▶ 书中第4章,数据管理部分的代码和说明

● 代码,关于 copy,copyin,copyout,create

 #include <stdio.h>
#include <openacc.h> int main()
const int length = ;
int a[length], b[length], c[length],d[length]; for (int i = ; i < length; a[i] = b[i] = c[i] = );
#pragma acc kernels create(d)
for (int i = ; i < length; i++)
a[i] ++;
c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
d[i] = ;
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
printf("a[%d] = %d, c[%d] = %d\n", i, a[i], i, c[i]);
return ;

● 输出结果,显式创建了中间变量 d,隐式创建了 a,b,c,并具有不同的拷贝属性

D:\Code\OpenACC\OpenACCProject\OpenACCProject>pgcc -acc -Minfo main.c -o main_acc.exe
, Generating create(d[:])
Generating implicit copyout(c[:])
Generating implicit copyin(b[:])
Generating implicit copy(a[:])
, Loop is parallelizable
Accelerator kernel generated
Generating Tesla code
, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */

● 在 kernels 里单独使用 copyout 时报警告:PGC-W-0996-The directive #pragma acc copyout is deprecated; use #pragma acc declare copyout instead (main.c: XX)

● enter data 和 exit data 用于 C++。

■ 首先,windows 中 pgi 不支持 C++ 编译,只有 pgcc.exe 而没有 pgc++*.exe,只能乖乖到 Linux 下去写!

■ 书上的代码有点问题,大意是 OpenACC 的 copy 是浅拷贝,对于内含指针的数据结构(如 vector,class)不会连着指针指向的对象一起拷。这里有两种解决办法,一种是去结构化,将 class 中的数据集中成简单数组来进行拷贝;另一种是使用 Managed 内存,也就不存在显式拷贝的问题了。【https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53860467/how-to-copy-on-gpu-a-vector-of-vector-pointer-memory-allocated-in-openacc】

■ 书上的代码没有采用这两种解决方案,会报错 “call to cuStreamSynchronize returned error 700: Illegal address during kernel execution” 以及 “call to cuStreamSynchronize returned error 700: Illegal address during kernel execution”,这个问题还蛮常见的【https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=call+to+returned+error+700%3A+Illegal+address+during+kernel+execution】

● 使用去结构化来使用数组

 #include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint> using namespace std; int main()
const int vectorCount = , vectorLength = ;
long sum = ; vector<int32_t> *vectorTable = new vector<int32_t>[vectorCount]; // 1024 个向量,每个向量放入 20 个元素
for (int i = ; i < vectorCount; i++)
for (int j = ; j < vectorLength; j++)
int32_t **arrayTable = new int32_t *[vectorCount]; // 仅包含向量数据的数组,与 vectorTable 对应
int *vectorSize = new int[vectorCount]; // 每个向量的尺寸 #pragma acc enter data create(arrayTable [0:vectorCount] [0:0]) // 设备中创建 arryTable,注意维度
for (int i = ; i < vectorCount; i++)
int sze = vectorTable[i].size();
vectorSize[i] = sze;
arrayTable[i] = vectorTable[i].data(); // 把每个向量数据的指针赋给 arrayTable
#pragma acc enter data copyin(arrayTable [i:1][:sze]) // 把每个向量的数据拷贝进设备
#pragma acc enter data copyin(vectorSize[:vectorCount]) // 向量尺寸也放进设备 #pragma acc parallel loop gang vector reduction(+: sum) present(arrayTable, vectorSize) // 规约计算
for (int i = ; i < vectorCount; i++)
for (int j = ; j < vectorSize[i]; ++j)
sum += arrayTable[i][j];
cout << "Sum: " << sum << endl; #pragma acc exit data delete (vectorSize)
#pragma acc exit data delete (arrayTable)
delete[] vectorSize;
delete[] vectorTable;
return ;

● 输出结果

cuan@CUAN:~$ pgc++ main.cpp -o main.exe --c++ -ta=tesla -Minfo -acc
, Generating enter data create(arrayTable[:][:])
, Generating enter data copyin(arrayTable[i][:sze+],vectorSize[:])
Generating implicit copy(sum)
Generating present(vectorSize[:])
Generating Tesla code
, Generating reduction(+:sum)
, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */
, #pragma acc loop seq
, Generating present(arrayTable[:][:])
, Loop is parallelizable
, Generating exit data delete(vectorSize[:],arrayTable[:][:])
cuan@CUAN:~$ ./main.exe

