randint(,)
def run(self, end_time):
for _, process in sorted(self.process.items()): # 使用 sorted 函数获取 self.procs 中按键排序的元素;用不到键,因此赋值给 _。
first_event = next(process) # 调用 next(proc) 预激各个协程,向前执行到第一个 yield 表达式,做好接收数据的准备。产出一个 Event 对象。 # 把各个事件添加到 属性表示的 PriorityQueue 对象中。 simu_time = # 把 sim_time 变量(仿真钟)归零
while simu_time < end_time:
if # 如果队列中没有未完成的事件,退出主循环
print('empty events queue, all events done')
break current_event = # 获取优先队列中 time 属性最小的 Event 对象;这是当前事件(current_event)
simu_time, process_id, previous_action = current_event # 拆包 Event 对象中的数据。这一行代码会更新仿真钟 sim_time,对应于事件发生时的时间。
# 这通常是离散事件仿真:每次循环时仿真钟不会以固定的量推进,而是根据各个事件持续的时间推进
print('Taxi : ', process_id, process_id * ' ', current_event) # 显示 Event 对象,指明是哪辆出租车,并根据出租车的编号缩进
actived_process = self.process[process_id] # 从 self.procs 字典中获取表示当前活动的出租车的协程
next_time = simu_time + self.comupte_duration(previous_action)
next_event = actived_process.send(next_time) # 把计算得到的时间发给出租车协程。协程会产出下一个事件(next_event),或者抛出 StopIteration 异常(完成时)
except StopIteration:
del self.process[process_id] # 如果抛出了 StopIteration 异常,从 self.procs 字典中删除那个协程
else: # 否则,把 next_event 放入队列中
msg = '=== end of simulation time : {} events are pending ==='
print(msg.format( # 如果循环由于仿真时间到了而退出,显示待完成的事件数量(有时可能碰巧是零, 如 endtime 足够大,就不有 event pending, 都会处理完) if __name__ == '__main__':
taxi_num =
end_time =
taxis = {i: taxi_simu(i, (i+)*, i*DEPARTURE_INTERVAL)
for i in range(taxi_num)} simu = Emulator(taxis) '''
OUTPUT, Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='get out of garage')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='get out of garage')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='get out of garage')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='get out of garage')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='get out of garage')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='off duty, going home')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='off duty, going home')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='off duty, going home')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='off duty, going home')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='pick up passenger')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='passenger arrive destination')
Taxi : Event(time=, process=, action='off duty, going home')
empty events queue, all events done '''
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