English trip -- VC(情景课)9 A Get ready
She is doing homwork
He is doing laundry
He is drying the dishes
She is making lunch
She is making the bed
He is washing the dishes
# 现在进行时
人称代词 Be动词 动词+ing形式
I am
He / She / It /"Name" is > v(ing) spelling rules(拼写规则)
You/We/They/"Names"(xx and I) are
Six Spelling Rules
1. Add -ing to most verbs (直接在大部分动词后面跟上ing形式) e.g. start - starting jump - jumping
2.If the verb ends in 'e' cut 'e' add ing,not for -ie or ee(如果这个动词结尾是'e',去掉e,添加ing形式,不能是ie或者ee的情况) e.g. live - living care -caring
3.If the verb ends in ee adding(如果动词结尾是'ee',直接添加ing不用去掉e) e.g. see - seeing agree - agreeing
4.If the verb ends in 'ie' cut ie add 'y' then add ing(如果这个动词结束是'ie',更换为'y',再添加ing形式)e.g. die - dying tie - tying
5.One syllable verbs and ends consonant + vowel + consonant Double the last consonat and add ing(一个音节动词的结尾有 辅音+元音+辅音的情况下,双写2个辅音字母,然后再加上ing形式)e.g. run - running stop - stopping
6.Do not double if final letter is w, x , y(如果字母结尾是'w','x','y'的时候,不要双写辅音字母,直接跟上ing形式)e.g. play - playing sew - sewing mix - mixing
Words exercise
cook meals (做饭) -> cooking meals
do the dishes (洗碗) ->doing the dishes
do the laundry (洗衣服)-> doing the laundry ;和doing the clothes区别是,laundry是指洗衣机洗,clothes一般指手洗 (洗衣机:laundry machine or washing machine)
fold the clothes (折衣服) ->folding the clothes
mop the floor (拖地) -> mopping the floor ; 辅+元+辅
set the table(布置餐具)-> setting the table; 辅+元+辅
sweep the floor(打扫地面)-> sweeping the floor
take out the trash(清倒垃圾)-> taking out the trash; 字母e结尾,去掉e+ing形式 ; 垃圾(rubbish junk trash)三个词汇区别:?
PS:Junk一般是跟food连用,垃圾食品,单个意思就是无价值无用的东西;做垃圾讲的时候rubbish(偏英式) 和trash(偏美式)没有区别,英文释义完全一样
vacuum ['vækjʊəm] the floor -> (地板除尘)vacuuming the floor
The kids are cooking meals with Chef Paul 孩子们与厨师保罗一起做饭
Chef Sammy is doing the dishes on his own 厨师萨米给自己做菜
My sister is doing the laundry ,she loves it 我妹妹正在洗衣服,她很喜欢这件衣服
Sandra is folding the clothes ,it is her first time 桑德拉正在折衣服,这是她第一次做
Julian is mopping the floor, she hates it 朱莉安拖着地板,她讨厌它
My dad is setting the table for dinner 我爸爸摆好餐具准备吃晚餐
I am sweeping the floor,my mom said my room is a mess. 我在扫地,妈妈说我的房间一团糟。
John is taking out the trash , he doesn't mind doing it. 约翰出去倒垃圾,他不介意这样做。
Mr.Donny is vacuuming the floor , he and his wife had a fight. 唐尼先生正在地板上吸尘,他和他的妻子打架了。
She asked me to wait for a while 她让我等一会儿
I have no idea 我不知道
downstairs 楼下
calmness 冷静,镇静;平静,安宁
After then 在那之后
take a shower 洗澡
wash hands 洗手
wash hair 洗头
# “歪果仁”的 Six 餐(meals)
breakfast 早餐
lunch 午餐
dinner 晚餐
brunch 早午餐
teabreak 下午茶
late-night snack 深夜点心;夜宵?
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