netstat -ano

netstat -anvb

netstat -s -p [tcp|udp|ip|icmp]

# 关闭/打开防火墙

netsh firewall set opmode disable

netsh firewall set opmode enable

# 当前运行中的进程

tasklist /m    /svc

# 查看所有服务状态及指定服务

sc query [ServiceName]

# 查看本机所有驱动


# AccessChk V.6.12 工具下载地址


accesschk64  "administrator" e:\1   #  查找e:\1目录下所有 存在administrator权限的文件

Using AccessChk

Usage: accesschk [-s][-e][-u][-r][-w][-n][-v]-[f <account>,...][[-a]|[-k]|[-p [-f] [-t]]|[-h][-o [-t <object type>]][-c]|[-d]] [[-l [-i]]|[username]] <file, directory, registry key, process, service, object>

Parameter Description
-a Name is a Windows account right. Specify "*" as the name to show all rights assigned to a user. Note that when you specify a specific right, only groups and accounts directly assigned to the right are displayed.
-c Name is a Windows Service, e.g. ssdpsrv. Specify "*" as the name to show all services and "scmanager" to check the security of the Service Control Manager.
-d Only process directories or top-level keys
-e Only show explicitly set-Integrity Levels (Windows Vista Vista and higher only)
-f If following -p, shows full process token information including groups and privileges. Otherwise is a list of comma-separated accounts to filter from the output.
-h Name is a file or printer share. Specify '*' as the name to show all shares.
-i Ignore objects with only inherited ACEs when dumping full access control lists.
-k Name is a Registry key, e.g. hklm\software
-l Show full security descriptor. Add -i to ignore inherited ACEs.
-n Show only objects that have no access
-o Name is an object in the Object Manager namespace (default is root). To view the contents of a directory, specify the name with a trailing backslash or add -s. Add -t and an object type (e.g. section) to see only objects of a specific type.
-p Name is a process name or PID, e.g. cmd.exe (specify "*" as the name to show all processes). Add -f to show full process token information, including groups and privileges. Add -t to show threads.
-q Omit Banner
-r Show only objects that have read access
-s Recurse
-t Object type filter, e.g. "section"
-u Suppress errors
-v Verbose (includes Windows Vista Integrity Level)
-w Show only objects that have write access

If you specify a user or group name and path, AccessChk will report the effective permissions for that account; otherwise it will show the effective access for accounts referenced in the security descriptor.

By default, the path name is interpreted as a file system path (use the "\pipe\" prefix to specify a named pipe path). For each object, AccessChk prints R if the account has read access, W for write access, and nothing if it has neither. The -v switch has AccessChk dump the specific accesses granted to an account.


The following command reports the accesses that the Power Users account has to files and directories in \Windows\System32:

accesschk "power users" c:\windows\system32

This command shows which Windows services members of the Users group have write access to:

accesschk users -cw \*

To see what Registry keys under HKLM\CurrentUser a specific account has no access to:

accesschk -kns austin\mruss hklm\software

To see the security on the HKLM\Software key:

accesschk -k hklm\software

To see all files under \Users\Mark on Vista that have an explicit integrity level:

accesschk -e -s c:\users\mark

To see all global objects that Everyone can modify:

accesschk -wuo everyone \basednamedobjects

# 要查看与当前帐户使用关联的权限

whoami /priv

# 一个好玩的“隐写术”

^"%LOCALAPPDATA:~-3%^%SYSTEMROOT:~0,1%^"    # calc

^%LOCALAPPDATA:~0,1%^%Programdata:~9,1%^%SYSTEMROOT:~-4,1%^   # cmd

rundll32.exe user32.dll LockWorkStation  # 锁屏功能

%APPDATA:~-7,1%^%APPDATA:~3,1%^%comspec:~5,1%^%OS:~3,1%^%TEMP:~-6,1%^%TEMP:~-6,1%^32^%comspec:~-4%^ %temp:~3,4%^32^.d^%TEMP:~-6,1%^%TEMP:~-6,1%^ LockWorkStation


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