● 使用 Managed 内存

 #include <iostream>

 using namespace std;

 class ivector
int len;
int *arr;
ivector(int length)
len = length;
arr = new int[len];
#pragma acc enter data copyin(this)
#pragma acc enter data create(arr [0:len])
#pragma acc parallel loop present(arr [0:len])
for (int iend = len, i = ; i < iend; i++) // 使用临时变量 iend,防止编译器认为 len 值在循环中会改变,从而拒绝并行化
arr[i] = i;
} ivector(const ivector &s)
len = s.len;
arr = new int[len];
#pragma acc enter data copyin(this)
#pragma acc enter data create(arr [0:len])
#pragma acc parallel loop present(arr [0:len], s.arr [0:len]) // s 也已经在设备上了
for (int iend = len, i = ; i < iend; i++)
arr[i] = s.arr[i];
} ~ivector()
#pragma acc exit data delete (arr) // 销毁对象时依次销毁设备上的 arr 和 this
#pragma acc exit data delete (this)
cout << "deconstruction!" << endl;
delete[] arr;
len = ;
} int &operator[](int i)
if (i < || i >= this->len)
return arr[];
return arr[i];
} void add(int c)
#pragma acc kernels loop present(arr [0:len]) // 每次涉及修改 arr 的操作都要注明 present
for (int iend = len, i = ; i < iend; i++)
arr[i] += c;
} void updateHost() // 手动更新主机端数据
#pragma acc update host(arr [0:len])
}; int main()
ivector s1();
cout << "s1[1] = " << s1[] << endl; ivector s2(s1);
cout << "s2[1] = " << s2[] << endl; return ;

● 输出结果,不加 -ta=tesla:managed 会报错【填坑】

cuan@CUAN:~$ pgc++ main.cpp -o main.exe --c++ -ta=tesla:managed -Minfo -acc
, Generating enter data copyin(this[:])
Generating enter data create(arr[:len])
Generating Tesla code
, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */
, Generating implicit copy(this[:])
Generating present(arr[:len])
ivector::ivector(const ivector&):
, Generating enter data create(arr[:len])
Generating enter data copyin(this[:])
Generating present(arr[:len])
Generating Tesla code
, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */
, Generating implicit copyin(s[:])
Generating implicit copy(this[:])
Generating present(s->arr[:len])
, Generating exit data delete(this[:],arr[:])
, Generating Tesla code
, Accelerator serial kernel generated
Generating implicit copy(this[:])
Generating present(arr[:len])
, Loop is parallelizable
Generating Tesla code
, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */
, Generating update self(arr[:len])
cuan@CUAN:~$ ./main.exe
launch CUDA kernel file=/home/cuan/main.cpp function=_ZN7ivectorC1Ei line= device= threadid= num_gangs= num_workers= vector_length= grid= block=
launch CUDA kernel file=/home/cuan/main.cpp function=_ZN7ivector3addEi line= device= threadid= num_gangs= num_workers= vector_length= grid= block=
launch CUDA kernel file=/home/cuan/main.cpp function=_ZN7ivector3addEi line= device= threadid= num_gangs= num_workers= vector_length= grid= block=
s1[] =
launch CUDA kernel file=/home/cuan/main.cpp function=_ZN7ivectorC1ERKS_ line= device= threadid= num_gangs= num_workers= vector_length= grid= block=
s2[] =

● 在这本书上找到了 C++ 中使用 OpenACC 的办法 【https://www.elsevier.com/books/parallel-programming-with-openacc/farber/978-0-12-410397-9】,代码是【https://github.com/rmfarber/ParallelProgrammingWithOpenACC/tree/master/Chapter05】下的 accList.double.cpp

