fn project 对象模型
At the root of everything are applications. In fn
, an application is essentially a grouping of functions with path mappings (routes) to each function. For instance, consider the following URLs for the app called myapp
This is an app with 2 routes:
- A mapping of the path
to a function calledhello
- A mapping of the path
to a function calledusers
An app consists of 1 or more routes. A route stores the mapping between URL paths and functions (ie: container iamges).
A call represents an invocation of a function. Every request for a URL as defined in the routes, a call is created. The call_id
for each request will show up in all logs and the status of the call, as well as the logs, can be retrieved using the call_id
Logs are stored for each call
that is made and can be retrieved with the call_id
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