Batch - Windows Batch 常用命令
比较符号(不能用 < , >)
The reason operators like >
are not used is because they have special meanings in shell scripts. The >
is used to redirect output; <
used to redirect input, etc.
Operator | Description
EQU | equal to
NEQ | not equal to
LSS | less than
LEQ | less than or equal to
GTR | greater than
GEQ | greater than or equal to
%* 命令
Key point:
- It means "all the parameters in the command line".
expands to all parameters from the command line, even after aSHIFT
operation. Normally aSHIFT
will move parameter%2
, etc., and%1
is no longer available. But%*
ignores anySHIFT
, so the complete parameter list is always available. This can be both a blessing and a curse.
- it's useful when you want to forward the command line from your batch file to another program
Shift 命令
command shifts the position of arguments one to the left. Running shift
once in a batch file will make "%1" value to be the second argument, "%2" becomes the third, and so on. It's useful for processing command line arguments in a loop in the batch file.
- Shift doesn't change the actual order, just the index/pointer into the arguments.
- It doesn't affect
Command like:
c:/>batchName.bat a b c d
batName.bat content:
@echo off
echo %
echo %
echo %
echo %*
And you get this:
a b c d
%0 指批处理本身。
%1 指批处理文件名后加的以空格分隔的字符串。
@echo off
start %1
start %3
D:\>batName aa.txt bb.txt cc.txt
对应: %0 %1 %2 %3
就会打开aa.txt(它是第一个参数即%1)和cc.txt(它是第三个参数即%3),而不会打开bb.txt,因为批处理的命令里没有start %2(bb.txt排第二所以是第二个参数)
%2 与 %~2 的区别
substitutes in the second argument. %~2
substitutes the second argumenty but removes any quote marks:
C:\Temp>type t.cmd
@echo off
echo %%2 is: %2
echo %%~2 is: %~2
C:\Temp>t.cmd first second third
%2 is: second
%~2 is: second
C:\Temp>t.cmd first "second third"
%2 is: "second third"
%~2 is: second third
echo off和echo on的作用
rem 我把"执行echo off"和"执行echo on"也打印出来了,对了,前面的 rem 相当于java注释中的//
echo 第一句
echo 第二句
echo 第三句
echo off
echo 执行echo off后
echo 第一句
echo 第二句
echo 第三句
echo on
echo 执行echo on后
echo 第一句
echo 第二句
echo 第三句
执行”echo off”,后面所执行的命令不会显示出来,只会显示结果.
但”echo off”本身的命令会显示出来怎么办,所以一般见到的echo off 前面都有”@”,”@”作用是此行所有的命令都不显示,只执行,和”echo off”比较相似,不过只对当前行起作用
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版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「rainbow702」的原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。
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