
Could not find the main class: org.eclipse.ant.internal.launching.remote.InternalAntRunner. 最近更新了eclipse,发现运行ant不好使来了,报的异常如标题所示。然后各种百度,尼玛!我只想说百度上写这些bug文档的人,能不能别乱写啊,艹。按照上面所说各种尝试,都不行。没办法,还是去Google吧。

I just installed Mars and when I tried to execute a build.xml after checking out an existing and working project I got that error message:

Could not find the main class: org.eclipse.ant.internal.launching.remote.InternalAntRunner. Program will exit.

The solution is to go to Run as → External tools configuration… → JRE where the default was set to “Separate JDK”: jdk1.6.0_31 (I had set up JDKs 6-8 in Preferences after installing). I changed this to “run in the same JRE as the workspace” and now it works.

Bug fix would be to provide a working default configuration with setup. Configuration should be in a way it does not break if the user adds additional JDKs to Preferences.


翻译:右键build.xml文件Run as里选择External Tools Configuration...

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