.NET Framework posters with Namespaces & Types
Framework is platform containing a huge library of types, methods, classes, etc., cataloged into namespaces. But it is not ending here. With each new version of the framework, a new bunch of features is added to already existing ones. So, it is getting harder & harder to get familiar with all that and get localized what and where could be found.
In some help comes so called posters, which visualize in old fashion style the most general look of .NET framework library.
Almost all of them are prepared by Microsoft, so they can be considered exact and comprehensive.
Here are the links where you can download them:
.NET Framework 4.0 (alternative)
.NET Framework 4.5 (there is still no official one)
Many of them are enough big and in good resolution to be printed on paper for permanent placement on the wall. Hope you will enjoy them.
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