每日英语:Got a Case of the Mondays? Blame the Sunday Blues
Welcome to Monday morning at the office. Did you have trouble sleeping last night? Was your stomach bothering you? Did you feel a sense of dread about heading into work?
Could be that you have a case of the Sunday blues - and you're not the only one. A recent survey by jobs website Monster.com found that 8 out of 10 people report melancholy and anxious feelings as the weekend winds down. Nearly half of the 3,600 respondents went so far as to say they have it 'really bad.'
'Really bad' is hardly a clinical diagnosis, but Sunday blues are real, says Jeffrey Kahn, a clinical associate professor of psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College who specializes in workplace issues. He's noticed that some workers tend to sleep poorly on Sunday night, feeling wired as they rev up for the week or rehearsing the next day's agenda in their heads.
clinical diagnosis:临床诊断 rev up:加快转速
'It's part real - they're going back to the office - and part symbolic,' he says. The dawn of a fresh week reminds people of the bigger issues lurking under the surface amid weekend brunches, sporting events and parties.
Employees worry about a harsh boss or a big project coming due. But some of the worst anxiety is actually sparked by 'things that might go well,' Kahn says. Workers on the brink of a promotion might fear the extra work that will come along with it or that their colleagues will become envious. Or employees about to wrap a big project might worry they won't be able to repeat the feat.
Sunday evening anxiety isn't all bad, Kahn notes-some people channel their anxious feelings into intense effort, working harder to banish their nerves.
Joanie Ruge, a staffing industry veteran who's now a senior vice president at Monster, recommends workers take extra time on Friday to prep for Monday morning and fully disconnect during the weekends so they feel fully refreshed once the week begins. She also suggests workers set early bedtimes on Sunday nights and wake extra-early on Monday so they're not stressed or harried as they make their way to work.
Kahn says meditation, exercise or social events like dinner with family can help to ease Sunday stress. Activities that provide comfort or distraction can be helpful - think, a favorite television show or a warm drink.
'For some people, a cup of hot chocolate works wonders,' he says.
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