Linux command dialog


       Learning how to use dialog commad, do  man-machine interaction.



       Ubuntu 16.04 terminal



       Source code:



TTY_X=$(($(stty size | awk '{print $2}')-6)) # determine terminal width
TTY_Y=$(($(stty size | awk '{print $1}')-6)) # determine terminal height
# We'll use this title on all menus
backtitle="test dialog" options+=("yes" "U-boot and kernel packages")
options+=("no" "Full OS image for flashing")
KERNEL_ONLY=$(dialog --stdout --title "Choose an option" --backtitle "$backtitle" --no-tags --menu "Select what to build" \
$TTY_Y $TTY_X $(($TTY_Y - 8)) "${options[@]}")
unset options

  test result :


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