 // accList.h
#ifndef ACC_LIST_H
#define ACC_LIST_H #include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
#ifdef _OPENACC
#include <openacc.h>
#endif template<typename T>
class accList
explicit accList() {}
explicit accList(size_t size) // 构造函数把 this 指针拷进设备,然后创建内存
#pragma acc enter data copyin(this)
} ~accList() // 析构时释放内存,再删除 this 指针
#pragma acc exit data delete(this)
} #pragma acc routine seq
T& operator[](size_t idx)
return _A[idx];
} #pragma acc routine seq
const T& operator[](size_t idx) const
return _A[idx];
} size_t size() const
return _size;
} accList& operator=(const accList& B)
for (size_t j = ; j < _size; ++j)
_A[j] = B[j];
return *this;
} void insert(size_t idx, const T& val)
_A[idx] = val;
void insert(size_t idx, const T* val)
_A[idx] = *val;
} void accUpdateSelf()
accUpdateSelfT(_A, );
void accUpdateDevice()
accUpdateDeviceT(_A, );
} private:
T * _A{ nullptr }; // 数据成员只有指针和长度
size_t _size{ }; void release()
if (_size > )
#pragma acc exit data delete(_A[0:_size]) // 释放内存时删除设备内存
delete[] _A;
_A = nullptr;
_size = ;
} void allocate(size_t size)
if (_size != size) // 申请内存尺寸与当前尺寸不一致时重新开辟一块
_size = size;
#pragma acc update device(_size)
if (_size > )
_A = new T[_size];
#ifdef _OPENACC // 有 OpenACC 的话检查 _A 是否已经在设备上了
assert(!acc_is_present(&_A[], sizeof(T)));
#pragma acc enter data create(_A[0:_size]) // 在设备上申请新内存
} template<typename U>
void accUpdateSelfT(U *p, long)
#pragma acc update self(p[0:_size])
} template<typename U>
auto accUpdateSelfT(U *p, int) -> decltype(p->accUpdateSelf())
for (size_t j = ; j < _size; ++j)
} template<typename U>
void accUpdateDeviceT(U *p, long)
#pragma acc update device(p[0:_size])
} template<typename U>
auto accUpdateDeviceT(U *p, int) -> decltype(p->accUpdateDevice())
for (size_t j = ; j < _size; ++j)
#endif // main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdint>
#include "accList.h"
using namespace std;
#ifndef N
#define N 1024
#endif int main()
accList<double> A(N), B(N);
for (int i = ; i < B.size(); ++i)
B[i] = 2.5;
B.accUpdateDevice(); // 手动更新设备内存
#pragma acc parallel loop gang vector present(A,B)
for (int i = ; i < A.size(); ++i)
A[i] = B[i] + i;
A.accUpdateSelf(); // 手动更新主机内存
for (int i = ; i<; ++i)
cout << "A[" << i << "]: " << A[i] << endl;
cout << "......" << endl;
for (int i = N - ; i<N; ++i)
cout << "A[" << i << "]: " << A[i] << endl;
return ;

● 运行结果

cuan@CUAN:~/acc$ pgc++ main.cpp -o main.exe -Minfo -acc
, Generating present(B,A)
Generating Tesla code
, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */
accList<double>::accList(unsigned long):
, include "accList.h"
, Generating enter data copyin(this[:])
, include "accList.h"
, Generating exit data delete(this[:])
accList<double>::operator [](unsigned long):
, include "accList.h"
, Generating acc routine seq
Generating Tesla code
accList<double>::size() const:
, include "accList.h"
, Generating implicit acc routine seq
Generating acc routine seq
Generating Tesla code
, include "accList.h"
, Generating exit data delete(_A[:_size])
accList<double>::allocate(unsigned long):
, include "accList.h"
, Generating update device(_size)
, Generating enter data create(_A[:_size])
void accList<double>::accUpdateSelfT<double>(T1 *, long):
, include "accList.h"
, Generating update self(p[:_size])
void accList<double>::accUpdateDeviceT<double>(T1 *, long):
, include "accList.h"
, Generating update device(p[:_size])
cuan@CUAN:~/acc$ ./main.exe
launch CUDA kernel file=/home/cuan/acc/main.cpp function=main line= device= threadid= num_gangs= num_workers= vector_length= grid= block=
A[]: 2.5
A[]: 3.5
A[]: 4.5
A[]: 5.5
A[]: 6.5
A[]: 7.5
A[]: 8.5
A[]: 9.5
A[]: 10.5
A[]: 11.5
A[]: 1016.5
A[]: 1017.5
A[]: 1018.5
A[]: 1019.5
A[]: 1020.5
A[]: 1021.5
A[]: 1022.5
A[]: 1023.5
A[]: 1024.5
A[]: 1025.5 Accelerator Kernel Timing data
main NVIDIA devicenum=
: compute region reached time
: kernel launched time
grid: [] block: []
device time(us): total= max= min= avg=
elapsed time(us): total= max= min= avg=
: data region reached times
_ZN7accListIdEC1Em NVIDIA devicenum=
: data region reached times
: data copyin transfers:
device time(us): total= max= min= avg=
_ZN7accListIdED1Ev NVIDIA devicenum=
: data region reached times
_ZN7accListIdE7releaseEv NVIDIA devicenum=
: data region reached times
: data copyin transfers:
device time(us): total= max= min= avg=
_ZN7accListIdE8allocateEm NVIDIA devicenum=
: update directive reached times
: data copyin transfers:
device time(us): total= max= min= avg=
: data region reached times
: data copyin transfers:
device time(us): total= max= min= avg=
_ZN7accListIdE14accUpdateSelfTIdEEvPT_l NVIDIA devicenum=
: update directive reached time
: data copyout transfers:
device time(us): total= max= min= avg=
_ZN7accListIdE16accUpdateDeviceTIdEEvPT_l NVIDIA devicenum=
: update directive reached time
: data copyin transfers:
device time(us): total= max= min= avg=


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