The following methods return the indices of the selected items:

    // To create a list, see e774 创建JList组件

    // Get the index of all the selected items
int[] selectedIx = list.getSelectedIndices(); // Get all the selected items using the indices
for (int i=0; i<selectedIx.length; i++) {
Object sel = list.getModel().getElementAt(selectedIx[i]);
} // Get the index of the first selected item
int firstSelIx = list.getSelectedIndex(); // Get the index of the last selected item
int lastSelIx = list.getMaxSelectionIndex(); // Determine if the third item is selected
int index = 2;
boolean isSel = list.isSelectedIndex(index); // Determine if there are any selected items
boolean anySelected = !list.isSelectionEmpty();

The following methods return the selected item objects:

    // Get the first selected item
Object firstSel = list.getSelectedValue(); // Get all selected items without using indices
Object[] selected = list.getSelectedValues();
Related Examples

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